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The Unconventional Energies Of Venus In Aquarius

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!The planet Venus is currently in Aquarius until March 11, bringing a unique and somewhat unconventional energy to our relationships, aesthetic preferences, and personal values.

Venus is all about love, romance, beauty, and what we hold dear in our hearts. When she teams up with Aquarius, a sign known for fresh ideas and unapologetic uniqueness, we get a cool mix that shakes up how we view our relationships and chase after what really matters to us. Aquarius is known for its forward-thinking, innovative, and sometimes rebellious nature.

When Venus enters Aquarius territory, it takes love and beauty to a whole new level of thinking big and caring about the world and each other. This mix challenges us to think outside the box and not just stick to what everyone expects when it comes to love and life.

Venus in Aquarius invites us to look at love, beauty and connection in a new light. It’s a call to be true to ourselves, to embrace diversity, and to dream of a future where love isn’t limited by old-fashioned rules. With Venus in Aquarius, the possibilities for love are endless, encouraging us to dive deep into the adventure and approach life with an open mind.

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Astrology Forecast February 12 – 18, 2024

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe’ll have a productive start to the week as the Moon moves through industrious Aries today and tomorrow, then into grounded Taurus Wednesday through Friday, keeping the momentum going and us on track.

It will be an interesting week due to a crescendo of planetary alignments in Aquarius. Not only are the Sun and Mercury in Aquarius, but Mars and Venus will also move into this electric sign this week!

Aquarius is associated with qualities such as innovation, originality, and humanitarianism. With several planets aligned in this sign, we can expect an increased focus on collective goals, group dynamics, and progressive ideas this week. There may also be an emphasis on out-of-the-box thinking and a desire for social change.

The Sun in Aquarius promotes a sense of independence, intellectual pursuits, and a focus on humanitarian causes, while Mercury in Aquarius promotes innovative thinking, open-mindedness, and a preference for intellectual discussion.

Mars, associated with energy, action and drive, enters Aquarius tomorrow, leading to a more assertive pursuit of unconventional goals, social activism and technological advances. Venus rules love, beauty, and harmony and enters Aquarius on Friday, emphasizing unconventional relationships, a desire for freedom in love, and a focus on social connections.

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Navigating Relationship Conflict With Astrology Humor

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comNavigating a lover’s quarrel can range from simple and fleeting disagreements to complex and time-consuming arguments and feuds.

In the midst of such challenges, a sense of humor can sometimes be a good thing, providing a quick relief valve and a broader perspective on the situation. A little humor can even prevent us from saying or doing things we later regret!

A great source of humor is our zodiac sign. Understanding how our partner’s sign and our own might handle relationship conflict differently can actually help one see the funny, lighter side of even a serious disagreement.

Throughout my years as a psychic reader, I’ve certainly noticed the humor in how different clients handle arguments with their partners based on their signs.

Different zodiac signs have different communication styles. Knowing your partner’s style and your own can help you appreciate the differences and find humor in miscommunication. Each sign also has its flaws, and recognizing them can help you approach conflict with a greater sense of humor. Instead of seeing flaws as insurmountable problems, see them as opportunities for growth and laughter.

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Astrology Forecast February 5 – 11, 2024

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMercury moves into Aquarius today, challenging us to think differently for the next few weeks. Breaking out of old molds and thought processes will be the challenge as the rulin planet of communication, intellect, and the mind moves through this electric sign.

Our most productive days of the week will be tomorrow and Wednesday as the Moon marches through Capricorn, so get your to-do list completed before the fireworks and celebrations begin, as this week marks the beginning of the Chinese New Year 2024.

This year we celebrate the Year of the Dragon, more specifically, Wood Dragon. An Aquarius New Moon occurs on Friday, February 9th, which officially kicks off Chinese New Year on February 10th, lasting until January 28th, 2025.

The Year of the Dragon is any esteemed year in Chinese culture, as it is associated with strength, prosperity, and good fortune. In the Chinese zodiac, each year is associated with one of the twelve animal signs, and the Dragon is the only mythical creature in the cycle. People born in the Year of the Dragon are believed to inherit the dragon’s characteristics, which include intelligence, ambition, courage, and a strong sense of justice. Continue reading

Astrology Forecast January 29 – February 4, 2024

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe week begins with great energy to get your show on the road with three determined Virgo Moon trines this morning.

The first trine with Mars in Capricorn will kick off the day with decisive action, willpower and resourcefulness, followed by a trine with Uranus in Taurus to promote creativity, originality and an innovative mindset. The third trine with Mercury in Capricorn will seal the deal with some quick-witted intelligence, sound judgment and practical thinking.

Get as much done today as you can to set the stage for the week ahead, for when the Moon moves into Libra tomorrow, our work ethic will take a backseat to our social and emotional lives. You may find yourself more interested in social activities, spending time with friends and nurturing your relationships.

The Moon moves into Scorpio on Thursday afternoon, bringing a more intense energy through Saturday. Some of us will be drawn to spiritual and esoteric pursuits, while others will take on projects that require intense focus and attention, like taxes, haha!

Watch out for the Scorpio Moon square Pluto in Aquarius on Thursday afternoon, as this transit is known to cause drama and conflict. Think twice before you lash out and avoid fights over taxes, joint finances, debt or alimony!

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Astrology Forecast January 22 – 28, 2024

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Everything in moderation is the recommended mantra this week, as the cosmic outlook promises to be all about tempting makeovers, unexpected new goals and potentially costly reinventions.

The scene is set for a relaxed, even lazy attitude this morning due to a Gemini Moon square to Neptune in Pisces, followed by a lunar opposition to Venus in Sagittarius this afternoon.

Not only do these transits tend to induce a passive, dreamy state of mind, but they can also make us feel a bit hypersensitive, insecure, and unbalanced. The perfect breeding ground for restlessness and dissatisfaction!

Head vs. heart issues can cause us to be all over the place or even volatile today, so take extra care to stay grounded and don’t act hastily. A good way to counteract this is to start your day with a calming guided meditation.

Venus moves into Capricorn tomorrow until February 16, 2024. This could inspire a major personal or home makeover. Makeovers are great, but keep in mind that Venus doesn’t really care about your budget and could have you spending a lot of money to reinvent your lifestyle. Continue reading

Astrology Forecast January 15 – 21, 2024

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe may feel a little directionless and passive today under the waxing crescent moon in Pisces.

This dreamy, relaxed mood will peak this afternoon when the Capricorn Sun sextiles the Pisces Moon, followed shortly by a Pisces Moon conjunction with Neptune in Pisces.

If you are highly sensitive, you may feel more thoughtful, sluggish, or unbalanced today. However, if you are a creative, this may also be a good time to focus on projects.

Fortunately, things will speed up tomorrow and Wednesday as the Moon moves into sure-footed Aries. These are the two days when we will get the most done this week, and a good time to start new projects and take desired actions.

The main key to creating positive movement forward will be asking for help. Brainstorming and research will also be helpful in making the most of these two days.

A Mars conjunction with Jupiter on Wednesday will bring an extra burst of energy and enthusiasm. It’s a good time to take on challenges and pursue your goals with confidence. Continue reading

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