Astrology Forecast April 17 – 23, 2023
An interesting astrological week lies ahead as the Sun moves into Taurus on Thursday, followed by an Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse. If you have placements in any of the cardinal signs, namely in Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, this first solar eclipse of the year will affect you more.
Tomorrow afternoon the Pisces Moon conjunction with Neptune may cause us to be distracted and immersed in daydreams, as well as overly sensitive, emotional and even anxious. Keep calm and try to stay focused until the Moon transits into Aries tonight to restore our mental clarity, energy levels and confidence to take on life’s challenges.
Leading up to the Solar Eclipse and Sun sign transition on Thursday, tomorrow and Wednesday’s Aries Moon will cast excitement in the air. We’ll feel a signigicant change is coming, even if we don’t know what it is yet.
Thursday’s hybrid solar eclipse in Aries is a rare and beautiful phenomenon, as it is both a total and an annular eclipse. During an annular eclipse the edge of the Sun remains visible, creating a lovely bright ring of light around the shadow of the Moon.
This solar eclipse is a powerful time to review our dreams and goals, set clear intentions, and embrace new possibilities. If you need a significant breakthrough in your career, business or romance, then make the most of this potentially life-changing energy with a prayer, meditation, affirmations, or visualization. This is also the second Aries New Moon in just three weeks, so it reaffirms the energy of the previous, encouraging us to put ourselves out there and create new magic and miracles!
Empower Your Life With Affirmations
Affirmation is a great self-empowerment tool for deliberate manifesting, personal transformation and self-healing. It is a simple, yet powerful spiritual practice to focus on what we wish to create and attract, and make the changes we wish for in ourselves and our life.
An affirmation is an affirmative, positive statement or mantra that you repeatedly speak, preferably daily. Words or language have metaphysical power. By thinking, speaking, and writing affirmative mantras, slogans, chants, spells, invocations, or prayers we set powerful intentions for transformation and manifestation. Here are some examples:
I lоvе and ассерt myself.
I fully believe in myself.
My potential is limitless.
I am achieving greatness.
My body is healthy and strong.
My mind is powerful.
I have control over my thoughts and feelings.
I am happy and fulfilled.
Affirmations reframe and improve our thinking. It reconstructs our negative thought patterns and rewires our mind to become more positively focused. The more we repeat it, the more it creates neural pathways for positive thought. These empowering new pathways gradually replace our old, negative thoughts habits.
The Karmic Purpose Of Reincarnation
Do we reincarnate? I know from both personal and professional experience that we do. I also believe we continue to do so, until we have learned all the necessary lessons bestowed upon our soul. We also carry over karmic debt from one life to the next, which we must deal with before we can finally transcend and not return to another lifetime in this world.
Sometimes we experience clear signs and evidence of reincarnation in our daily lives. The most common is meeting a stranger and instantly knowing deep in your soul that you have known them before in another lifetime.
We also witness this in our families and among our friends. I have seen traits and mannerisms of my grandfather, who passed when I was young, in my son who is now an adult. It always makes me smile, as I know where he’s coming from.
I have also come across several people I have known in another life. Sitting in meditation, I have been shown the capacity in which we were connected before. In a past life regression, I have seen how one of my best friends was an archenemy in a past life.
Some people have unusual memories from another time, or a place they have never been, or they often experience déjà vu. Another sign of reincarnation is having recurring dreams about people and places not related to your waking life. Or strongly identifying with a foreign country or culture, or a particular period in history.
Empower Yourself With Astrological Intention
Astrology is to me like a metaphysical best friend. It is a way to reflect in the mirror and expand my personal growth. By applying it daily over the past decade my life has become more mindful, and miraculous. I’ve also noticed that challenging astrological aspects, such as squares and oppositions, have become easier for me to deal with.
An astrological square is considered one of the more adverse aspects in a chart. This placement is when two planets are separated by three zodiac signs and therefore positioned at a 90-degree angle in the chart at the time of birth. This creates competing tension between the energies of these two planets which neither can win, forcing them to compromise and somehow meet each other halfway.
An astrological opposition is another extremely challenging aspect in a chart. This placement happens when two planets are exactly opposite each other in the zodiac at 180 degrees apart. This means these two planets are in opposing signs and as far apart as they can possibly be on the astrological wheel. Their unique energies are therefore polar opposite, causing conflict, drama, and power clashes.
