Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life!
We’ve all had those days when all we do is tear ourselves down. In moments of self-judgment and negativity, we tell ourselves that we’re not good-looking enough, rich enough, smart enough, young enough, thin enough, talented enough… the list goes on.
While occasional self-criticism is normal, for many it becomes a lifelong habit of self-torture — an internal dialogue of negativity that shapes their reality.
Negative thinking and judgmental self-talk have profound effects on both mental and physical health. Chronic self-criticism fuels anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem, often leading to feelings of hopelessness and inaction. On a physical level, this mindset increases stress and weakens the immune system, making us more susceptible to disease.
But beyond psychology and biology, this pattern also has metaphysical implications — it acts as a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more we tell ourselves that we are unworthy, incapable, or unlucky, the more these beliefs take root in our energy field. Over time, they manifest as actual experiences in our daily lives, reinforcing the very negativity we wish to escape.
The good news? Just as negative thoughts shape our reality, so do positive thoughts. When we shift our mental energy toward uplifting, empowering, and constructive thoughts, we raise our energetic vibration. Over time, this inner shift produces tangible results — our confidence grows, new opportunities arise, and life begins to feel more fulfilling.
Manifesting Success With The Law Of Assumption
We’re often told not to make any assumptions about people, situations, or outcomes. Common wisdom suggests we should avoid the pitfalls of ‘jumping to conclusions’ or ‘getting ahead of ourselves.’
But when it comes to successful manifestation, making assumptions is actually one of the best things you can do! In fact, it’s often exactly what we should be doing to manifest more of our desires.
If you’ve been craving change but struggling to manifest the life you want, the Law of Assumption could be just what your manifestation practice needs. This technique is often the missing piece that helps break the cycle of stagnation and clears the way for you to manifest your desires with greater success.
The Law of Assumption is that whatever you assume to be true, whether consciously and unconsciously, will manifest in your life. By aligning your thoughts, feelings, and actions with the belief that your desire is already fulfilled, you can more effortlessly create the life you want.
In my psychic work, I’ve seen firsthand how this law can be a game changer. It’s a powerful manifestation tool that turns obstacles into opportunities and has helped many of my clients finally create the life they’ve always dreamed of.
If you’re feeling stuck and unable to manifest what you want, it’s probably because you’re unknowingly operating from a place of lack, fear or resistance. You may be doing all the right things – visualizations, prayers, rituals, affirmations – but deep down you may still be holding onto doubts or limiting beliefs that are in direct conflict with what you’re wanting to manifest. Continue reading
Letting Go Of What No Longer Serves You
Letting go is never simple or easy, but it’s often necessary for our health, happiness, and spiritual growth. It’s a powerful act that frees our soul and honors our true essence.
Letting go is about releasing what no longer serves us to create space for more joy, peace, abundance, and meaningful experiences to flow our way. It’s not about loss or sacrifice – it’s about making room for something better.
By letting go, we deepen our connection to our Higher Self, Spirit, and the Divine. We release the burdens that limit us, allowing us to step into our best life.
It’s a conscious choice to stay stuck or move forward. This means choosing to let go of negative thoughts, emotions, desires, habits, beliefs, or material things that hold us back. When we release these attachments, we open the door to new blessings, miracles, and personal growth.
Choosing to let go and taking the first steps can sometimes feel daunting. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed, but trust that each step you take to release the old and welcome the new brings you closer to peace, joy and lasting fulfillment.
As we release old patterns, we often feel lighter, more energized, and at peace. This newfound freedom allows us to explore new possibilities, pursue our passions, and live authentically. It’s not about forgetting – it’s about freeing ourselves from what holds us back and stepping into the full light of our true potential.
The Miracle Power Of Divine Timing
Patience is considered a virtue, something that makes us better people. But it’s so much more than that — it’s a spiritual principle that can truly transform your life for the better.
In today’s fast-paced, click-now world, where everything is at our fingertips, it can seem a real struggle to practice patience. But being patient isn’t just about waiting. It’s about how you wait.
It’s about slowing down, taking a deep breath, and letting go of the need to control everything. Patience is not about being passive or giving up; it’s about trusting the timing of the universe and going with the flow.
Everything in life happens exactly when it’s supposed to, even if it doesn’t feel that way in the moment. There’s always a bigger plan at play — one that we co-create with the universe through our thoughts, intentions and actions. When you trust this process,you soon discover that even setbacks and obstacles are actually stepping stones.
When things don’t go as planned, it’s easy to get frustrated and think that nothing is working out. But often what feels like a “no” or a delay is actually the universe saying, “Hang in there, I’ve got something better for you. Patience is about believing that everything will eventually make sense, even if you can’t see it now.
The problem with impatience is that it upsets everything. It’s like trying to push a door that’s supposed to pull — it just creates resistance. When we’re impatient, relationships can crack under pressure. Work can feel unstable or hard to pin down. Money problems seem bigger and harder to solve. Impatience feeds frustration, and frustration can create an energy block that pushes the good stuff away.
How To ‘Face Everything And Rise’ (F.E.A.R.)
It’s okay to feel afraid sometimes – some fear responses are a natural and vital part of our built-in self-protection system. Rooted in our primal survival instincts, fear helps us identify and respond to real threats, such as a raging fire or a dangerous wild animal.
Survival fear arises in response to immediate, tangible threats to our safety or well-being. It’s a necessary, life-preserving mechanism based on objective, real-world risks that ensure our survival. By activating the body’s fight-or-flight response, it enables us to act quickly and stay safe.
But not all fears are instinctual, nor do they serve our highest good. Irrational fears arise from societal conditioning, cultural expectations, false beliefs, past traumas, or imagined scenarios. These fears are learned or imagined, not instinctual.
Unlike survival fear, irrational fears reflect internalized doubts, imaginery threats and false narratives that serve no protective function at all. Instead, they just interfere with our personal growth, decision-making, and well-being.
Conditioned fears are typically exaggerated or irrational, existing more in the mind than in reality. Examples include fear of failure, fear of rejection, or fear of not living up to social standards. Self-limiting fears can trap us in cycles of self-doubt and hesitation, limiting our ability to take risks, grow, and live wholeheartedly.
To live our best lives, we must learn to recognize these irrational fears, challenge their validity, and prevent them from taking control of our life and well-being. By stepping back and evaluating the source of our fears, we can release what no longer serves us, reclaim our joy, and unlock our full potential.
Shield Your Dreams From The Naysayers
I’m in the midst of a major shift in my life – a bold leap forward that promises transformative and exciting changes for me and my family.
It is taking a lot of my time and requires a lot of work and personal sacrifice, as there are many moving parts that need to align to make it all happen. However, I know it will work and I trust in spirit’s guidance and divine timing. I’ve successfully navigated similar situations before in my life, so I’m confident it can be done.
As is often the case in these situations, I find myself surrounded by people who are projecting their fears and limitations onto me and my goals. Based on conversations with friends and clients who are supportive and encouraging, this seems to be a common pattern. What is clear to me is that these are people who have chosen to live very different lives from mine.
For example, I have a relative who has always lived in fear and has repeatedly tried to discourage me from every endeavor I’ve ever pursued — almost all of which have been successful. The few that have not worked out for the best I consider valuable life lessons.
I started my first business when I was 26 years old. This family member scoffed at me, saying it was too risky and that I was wasting my time and money. Well, that business ended up paying more than just my bills for over a decade, while many of my peers spent the best years of their lives in soul-destroying dead-end jobs. It allowed me, for example, to buy two houses and several new cars, and best of all, I loved what I was doing!