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How To Navigate The Chaos Like A Champ

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!The physical life adventure we signed up for before we were born has many twists and turns. From our careers and relationships to personal health and world events.

While these ups and downs of life and love are exactly what we came here to experience for our personal enlightenment and soul evolution, they can sometimes throw us into moments of chaos, frustration, anxiety and even instense despair.

The key to not becoming disoriented or deflated in these difficult moments is to always remember why we are here in the first place, no matter how crazy things may get. Every time we face adversity or have to overcome setbacks and obstacles, we are making progress on our amazing soul journey.

Embracing the dynamic and sometimes very challenging nature of our existence is essential to fulfilling our spiritual mission. Staying balanced in an ever-changing environment is not just a possibility – it is an exciting opportunity for self-discovery and spiritual empowerment.

Change and uncertainty are inevitable. Developing a mindset of flexibility and adaptability can help you navigate the chaos with greater ease. Surrender to the knowledge that you can’t control everything, but you can control your thoughts, mindset and reactions.Amid chaos and despair, remember: every setback is a step forward in your amazing spiritual odyssey!

Three days ago, a deer collided with my car two hours from home. It did not survive and my vehicle is no longer drivable. The hardest thing for me was the grief of killing one of God’s beautiful creatures. Why did I not see it earlier and react sooner?

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I Am Soaring Free

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!When I do readings for clients to help guide them through the struggles or confusion they face in their lives, I understand what they are going through. I can relate on a deeply personal level, because I have been there myself, and I have experienced more than most.

Back in 2004, I had reached a devastating point in my life where my confidence, happiness, courage and self-worth were essentially non-existent. Fortunately, I was able to overcome those challenges with the guidance of spirit, and I now know from hard-earned experience that we can overcome much adversity.

As part of this journey of growth and healing, one of my guides gave me my spiritual name: Soaring Free.

Everyone has at least three guides in their lives. There are other guides and guardians that come and go in our lives, but the primary three stay with us throughout our lives to support and guide us.

It was my main guide who gave me my spirit name in a dream. I was to be known as “Soaring Free.” When I asked what this meant, I was shown that my life was to change direction significantly and that I was to live it as if I were soaring free like an eagle every day. I received several profound messages to awaken me at that time. It brought me to a higher level of understanding (and much confusion at first) than ever before.

What was the meaning of all this, I wondered? Why did I need a new name? Were these guides coming into my life real or just my imagination? Was I losing my mind? Was I really hearing and seeing these things, or was it just my own subconscious playing tricks on me? I had many questions at the time, and so began my journey of awakening and transformation.

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The Hidden Wisdom In Our Traumatic Life Experiences

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!In the thousands of readings I have done over the years for people from all walks of life, I have repeatedly witnessed how the crucible of life’s trials and tribulations offers profound opportunities for spiritual growth and personal transformation.

It never ceases to amaze me how there is always a spark of wisdom or hidden blessing to be found in every life challenge or traumatic experience. Even in the worst-case scenarios, Spirit is always able to reveal the life lesson or karmic opportunity in these situations.

In a psychic reading, spirit in the form of our ancestors, spirit guides, angels and the divine can offer profound insight and guidance into our hardships and challenges.

With the akashic wisdom gathered through many generations, your higher self, ancestors, and members of your soul family can offer perspectives and experiences that shed light on your current life circumstances.

Their presence in a reading can provide a deep-rooted understanding of family patterns, ancestral karmic debts, and inherited gifts, allowing you to navigate life’s challenges with newfound clarity and resilience.

In addition, our spirit guides and angels serve as divine messengers, offering support and illumination on our journey through life. Their presence in a psychic reading brings messages of encouragement, protection and divine intervention.

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Don’t Panic, It May Just Be A Divine Intervention!

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!From the beginning of my spiritual career, my guides taught me that we are given three things in life: opportunity, choice, and free will. Simply put, when we choose from the options that are presented to us, we exercise our right to free will and largely determine our own future.

While this is quite an empowering thought for most of us, there are times in our lives when Spirit feels that we are very much on the wrong track and will actually change our circumstances for us. While this does not happen very often, I will use my own situation as an example of why they do sometimes interfere with our free will.

