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A Myriad Of Angels From Heaven And Earth

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I have encountered many people over the years that I could have bet my life on being angels in the flesh. Whenever I find myself at a crossroads and ask God for guidance, these people, or should I say “angels,” invariably appear in my life.

They show up with unwavering reliability, arriving just when needed with ideas, suggestions, messages, or signs that gently guide me back to my path of highest good.

It’s as if the universe is orchestrating these moments of serendipity. A casual conversation in the grocery store aisle, a chance encounter with a stranger on a bus or plane – each of these seemingly ordinary interactions holds the potential for life-changing divine intervention. In these magical moments, answers I didn’t even know I was seeking are revealed, and suddenly clarity floods in like a new beacon of hope.

Our lives are intricately connected to the Divine Light. God works through everyone and everything around us to keep us attuned to a higher frequency. When we pay mindful attention and remain fully aware, we find ourselves in harmony with the divine flow of life.

To truly appreciate the presence of angels in our lives, we must cultivate awareness and gratitude. By slowing down and paying attention to the subtleties of our interactions, we become attuned to the guidance that is constantly flowing our way.

We never need to feel lost or confused because the guidance we seek is always present, woven into the fabric of our daily interactions. The process is simple: ask for help and it will be given; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened.

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From Ancient Mystics To Modern Psychics

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Psychics and mediums have been around since the dawn of human civilization: from the shamans in indigenous cultures, to the oracles of ancient Greece and Rome, the seers and druids of Celtic societies, the sages of ancient China, and the prophets of ancient Middle Eastern cultures.

Some famous examples include Pythia, the Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece; the Celtic soothsayer Myrddin Wyllt, also known as Merlin in later Arthurian legends; the Chinese wu (shaman) Jing Fang; Black Elk, the renowned Native American holy man of the Oglala Lakota Sioux people; Isaiah, the renowned prophet of the ancient Near East; and Agastya, the revered Hindu sage and seer.

Throughout human history, in different cultures and societies, there have always been individuals with mystical abilities who held important roles within their communities and served as intermediaries between the physical world and spiritual realms.

They served as conduits of divine wisdom, predicting future events, providing insight into hidden truths, and offering guidance on various matters. They often acted as special advisors to tribal leaders, rulers, and kings, and typically played an important role in the moral and spiritual direction of their people.

The term “psychic” comes from the Greek word psychikos, meaning “of the soul, spirit, or mind.” In Greek mythology, Psyche was the goddess of the soul. Her name literally means “soul” or “breath.” Over time, the term came to encompass aspects of the mind beyond the ordinary.

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Learning To Interpret Your Dreams

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!While the exact nature and purpose of dreaming remains shrouded in mystery, science at least tells us that it is a universal experience. We all dream, most likely every night. Many people don’t remember their dreams and therefore incorrectly assume that they rarely or never dream.

Research on dreams and dreaming has shown that an estimated 95 to 99% of people experience dreams. Dreaming is most common during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, when brain activity is heightened and our eyes move about every 90 minutes throughout the night.

On average, a person may have several dreams per night, although they may not always remember them when they wake up. The frequency of dreaming can be influenced by several factors, including age, stress levels, and sleep quality.

There are many theories as to why we dream. Most believe that dreams help us consolidate memories, process emotions, solve problems, or even prepare us for tasks. However, the most important reason we dream is often downplayed or even ignored, which is that our dreams are inherently spiritual and serve a higher purpose.

The fact that our dreams are messages from the spirit realm and a higher power is unfortunately one of the most forgotten truths of ancient wisdom deeply rooted in many religious and spiritual traditions. Dreams have piqued human curiosity for thousands of years. Ancient civilizations, from the Egyptians to the Greeks, revered dreams as portals to the divine, messages from the gods, or glimpses of the future.

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Embracing Spiritual Guidance When You Relocate

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Relocating to a new city, state, or even country for a job opportunity, career advancement, or new business venture is a significant and transformative decision we sometimes have to make in life.

While logical and practical considerations are essential in these matters, relying on inner spiritual guidance and divine support can profoundly enhance the decision-making process.

Spiritual guidance connects us to our higher selves, ancestors, spirit guides, angels, and the divine, providing a deeper level of wisdom and certainty.

