healthy living
The Healing Power Of The Ocean
Just as we clean material objects to maintain their quality and longevity, our mind, body, and spirit also require regular cleansing to ensure optimal functioning. Environmental stressors, emotional upheaval, and the demands of daily life can accumulate as energetic debris that weighs us down physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Our energetic field absorbs influences from people, places, and experiences. Over time, unresolved emotions, stress, and negativity can cloud our vitality, leading to fatigue, irritability, and disconnection from our inner selves.
Just as we clean our homes or our physical bodies, it’s important to clean our energy field. Neglecting to do so can affect our long-term well-being, leaving us feeling drained and spiritually stagnant.
One of the most profound ways to restore balance and revitalize our energy is through ocean healing – a timeless practice known to humankind since ancient times.
The ocean has long been revered as a sacred space for cleansing and rejuvenation. Its rhythmic waves, expansive horizon, and vast depths symbolize release, renewal, and infinite possibilities.
Simply spending time by the ocean can have a profound effect on our nervous system, calming the mind and grounding the emotions. The soothing sounds of the waves, the cool breeze, and the connection to the Earth’s vast waters stimulate relaxation and promote a meditative state, making it easier to release tension and embrace inner peace.
It’s Time To Take Better Care Of Your Self!
Only you know when it’s time to step into your authentic self. Only you know when it’s time to break free from the constraints of a life that no longer serves you and start living the life you were meant to live.
If your daily routine feels like running on a hamster wheel – repetitive, exhausting and uninspiring – it is time to step off and embrace change.
Doing the same thing the same way will always produce the same results. But by making small changes, you can cultivate a life of balance, joy, and fulfillment.
We are often our own worst critics. That little voice in your head may be whispering, “I can’t do this. I’m not good enough. I don’t deserve happiness.” These negative thoughts act as invisible barriers holding you back from personal growth.
It’s time to clear the mental clutter and make room for self-love and self-confidence. Replacing negative self-talk with empowering affirmations will shift your perspective and help you align with your highest potential.
Let go of the idea that we can rewrite the past. The past is past, and you have the power to create a new, fulfilling present. Living in the moment allows you to fully experience life without the weight of regret or fear of the unknown.
Your thoughts create your reality. A positive outlook attracts positive experiences, while negativity creates more negativity. The words you use-both out loud and in your mind-hold energy and influence your emotions and interactions. Even simple word choices can change the tone of a conversation and affect outcomes. By consciously choosing optimism, you can improve your relationships, well-being, and overall happiness.
Tarot Forecast March 2025: Ace Of Swords
This month the Ace of Swords heralds a time of clarity, breakthroughs, and decisive action.
Representing the power of the mind, truth, and the ability to cut through confusion, the Ace of Swords signals a month filled with sharp insights, important conversations, and fresh perspectives.
Expect newfound mental strength, intellectual growth, and the courage to face reality — bringing clarity to various areas of life in the coming weeks.
Visually, the Ace of Swords presents a striking image. At its center, an upright sword with a gleaming blade symbolizes intellect, reason, and the ability to pierce through uncertainty. A golden crown encircles the blade, adorned with a vine or wreath, signifying success, authority, and the rewards that come from truth and justice.
The sword emerges from a cloud, representing divine inspiration or sudden insight that dispels confusion. Surrounding it, small flame-like orbs known as yods embody divine energy, enlightenment, and guidance from a higher power.
In the background, jagged mountains reflect the challenges one may face — reminding us that while clarity is powerful, the journey to truth is often met with challenges and obstacles.
The Ace of Swords signals a fresh start in thought, ideas, and perception, urging us to embrace truth, reason, and the transformative power of the mind. In the coming weeks, embrace truth in all areas of life — honesty will set you free. Use both logic and intuition, allowing your mind to guide you while staying connected to your heart. Cut through distractions and focus on what truly matters, eliminating unnecessary mental clutter.
Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life!
We’ve all had those days when all we do is tear ourselves down. In moments of self-judgment and negativity, we tell ourselves that we’re not good-looking enough, rich enough, smart enough, young enough, thin enough, talented enough… the list goes on.
While occasional self-criticism is normal, for many it becomes a lifelong habit of self-torture — an internal dialogue of negativity that shapes their reality.