Back in 1984, when I was 24 years old, all I wanted to be was a stenotypist. I was so determined to get what was then considered a very prestigious job that I went to college, worked hard, passed my exams, was proactive, and finally got a job with the local government.

I could not believe my luck, as the salary was about £5,000 per year, which is about $6,300 – certainly not bad almost 32 years ago! I thought I had struck gold, but things got even better when I started dating the man who worked in the office next door. Life could not be better (or so I thought) as I had the man, the career, the money – everything!  Unfortunately, disaster soon struck.

My boyfriend left me, the girls in the office made fun of me, my boss and his secretary bullied me, and finally I lost my job. Suddenly I found myself in the middle of a recession, with no relationship, no job, no money, no prospects, and I couldn’t even get a reference!

Why, oh why, did this happen to me? I didn’t deserve this! I had worked so hard. I am a good person. I always strive to be a decent friend and colleague. Yet, I was being treated so unfairly.

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Finding Your Joy In A Fast-Paced World

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comFinding happiness, joy and inner peace can be challenging in today’s fast-paced, ever-changing world. The constant influx of new information and misinformation, societal pressures, and the rapid evolution of technology can leave us feeling overwhelmed and disconnected.

But amidst the chaos, there is actually a proven way to cultivate a more joyful state of being that transcends these external circumstances. It is no secret that cultivating some form of spiritual practice can greatly transform your life.

One powerful way to invite more joy into your life is through a gratitude practice. Take a little time each day to reflect on the positive aspects of your life and acknowledge the many blessings you enjoy. This essential spiritual practice will shift your focus from what may be lacking in your life to the true abundance available to you, fostering a much more positive mindset and attracting more prosperity and well-being into your life.

The great country-western singer Willie Nelson once said, “When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around. He is not the only public figure to attribute at least part of his success and fulfillment to an attitude of gratitude. For example, Cathy Hutchison writes that many wealthy people have a gratitude practice, including Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins, Cindy Crawford, and Chris Pratt.

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How To Be More Present In Your Life

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe often hear the advice that ‘being present’ is an important spiritual practice to master on our journey through life. Being present with ourselves and in the moment. I like to think of it as being with yourself wherever you go and whatever you do. This is certainly true, but what exactly does it mean? And with all the busyness of life and keeping up with our daily responsibilities, how do you become more present in your life?

Firstly, cultivating ‘presence’ requires time management and effective planning. It is important to organise the responsibilities of our lives in a manageable way. Otherwise, we find ourselves in a constant state of worry and stress, having to manage daily demands ‘on the fly’. And this is a sure way to lose our presence.

Planning ahead may seem like the opposite of being ‘in the moment’, but it is actually essential. When we are busy making plans for the coming week, thinking about what we need to prepare for and making decisions about how to organise our time and spend our energy, we don’t think much about the ‘present moment.’ But this is something we need to do in order to then be more present in our daily lives. It is key to cultivating presence.

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The Miracle Power Of Blind Faith

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn the early 1980s, Britain was in the grip of a recession and it was hardly the time to lose your job. Unfortunately, I did, and fell into debt and depression. In total, I was about a year’s salary in debt. It was a daunting sum to pay back when I had little prospect of finding a job in such an economic climate.

I went to the bank and explained my plight to the loan officer to make arrangements to pay off my debt in increments. I remember sitting in his office and he looked me in the eye and said, “Unfortunately, it looks like you are not going to get out of this situation anytime soon. You are going to have to file for bankruptcy.”

However, being a feisty young woman of blind faith, I replied, “I can assure you that I will! Even if it takes a miracle!” In the back of my mind, I knew I desperately needed one.

Well, my miracle did not come in the form of an unexpected lottery win or tax refund, as I had hoped, but rather in the form of steady work through a temporary staffing agency, as well as sheer grit, determination and blind faith that enabled me to ‘miraculously’ turn my situation around. Yes, I did it!

This life experience may not seem like much of a miracle to some, but it certainly was to me at the time. I guess it all depends on what the term ‘miracle’ means to you? For some, like me, a miracle might be overcoming debt, unemployment, and an economic recession. For others, it might be overcoming a life-threatening illness or disability, or meeting your ideal partner after a devastating divorce, or landing your dream job against all odds. I do however believe that ‘blind faith’ is often the key, no matter the circumstances.

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