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My Mystical Encounter With A Music Box

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I go through my house at least once a year to get rid of some of the clutter. I even have a large bin labeled “donate,” and when stuff has outlived its usefulness, it goes in there.

Recently, I took some of these unwanted items to the charity thrift store they were intended for.

Whenever I go into an antique or thrift store, I immediately lower my psychic awareness and energetically shield myself as a precaution. I have to, or the energy residue and imprints in those places will wreak havoc on my auric well-being and state of mind.

Not protecting my energy and not blocking out incoming psychic impressions in such an energetically dense environment would be like hanging out at a funeral home, absorbing everyone’s sadness and grief and then taking it home with me. It is basically the psychic empath equivalent of sunbathing on the beach for hours without sunscreen!

Before I learned how to “unplug” and “shield up,” I would feel so unbalanced and completely drained afterwards that I would lie in bed for days to recharge my batteries. I would feel overwhelmed with emotional and psychic overload, which is both mentally and physically toxic. Fortunately, over the years I have learned how to protect my auric energy and “turn off” my psychic abilities to use at my discretion only when needed.

After dropping off my bags at the store, the man behind the counter went into sales mode and excitedly informed me that he had just received a ton of cool new items. His sales pitch was charming, and I decided to poke around the store for a few minutes to see what I could find. I had no intention of buying anything, and thankfully I didn’t. I didn’t need any more clutter!

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The Vibrational Alchemy Of Crystal-Infused Water

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I love using crystal water as part of my spiritual practice. Crystal-infused water is an alchemical elixir for harmonizing the body, mind, and spirit.

Using the vibrational properties of crystals, this practice involves infusing water with the subtle energies emitted by carefully selected crystals and gemstones. Drinking crystal water is a powerful healing tool and wonderful for maintaining holistic balance and inner harmony.

I like to drink crystal water only once a week. I do not want to interfere with the body’s energetics every day. This is also a great way to get more water into your body and hydrate.

The use of crystals for healing and spiritual purposes dates back thousands of years, originating in the ancient civilizations, such as Egypt, Greece and China. These cultures believed in the energetic properties of crystals and used them for various purposes, including healing, protection, and spiritual connection.

While there is limited historical documentation that specifically mentions crystal-infused water in ancient traditions, it is evident that the ancients held a deep reverence for both crystals and water in their spiritual, healing, and ceremonial practices. Over time, as the awareness of the metaphysical properties of crystals evolved in modern times, the practice of immersing crystals in water for drinking emerged.

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My First Foray Into Ribbon Psychometry

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Like “riding a bicycle,” spiritual knowledge and skills, once learned, are never lost or forgotten. Even if you haven’t practiced or used a certain skill for a long time, you can always quickly pick it up again because it is stored in your soul memory.

There is a certain degree of permanence in spiritual growth and learning. Spiritual learning is very different from the acquisition of academic knowledge or vocational skills. Soul growth and spiritual development flows from deeply personal experiences, profound moments of insight, and personal transformations that forever change our soul essence at a fundamental level.

Our soul memory is essentially the memory bank of our higher self. It is like stored layers of enlightenment or the akashic records that preserve all of our acquired spiritual wisdom and abilities, making them readily accessible  after periods or even lifetimes of non-use or neglect.

I was reminded of this fact at a recent mediumship event I attended where a medium demonstrated some of the psychic techniques and methods she had relied on in her own psychic development journey.

Decades ago, I attended a psychic development course at the Arthur Findlay College of Spiritualism and Psychic Sciences in Essex, England. During the course we did a fun exercise in which we practiced “ribbon psychometry.”

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Why Do Empaths And Sensitives Often Feel Drained?

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Have you ever left a meeting or social gathering feeling completely drained or energetically depleted?

Or maybe you’ve walked out of a store or other public place and noticed that you were short with your loved ones and irritable? Or you come home in the evening feeling sad or depressed for no apparent reason, after starting the day feeling cheerful and happy?

If this happens to you often, it is very likely that you are an empath or a highly sensitive person.

Empaths and highly sensitive people (HSPs) often feel drained by other people, social gatherings, crowds and certain environments due to several key aspects of their inherent nature and the way they interact with the world around them. Here are the major reasons for this phenomenon:

Genetic predisposition: Research suggests that the trait of high sensitivity is influenced by genetic factors that affect how individuals process sensory information and emotional stimuli. A key aspect of this genetic influence is the way the brain processes serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood, appetite, sleep, and sensory perception. Variations in genes related to the serotonin transporter have been linked to differences in emotional reactivity and sensitivity to the environment. Studies have shown that individuals with certain variations of these genes may exhibit traits consistent with high sensitivity, such as deeper cognitive processing of sensory information, higher emotional reactivity, and increased empathy.

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Exploring The Benefits Of Reiki Healing

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Reiki healing offers a variety of potential benefits for both your physical and mental well-being. Reiki teaches that when our life force is high, we feel happy, radiant and vital, and when it is low, we feel sick, drained and stressed.

Reiki is a form of energy healing in which practitioners use their hands to channel life force energy to the recipient. This universal energy or life force flows through all living things and is called ki in Japanese. The concept is similar to qi (or chi) in Chinese culture and prana in Indian culture.

A qualified Reiki healer is trained to channel healing energy to balance the flow of your life force energy and return you to a state of harmony and vitality.

Reiki has grown in popularity in recent years. Once viewed with skepticism by mainstream medicine, there’s a growing openness to complementary therapies, and Reiki is seen as a gentle and relaxing practice.

In today’s fast-paced world, stress is a major concern. Reiki’s reputation for promoting relaxation and reducing stress makes it attractive to many. Celebrities like Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman, Sandra Bullock and Gwyneth Paltrow and any mothers have spoken openly about their use of Reiki, giving it a touch of glamour and social validation.

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The Practical Possibilities Of Pendulum Divination

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPendulum divination, a practice steeped in ancient mysticism and esoteric wisdom, has found its place in various areas of spiritual exploration. Often associated with answering yes or no questions, the swinging motion of the pendulum taps into the energies of the universe and guide those seeking answers.

However, the pendulum’s capabilities extend beyond a binary response, encompassing diverse applications in psychic readings and energy healing practices.

One of the most common uses of pendulum divination is to answer yes or no questions. The pendulum, held by a seeker or psychic, swings or rotates in response to the energies surrounding a particular situation. The intuitive movement manifests unseen forces that provide insight into the seeker’s question. Whether exploring matters of the heart, career decisions, or spiritual inquiries, the pendulum serves as a conduit for connecting with the ethereal.

Beyond simple yes or no inquiries, the pendulum is a powerful tool in energy healing practices, especially chakra balancing. Chakras, the energy centers within the body, are crucial to maintaining physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

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Protect Yourself From Energy Vampires

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPeople have the power to either energize or drain us because we are all energetic spiritual beings in human form. This is especially true if you are highly sensitive and empathic.

Energy vampires are people who mostly unintentionally drain or ‘steal’ the energy of others, leaving everyone they interact with feeling mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually drained, even depressed.

Although they may not be intentionally malicious or evil, their dysfunctional personalities and toxic behavior patterns can have a detrimental effect on our health and well-being.

Energy thieves are everywhere, from the workplace to our social circles. Understanding their effects and protecting yourself from their toxicity is critical to mental and emotional well-being.

It is important to recognize the signs and patterns in your interactions with these people. There are many signs that you may be the victim of an energy vampire. Some of the most common indicators include feeling drained or exhausted, having a change in mood or energy level, or difficulty concentrating or making decisions after spending time with someone. You may also feel that you are always giving and never receiving from someone, or that you are being used or manipulated by them.

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