Negative thinking and judgmental self-talk have profound effects on both mental and physical health. Chronic self-criticism fuels anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem, often leading to feelings of hopelessness and inaction. On a physical level, this mindset increases stress and weakens the immune system, making us more susceptible to disease.
But beyond psychology and biology, this pattern also has metaphysical implications — it acts as a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more we tell ourselves that we are unworthy, incapable, or unlucky, the more these beliefs take root in our energy field. Over time, they manifest as actual experiences in our daily lives, reinforcing the very negativity we wish to escape.
The good news? Just as negative thoughts shape our reality, so do positive thoughts. When we shift our mental energy toward uplifting, empowering, and constructive thoughts, we raise our energetic vibration. Over time, this inner shift produces tangible results — our confidence grows, new opportunities arise, and life begins to feel more fulfilling.
Protect Yourself From Toxic Emotional Influences
A client I read for once told me that he chose to be a loner because people always wanted something from him. “People either want money from me or they want to bend my ear with their problems,” he said. This statement struck a deep chord with me.
Over the years, I have noticed a significant increase in clients asking how to protect their energy. I find more people are becoming aware of how they are spiritually affected by others, especially those who bring negativity into their home or work environment.
I have had callers tell me how they come home from work exhausted – not from work, but from a toxic work environment. Even a simple telephone conversation can be draining if the person on the other end is met with an outpouring of worry, complaint, or anger. I dare not even mention the many toxic energy pitfalls of today’s dating scene!
I firmly believe that the influence of toxic energy on our systems is vastly underestimated in our daily lives. Our endocrine and nervous systems are particularly affected by our thoughts, actions, and interactions with others. A lack of emotional balance and a concern to avoid unnecessary toxic energy has undoubtedly become a priority.
Years ago in South Africa, I consulted a brilliant homeopath for what turned out to be an overactive thyroid. He diagnosed my condition using reflexology and his medical intuition. After the diagnosis, he said to me: “I’m going to give you some muti (a Zulu word for traditional medicine used in southern Africa). But until you sort out your emotional situation, it’s probably not going to make much difference.”
What To Do When A Lost Love Lingers
Many of the readings I do are about love and relationships, and a good percentage of them are about past relationships that continue to linger in the hearts and minds of some callers.
For some people there are often constant, even obsessive thoughts about a former partner, a longing for a second chance, or bitterness and regret for time and energy that now seems wasted. The longer and more intense the relationship, the more battle scars and wounds there often are.
If it was a soulmate or twinflame connection, the aftermath can be especially devastating. The relationship has ended and the connection has been severed in this lifetime. This can be very painful. You know you gave it your all. You hung in there for years, or you made heroic efforts to ensure the survival of the relationship, but it did not work out as you had hoped.
If you are highly sensitive and intuitively aware, you may still be picking up the energy of your former partner, which can be very painful, disturbing and disruptive. Unresolved energetic connections can keep you stuck in a repetitive cycle of repeating the same pattern with that person, or put you on hold, unable to move forward in peace and confidence.
I am often asked, “Is it really over?” or “Does he still have feelings for me?” Of course, the answer depends on the unique circumstances.
Prayer Is A Refuge From The Noise And Chaos
It is easy to feel overwhelmed these days. Modern life presents many challenges, from personal struggles to global issues.
We live in a world increasingly dominated by negativity, division and fear, where cruelty and hatred are not only considered acceptable, but even celebrated.
It’s really no secret to the spiritually aware person that there is an increasing battle between good and evil. Negative influences often masquerade as appealing or trendy, making it even more important to stay connected to your inner truth and divine guidance.
I often have to turn off my cell phone and television these days as I see the forces of evil growing stronger than ever. It can be hard to stay grounded in hope and clarity.
Fortunately, we have access to a variety of spiritual practices to help us stay grounded, find clarity, and maintain our inner balance. My favorite is a powerful, time-honored tradition: prayer.
While prayer is practiced in many religions and spiritual traditions, it is universal and can be embraced by anyone, regardless of their belief system. It transcends cultural and religious boundaries and is not tied to any dogma or required ritual.
Traditionally, religious prayer follows specific doctrines, but prayer is an open practice available to anyone to contemplate and express their deepest thoughts, feelings, and desires in a mindful, empowering way.