I keep track of these events in my chart because I incorporate daily astrological intentions in my life as part of my spiritual routine. My practice is to map out each day’s relevant transits and to then meditate on the significant aspects. I also pray for assistance where needed, such as with the significant squares and oppositions in my daily chart. Then, I go about my day.
Astrology Forecast April 10 – 16, 2023
Things should hum along smoothly this week, with the only major astrological shift being Venus entering Gemini today. Under this influence we will feel encouraged to express ourselves more openly and lovingly, sharing unconditional love and support with everyone around us.
The Capricorn Moon will cast a productive air from tomorrow until Thursday, so the midweek will be the best time to focus on getting things done.
The Aries Sun conjunction with Jupiter tomorrow evening brings with it high energy, good vibes, fun times, and lucky breaks. Together with the Capricorn Moon sextile with Saturn in Pisces, it will be the ideal time for a rowdy girls’ night out. However, while it offers a great excuse to venture out on a school night, be careful with your spending, as this extravagant aspect is notorious for leaving maxed out credit cards in its wake!
Friday and Saturday’s Aquarius Moon inspires us to think differently, as we head into the weekend, so this will be a great time to try something new, venture out to meet new friends, or take up a global cause that is dear to your heart.
We can lay back on Sunday and relax, as the watery Pisces Moon will encourage us to turn inward and nurture our soul. Buit this might also make it a bit difficult to get much done in a practical sense, thus the need to take care of the essentials midweek!
The Ancient Magic Of The Runes
The casting of runes is a fascinating divination practice dating back to the ancient Germanic and Scandinavian peoples. The rune symbols originally served as an alphabet for written communication in various Germanic languages until the Latin alphabet was later adopted.
But the runes retained their archetypal symbolism and time evolved into a powerful tool for divination, magic, and meditation. The origin of word ‘rune’ actually stems from the old Germanic word for ‘secret’ or ‘mystery.’ The modern mystique of the runes lies in how it connects us to the wisdom of the ancients.
The runes are a set of 24 symbols, each with its own unique symbolic meaning and energy signature. Traditionally it is made of natural materials, such as stone, wood, or bone. The most common use of runes is for divination purposes, where the symbols are cast, or drawn, and then interpreted to gain insight into a particular situation or question.
Like other divination tools, the runes offer a gateway to tapping into the collective unconscious. These symbols have been used for centuries by countless people, each leaving their own energy imprint on the universal interpretation of each. When we work with the runes, we therefore tap into the collective wisdom it represents and gain access to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
A charming aspect of the runes is their connection to nature. Many of these ancient symbols were derived from natural elements, such as trees, animals, and weather patterns. By engaging with the runes, we also connect with the natural world and its rhythms, which empowers us with greater balance and harmony in our lives and aligns us with the flow of the universe.
Astrology Forecast April 3 – 9, 2023
The way to get through this week without getting ‘wounded in combat’ is to choose your battles very wisely. In fact, it may be best to sit on the sidelines and let everyone else duke it out over the next few days! Taking things in our stride, biding our time, and holding fast to the ultimate goal, will help us to maneuver the ups and downs of the week.
We can set a cautious tone for the week by keeping our ego in check today under an idealistic Virgo Moon, as well as the inflexible attitude of Mercury in Taurus. These aspects may have us thinking our ideas and opinions are the best and cause us to dig our heels in, and perhaps we are correct, but striving for teamwork, being more flexible, and considering the needs and sensitivities of others will serve us best this week.
Grace, harmony and self-awareness will be a little easier to maintain once the Moon moves into Libra tomorrow, where it remain until it waxes full on Thursday. But watch your step Wednesday morning under the Libra Moon square with Mars in Cancer, as this aspect is known for causing people to be more easily triggered, impulsive, and even argumentative.
The Libra Full Moon on Thursday may continue to have us feeling moody, irritable and restless. It will however also entice us to let go of our preconceived ideas entirely once it peaks and a new and better dream emerges under Friday and Saturday’s Scorpio Moon.
Things may however be heating up again by Sunday. Watch out for more assertive energy, as the Sagittarius Moon will combine forces with the Aries Sun to bring out the aggressive, stubborn qualities in people.