Coping With The Loss Of A Loved One
The loss of a loved one is one of the most profound and challenging experiences we can have. Even if we have a deep spiritual belief that our loved one has crossed over into the spirit realm free of pain and suffering, the grief of their physical absence remains.
It is natural to mourn their departure, to feel the sting of their absence in our daily lives, and to struggle with the reality of a world that feels less complete without them.
For those who have lost a parent, this grief can bring an added layer of vulnerability. Regardless of our age, the loss of a mother or father can leave us feeling untethered, with a foundation in life that once provided security and guidance now shaken. Even if we have spent years caring for them through illness or decline, their passing can still leave us feeling profoundly alone.
This transition marks a significant shift, not only in our outer reality, but also in our inner identity. And yet, in the depths of grief, there is an opportunity for deep reflection, gratitude, and connection.
One of the most powerful ways to navigate grief is to focus on gratitude for the connection you shared with your loved one. Their love, wisdom, and presence shaped you in countless ways, and that influence does not disappear with their passing. Celebrate their life with vigor. Share their stories, embrace cherished memories, and allow their laughter to echo through your heart.
How To Deal With Toxic Drama Royalty
These days, there is drama, crazy-making and toxic behavior everywhere you turn. And it’s not just on social media and public transportation…many of us have to deal with people in our personal and professional lives who are overly demanding, entitled, melodramatic, mean-spirited, always in victim mode, or just plain unhinged.
Sadly, many of these spiritually handicapped souls are people close to us, people we care deeply about. It can be daunting to deal with their toxic actions and volatile behaviors, and trying to ignore them is exhausting and even impossible in the long run.
But other people’s dysfunction and drama doesn’t have to weigh down your spirit, and it doesn’t always have to be so difficult to deal with, especially with some spiritual support and backup.
The first rule to remember is that love works better than anything else. So, the first step should also be to offer the “drama royal” plenty of compassion.
Chances are the drama king or queen in your life is wounded in some way. Dysfunctional behavior and toxicity often stem from unresolved hurt or deep trauma.
Many people who exhibit dramatic or demanding tendencies often aren’t aware of how their behavior affects others. They may be caught in a cycle of emotional turmoil and, as a result, seek external validation through attention and theatricality. Rather than focusing on the label “drama,” it’s helpful to think of these behaviors as expressions of unresolved pain or unmet emotional or spiritual needs.
Thanks, Mom, For Teaching Me Love And Kindness
We all know people who have come in and out of our lives saying or doing just the right thing, at just the right time. People come into our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Some of these wonderful messengers and wayshowers may stay in our lives, or leave just as quickly as they came.
I have had several experiences with such earth angels. When I think of ‘earth angels,’ I think of one person in particular: my mother. She taught me many things that have helped me so much in my life. In particular she taught me the fruits of the spirit by applying them in her own life: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Children don’t do what adults say…they do what we do. Parents who are great role models and truly involved in their children’s lives raise kind adults, who in turn gift the same values to their own children. I was very fortunate to have a mother who didn’t leave me to fend for myself when I was growing up. She was very active in my life and taught me to be kind and courteous to everyone; to respect the elderly; and to always smile and be positive because we attract what we put out in the world.
My mother also made sure that we ate all our meals at the table until we left home as young adults. My husband pointed out once that when my mother calls us, she always asks how everyone is, not just me. She is very supportive and interested in how everyone is doing. I know a lot of people like her who would walk right up to you and give you a hug and ask you how you are.
The Magical Gift Of A Spiritual Relationship
One of the greatest privileges and gifts we can experience in this life are the spiritual relationships we have with certain people who come into our lives at just the right time and place.
A spiritual relationship is a deep and profound connection between two people that transcends the physical and emotional and touches the very essence of our being.
It’s characterized by a shared spiritual journey, values and beliefs that foster a sense of unity and purpose. In such relationships, both parties experience a deep sense of understanding, empathy, and support for each other’s spiritual growth and well-being.
Spiritual relationships can take many forms, including romantic partnerships, friendships, and family ties.
These connections are not necessarily defined by the conventional markers of relationships, but rather are built on mutual respect, love, and a shared pursuit of spiritual fulfillment and enlightenment.
These relationships are deeply meaningful and often challenge individuals to evolve and expand their understanding of themselves, others, and the universe. You and the other person are on the same spiritual plane and see things in the same way. Secret doors and new pathways open for you. Remarkable things happen that often seem truly magical.
True Friends Encourage Each Other’s Gifts
I have aways had an extraordinary spiritual connection with a particular friend. Many of our shared experiences over the years illustrate the strength and importance of this connection. We are always on a bit of a “mystical high” when we spend time together!
I knew she was psychic from the first time we met, but she is seldom very eager to talk about it. I suspect she feels a little insecure about it or even afraid of her own power.
Then I had a dream. The angels showed me in this dream that it was time for my friend to embrace her psychic abilities, and that it had now become my responsibility to ensure that she was prepared for this journey of psychic awakening and self-discovery.
A memorable trip to New York City during the recent holiday season provided the ideal opportunity to inspire her and build her confidence.
She lives in the New York area while I live in Arizona, so we do not see each other very often. Over the holidays, I took a short vacation to visit her. Our plans included a trip to the city to see a play, which was great, but not the most magical part of the trip.
The day we arrived in the city, we went to this holiday fair near our hotel to kill time, before going to dinner and the play. As soon as we got out of the cab, the magic started. Amazing things happened everywhere we went. Her birthday was coming up and I wanted to get her something special. I ended up buying her the perfect pearl ring, which she loves.