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Astrology Forecast July 22 – 28, 2024

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe Sun entering Leo this morning shifts the energies for the next four weeks toward confidence, creativity, and a desire for self-expression. Combined with the influence of an Aquarius Moon, today will be a great time to pursue creative endeavors, connect with others on a deeper emotional level, and embrace both leadership and nurturing roles.

An Aquarius Moon on a Monday combines the emotional and nurturing energy of the Moon with the innovative, rational, and community-oriented qualities of Aquarius. This results in a balanced approach to emotions, innovative problem solving, improved social connections, and a strong focus on humanitarian efforts.

The Aquarius Moon trine Jupiter in Gemini this morning will add a refreshing and positive energy that promotes innovation, effective communication, and a sense of optimism. This aspect is likely to enhance both personal and professional interactions, making for a great start to the week.

Use today’s innovative energy to brainstorm and implement new ideas or projects at work, and explore new ways of dealing with personal emotional challenges by embracing unique and unconventional solutions.

Mercury enters Virgo on Thursday, reinforcing our analytical thinking, clear communication and attention to detail. This transit promotes an environment of efficiency, clarity and constructive communication.

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Navigating Relationship Conflict With Astrology Humor

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comNavigating a lover’s quarrel can range from simple and fleeting disagreements to complex and time-consuming arguments and feuds.

In the midst of such challenges, a sense of humor can sometimes be a good thing, providing a quick relief valve and a broader perspective on the situation. A little humor can even prevent us from saying or doing things we later regret!

A great source of humor is our zodiac sign. Understanding how our partner’s sign and our own might handle relationship conflict differently can actually help one see the funny, lighter side of even a serious disagreement.

Throughout my years as a psychic reader, I’ve certainly noticed the humor in how different clients handle arguments with their partners based on their signs.

Different zodiac signs have different communication styles. Knowing your partner’s style and your own can help you appreciate the differences and find humor in miscommunication. Each sign also has its flaws, and recognizing them can help you approach conflict with a greater sense of humor. Instead of seeing flaws as insurmountable problems, see them as opportunities for growth and laughter.

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Astrology Forecast December 4 – 10, 2023

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The week begins on a mentally sharp and very energetic note, with several aspects highly conducive to both personal and professional achievement and success.

Today and tomorrow will be especially good for work and business as the Moon transits through meticulous Virgo, combined with Venus entering the same sign today.

A Virgo Moon trine to Mercury in Capricorn this morning will further enhance our workday with increased mental acuity, practical thinking and wise decision-making, followed by a trine to Jupiter in Taurus that will promote social success and open doors to financial opportunities.

This ambitious, driven energy continues through tomorrow afternoon with a Virgo Moon trine to Uranus in Taurus, known for heightened ambition, focus, determination, and persuasiveness. By day’s end tomorrow, the Venus in Scorpio trine to Saturn in Pisces will put the finishing touches on our two-day siege of mental precision, focus, and persistence.

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Astrology Forecast October 2 – 8, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAstrologically, this is a good week to pause, reflect and assess where your life may be out of balance or how you can rekindle your optimism and refocus your goals for the future.

Today’s Taurus Moon should make this the most productive day of the week, inspiring us to catch up on projects or commitments that may have fallen by the wayside in September. However, we may not be able to benefit from this inspiring energy due to a Mercury in Virgo opposition to Neptune in Pisces combined with a Taurus Moon conjunction with Uranus around midday.

Make an effort to stay focused and motivated as we tend to be impractical, lack inner balance and may be prone to daydreaming during these transits. Stay centred and use your imagination to be constructive and inventive.

You should regain mental clarity and sound judgement by the time the Taurus Moon trines Mercury in Virgo this evening.

Relationships take centre stage under the Gemini Moon tomorrow and Wednesday, punctuated by Mercury’s move into Libra for a three-week visit. Communication will flourish and new ideas and plans are sure to come to life. Relationships can also be recalibrated under this aspect, and if you are single and looking, this is the perfect time to cement a new partnership or seek a new connection of the heart.

Thursday morning will be a good time for business meetings, sales presentations or budget negotiations as the Cancer Moon trines Saturn in Pisces. However, a Cancer Moon square to Mercury in Libra may cause some delays in communication and travel, so take precautions in advance. Charge your phone and check the signal, set up equipment at the meeting venue in advance, test video conferencing technology, plan your route if you need to travel and leave earlier than usual.

