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The Spiritual Significance Of A September Cleaning

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Did you know that cleaning can be so much more than a boring chore? When done mindfully and with intention, it can become a transformative ritual that aligns our physical environment and the spaces in which we live and work with higher spiritual energies.

By clearing away dirt, clutter, and disorder as a form of mindful meditation and cleansing ritual, you can also cleanse your inner being, releasing what no longer serves you and making room for new energies to flow. The act of cleansing can then serve as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, allowing the harmonious flow of life force energy, or chi, through your physical environment.

Everything in the universe is interconnected, including the spaces we inhabit. Metaphysically, our homes and workplaces are extensions of our own energy field. When these spaces are cluttered or dirty, they begin to affect or even block the flow of positive energy, leading to feelings of lethargy, confusion, and spiritual stagnation. More importantly, negative energy imprints and residues tend to accumulate in our homes through our interactions with other people and the outside world. Cleansing thus becomes an essential spiritual practice, similar to meditation or prayer, that helps restore balance, flow and harmony.

The physical act of cleaning is not only about maintaining order and hygiene in our surroundings, but also about aligning our internal energies and preparing our minds for deeper spiritual engagement. It’s like meditation, but with a broom and a mop!

By systematically organizing and cleaning, we can practice mindfulness and focus on the present moment and the task at hand. As unnecessary items are discarded and surfaces are cleaned, we experience a corresponding release of old emotions and thought patterns that no longer serve us. In this way, the simple act of wiping down a shelf or sweeping a floor can become a profound spiritual practice that connects us to the sacredness of the present moment.

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The Empowering Eight Energy Of September 2024

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!As this month unfolds, we find ourselves in a powerful and transformative period in terms of numerology.

September 2024 carries the dynamic energy of the number 8, which resonates strongly with the overall vibration of the year, as this is a year of the number 8.

In numerology, each month is assigned a number based on its position in the calendar year. September is the 9th month of the year, so the number for September is 9.

To find the numerological number for a year, you add up each digit of the year until you reduce it to a single digit. So the number for 2024 is 8.

2024 → 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8

To find the combined energy for a particular month within a particular year, add the number of the month to the number of the year and reduce the sum to a single digit (if necessary).

9 (September) + 8 (year 2024) = 17

Reduce 17 to a single digit: 1 + 7 = 8

Thus, September 2024 carries the dynamic combined energy of the number 8. This creates a powerful alignment that amplifies the qualities of the number 8 this month with significant opportunities to achieve personal growth, balance and abundance.

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The Mystical Art Of Pendulum Divination

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Divination, the ancient spiritual practice of seeking knowledge of the future and the unknown through supernatural means, has been an integral part of human history for millennia.

From the casting of lots practiced in various forms by indigenous and aboriginal cultures around the world using bones, stones, shells, and other natural objects, to the Tarot of 15th century Europe, to today’s cyber-divination and AI-powered fortune-telling, various tools have been used to connect with the spirit realm and uncover one’s destiny.

Among these tools, one of the most accessible and easy-to-use traditional methods of divination is the pendulum. The best part is that this simple yet powerful tool is already within reach, tucked away in your jewelry box or craft kit.

A pendulum is simply a weighted object attached to a chain, string, or cord. It can be as elaborate or as simple as you like – a crystal dangling from a silver chain, a beloved piece of jewelry, or even a simple stone tied to a piece of string. The key is to choose an object with some weight to it so that it will swing freely when held aloft.

Pendulum divination is a form of dowsing, a practice that dates back thousands of years and has been used to locate water, minerals, and even lost objects. Dowsing works by tapping into the subconscious mind, which is connected to universal consciousness and the spirit realm. When using a pendulum for divination, you are essentially asking your subconscious to communicate with you through the movements of the pendulum.

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The Spiritual Significance Of 333

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Many people encounter repeated sequences of numbers that appear synchronistically in their daily lives, such as on clocks, receipts, or license plates. These number sequences often seem to appear at significant moments or during periods of introspection, causing one to wonder about their deeper meaning.

These repeated numbers are not mere coincidences, but are meaningful messages or signs from the universe. These occurrences are not random, but are connected to our personal experiences, emotions, or spiritual journey, offering insight into our current state of being or guiding us toward important life decisions.

Spirit communicates in many ways, including dreams, animal messengers, and seemingly random circumstances. Seeing recurring sequences of numbers is a common form of synchronicity. To understand their meaning, consider the numerology of the numbers and how they resonate with your current life situations.

