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Daily Horoscopes For Saturday July 27, 2024

Aries   March 21st - April 20th:  When you least expect it, a wonderful gift will arrive on your doorstep, and you'll be compelled to share it with others under the Aries Moon. Be flexible with your schedule today so you can include more people in a group activity you're trying to plan. You'll be exposed to a stronger set of values and beliefs through concentrated study or a new spiritual friend this weekend. Jasmine incense can restore balance to your surroundings, so light some this evening to refresh your world.

KEEP IN MIND: If you follow Spirit's lead today, everything will work out amazingly!

Taurus   April 21st - May 20th:  Your intuition will be operating on high under the Aries Moon, so feel free to take a leap of faith today. It's time to try a new method for resolving an old problem; when you do, you'll experience immediate success. Blocks to progress in your personal life will begin to clear on their own, allowing you to make some definite plans for the future. Light ocean incense this evening and let it wash over you, surrounding you with a fresh perspective and lightness of being.

KEEP IN MIND: Just when you've given up hope of moving forward, blocks clear and everything will start falling into place!

Gemini   May 21st - June 21st:  If you feel like hiding out today, you're on the right track, as Spirit will insist you go internal to resolve an external problem. A sense of gratitude will surround you as you view things from a much gentler and more loving perspective under the Aries Moon. You can set a good example for others about the value of waiting by practicing more patience and trust. Orange blossom or jasmine incense can inspire your imagination, so light some before starting your evening meditation.

KEEP IN MIND: You've got a choice today, and basically, it all boils down to one thing: Do you want to be right? Or happy?

Cancer   June 22nd - July 22nd:  Blocks to movement will appear at every turn today, insisting that you look inward and focus on your spiritual life. If you keep your plans flexible and expectations low, you should have no problem. Spend your evening with loved ones who nurture and uplift you under the Aries Moon, restoring connections with the people most important in your life. Rose incense can diminish nervousness or quiet an overactive imagination, so light some before bedtime so you can get a decent night's sleep.

KEEP IN MIND: You could awake in an idealistic or expectant mood this morning; shake it off and just go with the flow.

Leo   July 23rd - August 22nd:  The Leo Sun is sure to land you in the spotlight today; enjoy all the attention you receive! Though the future may appear to be a bit ethereal, you are already moving on a karmic path. Devote extra time to prayer and meditation to bolster your confidence, as you'll soon be asked to take a leap of faith. Jasmine incense can inspire your passionate side, so light some before spending time with your sweetheart under tonight's romantic Aries Moon.

KEEP IN MIND: There's no sense worrying about things you have no control over; step back, focus on the moment, and have a great day!

Virgo   August 23rd - September 22nd:  Misunderstandings will pop up all around you today, so make it a point to talk less and listen more. Try not to attach old feelings to new experiences, or you'll add to the emotional confusion being generated by the Aries Moon. You should ask for more information from a loved one, rather than assuming anything based on their actions alone. Rain incense can help you restore balance after an emotionally draining day, so light some during your evening meditation.

KEEP IN MIND: A simple misunderstanding could have you on an emotional roller coaster all day; save yourself some trouble and address the situation right away.

Libra   September 23rd - October 23rd:  Today, you'll finally become aware that the actions you've been taking are working against you; to get what you want, you'll have to change what you're doing. Resist the urge to make promises or commitments that you feel unsure of under the Aries Moon, or you'll find yourself in hot water very quickly. Reserve a few hours this afternoon to relax and regroup. Sage incense can awaken your imagination and creativity, so light some before you start on a favorite project this evening.

KEEP IN MIND: Confusion greets you first thing this morning. To make the most of this day, simply be the observer and refrain from taking action.

Scorpio   October 24th - November 21st:  Restoring order to your home could take up the better part of the morning, but once completed, you can enjoy the rest of the weekend guilt-free. Redecorate or make a purchase that transforms your surroundings to generate more beauty and comfort under the Aries Moon. The Leo Sun could inspire you to throw a party or attend one this evening to reconnect with close friends. Musk incense has the power to raise your intuition to the next level, so light some before your nightly meditation.

KEEP IN MIND: This is a typical Saturday; get chores done in the morning so you can play in the evening.

Sagittarius   November 22nd - December 21st:  Spend time reconnecting with loved ones or exploring new places today. Whatever you do today, the harmonious Aries Moon will support your every move! Your patience is about to pay off regarding a personal conflict, as others finally realize they must take responsibility for their own actions and quit trying to make you the cause of their problems. Light myrrh incense to begin your evening meditation, known for its ability to increase psychic revelations and intuitive knowing.

KEEP IN MIND: Take advantage of an easy-going day and just "be." That's what everyone else is going to be doing.

Capricorn   December 22nd - January 19th:  Insist on having a quiet and low-key day and be sure to postpone anything that would be considered complicated or mentally draining. Practice the art of "being," which, in truth, has the power to move things much faster than any pressure or force on your part. In other words, your main priority today should be to stop to smell the roses and marvel at the joy of being alive. Light patchouli incense to coax subconscious thoughts to the surface, and then meditate on them under the Aries Moon.

KEEP IN MIND: You rarely give yourself permission to take the day off, but today, it's essential!

Aquarius   January 20th - February 18th:  You can actually take some time off and slow down today, socializing with your favorite people or getting lost in a good book or movie. Something you considered lost could turn up in the most unexpected of places, so look for it one more time under the Aries Moon. You should take what others say with a grain of salt, as they could be exaggerating to make their point. Sandalwood incense carries the power to refresh your perspective as well as your mood, so light some before your evening meditation.

KEEP IN MIND: You'll be surprised how much progress you can make by just doing nothing today; give it a try!

Pisces   February 19th - March 20th:  You could experience a disappointment today, but walking through the feelings will quickly reveal the wisdom behind what's happened. Alternate between work and rest to keep a steady and balanced pace. Remember to nurture your emotional and spiritual life as well, through journaling or meditation. Amber incense can promote intuitive and visionary messages, so light some and contemplate the future under tonight's revealing Aries Moon.

KEEP IN MIND: They say that rejection is Spirit's protection, so if things don't go your way today, consider yourself blessed!

Meet The Artist:  The stunning zodiac sign artwork depicted on this page is the copyrighted © work of Jody Bergsma. Jody has a diverse painting style that has developed over many years and literally thousands of paintings. Her earliest works were charming children’s illustrations that she sold at Northwest art shows to pay for her education. Please take a few moments and treat yourself to the artwork of Jody. Prints, mugs, magnets available. Just click...

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