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Let’s Heal The World With Love And Kindness

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!When we truly open our eyes to the wonderful world around us, what we see is the amount of benevolent abundance available to us. There is an endless supply of good things, too abundant to list, and we are welcome to share in all that is here.

Many understand this and live in harmony with all that is provided. Some do not.

The world we inhabit is a treasure trove of beauty, resources, and blessed opportunities. From the breathtaking vistas of nature to the profound wisdom found in the simplest moments of human connection, there is no shortage of wonders and miracles to behold.

When we attune our senses to this abundance, we begin to realize how much is available to us at any given moment. This awareness can shift our perception of life from one of scarcity to one of infinite possibility.

However, there is a fine line between appreciating abundance and falling into the trap of greed. Satisfaction is a state of contentment that comes from within. It is the realization that what we have is enough, that we ourselves are enough.

Greed, on the other hand, is a restless desire for more, driven by a sense of “lack.” This insatiable hunger is often rooted in spiritual emptiness – a void that we mistakenly try to fill with external possessions and accomplishments.

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I Am Soaring Free

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!When I do readings for clients to help guide them through the struggles or confusion they face in their lives, I understand what they are going through. I can relate on a deeply personal level, because I have been there myself, and I have experienced more than most.

Back in 2004, I had reached a devastating point in my life where my confidence, happiness, courage and self-worth were essentially non-existent. Fortunately, I was able to overcome those challenges with the guidance of spirit, and I now know from hard-earned experience that we can overcome much adversity.

As part of this journey of growth and healing, one of my guides gave me my spiritual name: Soaring Free.

Everyone has at least three guides in their lives. There are other guides and guardians that come and go in our lives, but the primary three stay with us throughout our lives to support and guide us.

It was my main guide who gave me my spirit name in a dream. I was to be known as “Soaring Free.” When I asked what this meant, I was shown that my life was to change direction significantly and that I was to live it as if I were soaring free like an eagle every day. I received several profound messages to awaken me at that time. It brought me to a higher level of understanding (and much confusion at first) than ever before.

What was the meaning of all this, I wondered? Why did I need a new name? Were these guides coming into my life real or just my imagination? Was I losing my mind? Was I really hearing and seeing these things, or was it just my own subconscious playing tricks on me? I had many questions at the time, and so began my journey of awakening and transformation.

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Spirituality Is The Key To True Happiness

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!What really makes us happy in life? It’s definitely not just money and stuff. In my job as a psychic consultant, I talk to all kinds of people, including some really wealthy ones.

The truth is, there’s often something missing in the lives of my most affluent clients. They’re often not any happier than anyone else. In fact, some of them are really unhappy and even depressed!

A lot of people think that success and money guarantee happiness, but that’s just not true. Sure, success can feel good, but it doesn’t lead to lasting happiness.

Financial stability can also reduce stress, but once our basic needs are met, more money and material things don’t add much further value.

It is no secret that many psychic reading requests tend to be about people’s challenges with dating, lack of romance in their lives, dysfunctional relationships, or failing marriages.

But sometimes I talk to people who are happily married or in long-term committed relationships with caring partners. They seem to have the whole package in the relationship department, but they too are sometimes unhappy or unfulfilled. So being in a relationship does not seem to be the key to true and lasting happiness.

Many people also believe true happiness means feeling great all the time, but that’s not how it works. Happiness comes and goes, and it’s normal to feel a range of emotions in our everyday life. No one is perfectly happy all the time, but we can all live more fulfilling lives if we focus on what truly matters.

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The Spiritual Importance Of Living Your Passion

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!It is a sad fact that so many people in today’s modern world are dissatisfied with their lot.

However, many of us allow this to happen quite easily because we have responsibilities, bills to pay, and so on. We tend to just go along with what life gives us and resist the change that would lead to a more passionate life.

In fact, sometimes we never even stop to think about what our passion might be, and sadly, we live less fulfilling lives as a result. Fortunately, this does not have to be the case.