When we encounter these recurring number sequences, it’s beneficial to observe the context in which they appear. Reflecting on what you are doing, thinking, or feeling at the time can provide clues as to their meaning.

By paying attention to these patterns and considering their potential meanings, we can better understand their relevance to our lives and use their messages to more effectively guide our personal growth and spiritual development.

The number 3 or the repeated sequence of 333 is a good example with significant symbolism. If you frequently see the number 3, it often signifies an important phase for building foundations and manifesting desired outcomes with intention.

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The Magic Of Crystals And Gemstones

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Many of my clients light up when you mention the magic of crystals and gemstones, and they usually have a story to tell about a particular stone they own or carry with them for specific intentions, healing, added strength, protection, and so on.

How do crystals and gems work for you? Well, in many magical ways. When you are attracted to a particular stone, whether it’s color, texture, shape, or other qualities, the attraction you feel to it is the first step in the magical process. This attraction is actually the stone’s way of calling you to it, to make contact.

Sometimes a stone may be given to you by someone, or it may just find its way into your hands in one way or another. The circumstances under which you found it, or perhaps how it found you, is just the beginning of a new and magical relationship.

There are many metaphysicians who believe that crystals and gemstones are our ancestors or ancient beings or life force crystallized from history. Some people believe that certain stones you come in contact with are stones you had in a past life.

They could be pieces of land or rock that surrounded you in past lives here on Earth and are showing up in your life today as a friend or ally. This is pretty cool to think about! Imagine a stone that you have now that you also carried with you before, from another time. Would you still see that stone the same way when you looked at it?

Researchers and historians have hypothesized about pre-Christian cultures and civilizations that considered the standing stones to be the ancient sages or ancient gods. There are unusual theories about sites like Stonehenge and how these large stones got there, as there is still no logical explanation. Some say that Merlin the Magician brought them to Wiltshire, England from a town in Wales called Maenclochog.

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When You Ask You Shall Receive

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Spiritually aware people know that if we ask, we shall receive. So, why don’t we ask more often?

Is it because we don’t want to take personal responsibility? Or do we feel that we are not worthy or deserving? Or is it because some of us just don’t know the best way to go about it? Maybe we have asked before and it did not work out the way we expected?

The first thing I often have to teach my clients is that it is our spiritual birthright to ask for things. Asking and receiving is at the heart of our soul’s journey in this life. It doesn’t have to be something big or special. We can ask for whatever we feel we need to live our best life.

The more we ask, the more we get; the more we trust, the faster it comes. There is no complicated magic involved. This is the way the universe works, so go ahead and ask. Bring all the goodness you want into your reality.

In our daily lives we often overlook the simple act of asking. We are taught to be self-reliant and to solve our problems on our own. While self-reliance is a valuable trait, it shouldn’t prevent us from reaching out when we need help or want something. There is an unspoken power in asking – an acknowledgement that we’re not alone and that there is a benevolent force and higher power willing to support us.

Think of the concept of asking as a dialogue with the universe. When you express your desires, you set an intention. This intention becomes a powerful signal that attracts what you need. It’s a practice rooted in trust and openness. The more you practice it, the more natural it becomes, and the more you’ll see positive results.

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Receiving Angel Guidance In Your Dreams

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I was nine years old when I met three beautiful angels in a rather unlikely setting. My parents were visiting some friends one Saturday night, and when it was time for me to go to bed, they put me upstairs in the master bedroom.

The grown-ups were enjoying themselves and making a lot of noise downstairs, so I was lying on the bed, wide awake, staring up at the ceiling.

Suddenly, like a sliding door, the ceiling opened to reveal three magnificent beings against the backdrop of the night sky. They were angels.

In later years I researched books and pictures of these beautiful beings and to my amazement some artists had captured them exactly as I had seen them in my vision that night. Their message came to me telepathically, clear and comforting: “We will always be with you.

The vivid memory of that night stayed with me and shaped my understanding of the spiritual realm. As I began to work with people all over the world, I soon realised that many people are either too afraid to open up to angelic guidance, or simply do not know where to begin the communication process. If this resonates with you, know that angels do come to us in dreams and visions, offering their guidance, protection and support.

The Bible, for example, contains numerous accounts of dreams and visions involving angels, such as Jacob’s ladder (Genesis 28); Joseph’s dreams (Genesis 37); Daniel’s visions (Daniel 7); and John’s revelation (Revelation 1-22).

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