The weekend will be wonderful for quality ‘me time’ at home. Redecorate your home, try out that new bread recipe, or just catch up on the latest season of your favorite TV show. The Moon enters Leo on Sunday, while Venus moves into disciplined Virgo, providing a great opportunity to reorganize your closet or clean out the garage.

Astrology Forecast September 25 – October 1, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe astrological star of the show this week is Friday’s Aries Full Moon, also known as a Harvest Moon. Because Full Moons symbolize a time of release, this is the perfect opportunity to release whatever no longer serves you once and for all. An Aries Full Moon is  also about taking back your power, embracing your courage and taking action to reach your goals.

The week starts out a bit frenetic today and tomorrow under an Aquarius Moon. We may have many new ideas, innovative plans, and identify possibilities we’ll want to explore. Make note of what you discover, but refrain from taking any real action until you’ve had time to network with others to get more facts and information.  The Pisces Moon on Wednesday and Thursday will fortunately bring us spiritual and intuitive insight to help move us forward on some of these new plans and ideas.

The Mercury in Virgo trine with Jupiter in Taurus this afternoon is also an excellent time to do some research. And if you are currently thinking of furthering your education or going back to school, this trine’s energy offers a perfect opportunity to look into courses, classes or schools, as you are likely to find useful information without much effort. If you have already applied for enrolment in a course or school, you may also get good news or positive feedback about that.

Practice extra caution under Friday’s Aries Full Moon, as well as Saturday’s Aries Moon, as both have a way of urging us to look before we leap. Caution on the road will especially be called for, as everyone may be in more a hurry to get where they think they are going, and they might not slow down if you get in their way!

Take a breather under Sunday’s Taurus Moon and try be more like Ferdinand the Bull in the popular children’s book. Ferdinand would rather smell flowers than fight in bullfights. Make Sunday your lazy, easy-going day to truly stop and smell the roses for a change. Don’t worry about those duties and chores, they’ll still be there waiting for you next week.

The People In Your Tarot Court Cards

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn a psychic tarot reading, several court cards, also known as ‘people cards’, may come up in a spread. This can be challenging and even confusing, because the reader must now interpret not only the situational influences and circumstances revealed by the spread, but also the other people who are playing a role, or may still be involved in the matter.

There are many different approaches to interpreting tarot court cards, but my personal preference is to associate each card with an astrological sign of the zodiac.

There are 78 cards in a traditional Tarot deck. The first 22 cards are the Major Arcana and the remaining 56 are the Minor Arcana. The Minor Arcana are divided into four suits that correspond to the four classical elements of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth.

The element of Air is typically represented in the deck design as swords, feathers, birds, or clouds. The element of Fire is usually represented as wands, batons, or staffs. The element of Water is represented by cups, chalices, bowls, or mermaids. And the element of Earth is represented as pentacles, coins, or stones.

Sixteen of the 56 minor arcana are the court cards. The court cards of each suit represent people who embody the personality, traits, or influence of the associated element. Occasionally, a court card may also represent someone who fits the physical appearance of a particular person card as depicted in the card’s design.

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Astrology Forecast August 28 – September 3, 2023

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe are in for a busy week astrologically, starting with Uranus going retrograde today.

While outer planets can be subtle when they begin a retrograde period, Uranus is the exception, as its very nature is to create unexpected changes. In combination with the Moon passing through Aquarius (the sign Uranus rules) today and tomorrow, it’s best to expect the unexpected.

More annoying than problematic, some of the problems this scenario may cause is oversleeping, overeating, and minor computer or appliance problems. Nothing that comes our way will be too overwhelming to navigate, but it may cause brief delays as we rally to get things back on track.

On Wednesday we’ll have a Blue Moon, meaning it will be waxing full for the second time this month. Thus the saying “once in a blue moon,” to refer to a rare or unexpected event. A Blue Moon usually brings a positive surprise our way, and perhaps this will remedy whatever problems we encountered on Monday. Fingers crossed!

Stay grounded and prepared to face the truth Thursday afternoon, because the Pisces Moon opposite Mercury Retrograde in Virgo could reveal information that may disillusion or compel us to change our mind about a long-held belief. Think carefully before you act and try not to overreact.

If you’re wondering if there will be any quiet days this week, take heart! Friday and Saturday the Aries Moon will restore our energy and get us back on track in no time. And there’s more good news. On Sunday, Venus will end its six-week retrograde and go direct, bringing back the love, passion and beauty that this planet is known for.

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