I know that I myself have fallen into this category of people in the past, until I found where my true passion lies, which is helping other people through psychic readings and spiritual support. As a result, I have never been happier and you, dear reader, can do the same. It just depends on where your particular passion lies.

So, ask yourself, what do you really want to do with your life? Would you be more passionate about starting your own business than doing the job you have now, or are you particularly passionate about living your life in a certain way? If so, Spirit says it does not matter what other people think. What matters is what resonates with you and what makes you feel empowered and fulfilled as a human being.

Once you have determined where your passion lies (this is your focus), you need to develop a strong belief that you can fulfill this passion in your life and this mindset will be your driving force towards your goals. Many people stop at this critical point because they are understandably afraid of change. This is understandable, Spirit says, for it can be compared to stepping into the unknown.

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Substance Abuse Destroys Relationships And Families

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!We all put a lot of time, effort, and resources into our relationships. From dating to marriage and parenthood, each stage comes with its own mix of joys and challenges. But amidst these milestones, it’s natural to ask: Is our relationship nurturing our spiritual well-being?

Think about the impact your partner has on your mental health and spiritual well-being. Is your relationship deepening your connection with God, Source, Spirit, or the Divine? Is it nurturing and protecting your children and loved ones? Or do you feel a subtle drift away from what really matters?

It’s a common scenario — an intimate relationship starts to fade as priorities shift. Maybe your partner chooses time with friends over quality family moments. Perhaps hobbies or habits take over, eroding intimacy and trust.

This isn’t just a personal story; it’s a broader reality with serious consequences. Children left wondering where a missing parent is, while the other struggles alone as a single parent, trying to juggle too much. This absence of care and nurture affects children’s personal and spiritual growth, leaving lasting echoes into their adulthood.

Alcohol and drug abuse often sneak into many of these situations, silently corroding relationships and families from within. In my spiritual work, I’ve met many souls grappling with failing marriages and domestic chaos overshadowed by substance abuse and addiction.

If you’re stuck in such a relationship, ask yourself why you’re staying. Love shouldn’t coexist with self-destruction. If your partner’s commitment wavers, consider where your spiritual path meets theirs. Sometimes, the toughest choices lead to healing.

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Our Priorities Are The Moral Of The Story

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I have always loved thought-provoking stories. One of my favorites I heard when I was only seven years old. It’s profound wisdom has stayed with me all my life. It goes like this:

An old lady of about 85 years of age lived alone in an old, dilapidated log cabin in the woods. Due to her advanced age, daily life was a struggle, but this feisty woman knew she had to keep going to survive.

One day, while out gathering wood for a fire, she was approached by a mysterious wizard.

“Good morning,” said the wizard. “I have great news for you. Today is your lucky day! ” He then explained that he was the Wizard of the Forest, and that he would grant her any wish her heart desired.

The old lady paused to consider this generous offer. But before she could make up her mind, the wizard interrupted her thoughts. “I could turn all the wood you have into solid gold. Imagine how rich you would be!” he suggested.

“Oh, what good would that do?” replied the old woman. “I could hardly carry it back to my hut, for the gold would be much heavier than the wood!

“Well, then perhaps I could turn all the water in your house into wine,” said the wizard with great enthusiasm.

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Always Feel Free To Own Your True Feelings

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Has anyone ever told you that you are too happy? Or has anyone ever told you that you smile too much? My guess is probably never.

So, why is it that whenever we experience negative emotions, be it grief, despair, or depression, we are often told that there is a time limit to such feelings and that we need to get over it. In today’s society, it is essentially also taboo to express feelings of loneliness, sadness, fear, or simply being unhappy.

My brother died at the tender age of 12 and left such a void in our lives that my entire family grieved his loss for decades. Fortunately, we were raised to accept this as a perfectly normal and natural process for us. We all understood that we would work through our feelings of grief and loss in our own way and at our own pace. We did not grieve according to a schedule or set of societal rules.

I find that a useful way to think about feelings and how to process them is to think of our emotions as being processed by our heart and mind like food is processed by our body. Just like food, we need to break down, digest, and assimilate the lessons and insights in our emotions to serve as growth “nutrients” for the soul.

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