Intuitive Guidance

The first step is to quiet the mind and tune in to the subtle messages of your intuitive inner guidance. Commonly referred to as “gut feelings,” “hunches,” or our “sixth sense,” our inner guidance system is a powerful decision-making tool. This inner voice is a manifestation of our higher self that guides us toward choices that align with our true purpose and well-being.

When we align with our Higher Self, we access a reservoir of wisdom that transcends the limitations of the rational mind. So when we need to consider a great opportunity or a major life change, tuning into this inner wisdom helps us discern whether the move will serve our highest good.

Our higher self, soul or spirit, is the metaphysical part of us that is eternally connected to the Divine and has a broader perspective on our life journey and soul plan. It knows our soul’s mission and purpose in life and can guide us to make choices that serve our highest good.

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The Hidden Wisdom In Our Traumatic Life Experiences

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!In the thousands of readings I have done over the years for people from all walks of life, I have repeatedly witnessed how the crucible of life’s trials and tribulations offers profound opportunities for spiritual growth and personal transformation.

It never ceases to amaze me how there is always a spark of wisdom or hidden blessing to be found in every life challenge or traumatic experience. Even in the worst-case scenarios, Spirit is always able to reveal the life lesson or karmic opportunity in these situations.

In a psychic reading, spirit in the form of our ancestors, spirit guides, angels and the divine can offer profound insight and guidance into our hardships and challenges.

With the akashic wisdom gathered through many generations, your higher self, ancestors, and members of your soul family can offer perspectives and experiences that shed light on your current life circumstances.

Their presence in a reading can provide a deep-rooted understanding of family patterns, ancestral karmic debts, and inherited gifts, allowing you to navigate life’s challenges with newfound clarity and resilience.

In addition, our spirit guides and angels serve as divine messengers, offering support and illumination on our journey through life. Their presence in a psychic reading brings messages of encouragement, protection and divine intervention.

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Spiritual Empowerment For The Single Parent

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Being a spiritually conscious single parent today is a challenge, but it also offers unique opportunities for spiritual growth and personal development.

Navigating this responsibility effectively requires more than practical parenting skills and strategies. It also requires intuitive awareness and spiritual guidance.

These two inner resources can help single parents make wise choices that align with their core values and provide inner strength and courage during difficult times.

As a parent, I deeply value intuitive awareness and spiritual guidance in my daily life. These inner resources are my compass, helping me navigate the complexities of parenting with grace and confidence.

Intuitive awareness allows me to sense my children’s needs and emotions on a deeper level, often guiding me to the right words or actions in moments of uncertainty.

Spiritual guidance, on the other hand, provides me with a sense of purpose and calm, grounding me in the knowledge and faith that I am part of a greater plan.

Together, they help me make decisions that are not only practical but also aligned with my core values and higher purpose. This dual approach ensures that I am nurturing my children’s growth while staying true to myself, fostering a harmonious and supportive family environment.

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Shield Yourself From Energy Vampires

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!People who are spiritually attuned can feel drained very quickly when they are around others who have a lower energy vibration. A client of mine recently asked why this happens. This is what Spirit revealed.

When your heart center is wide open and vibrating with the Divine, and you encounter struggling souls who are stuck in the negativity loop of a lower-density reality, they can disrupt or even steal some of your energy. It’s like their batteries are leaking or not charging properly, and suddenly you feel drained faster than your tablet after a Netflix binge.

These folks are the energy vampires of the world. They’re the ones who haven’t quite mastered the art of recharging themselves. Instead, their starved auras latch onto others, sucking out good vibes like it’s happy hour at a juice bar. And then their negativity rubs off on us more sensitive, empathetic, intuitive types.

This is especially true lately with everything being so shaky and chaotic in our world. Seriously, just look at what a lot of people are posting on social media platforms these days. It’s like we’re drowning in a sea of ego, narcissism, ignorance, and evil.

Everyone seems to be obsessed with things that don’t matter in the grand scheme of things. And let me tell you, being around that kind of energy drain is like trying to swim in metaphysical molasses!

But here’s the good news: often the best antidote is simply to “be,” to soak up the stillness and let our minds do their thing. So, take a deep, mindful breath, smile, and bask in the sweet, sweet bliss of your inner love and light. Whenever you can, reconnect with your soul and dive deep into the serenity of solitude and silence.

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