soul growth
Reincarnation And The Karmic Journey Of The Soul
Reincarnation — the belief that the soul experiences multiple lifetimes through a continuous cycle of birth, death, and rebirth — is embraced by many spiritual and religious traditions worldwide. Wisdom traditions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and various indigenous belief systems integrate reincarnation deeply into their teachings.
For those who embrace the concept, reincarnation offers a transformative perspective on life and mortality. When we believe that our soul consciousness continues beyond this life, death is no longer something to be feared. Instead, it becomes a transition — a doorway to new opportunities for growth and evolution. Reincarnation provides a rich and expansive framework for understanding the soul’s journey.
Whether you fully embrace the concept or explore it with curiosity, reflecting on the interplay of karma and rebirth can inspire greater mindfulness, compassion, and purpose. In this view, death is not an end, but a passage — a gateway to continued exploration and spiritual progress.
Belief in some form of continued existence beyond this life is widespread. A 2011 Ipsos Global Advisor survey of more than 18,000 people in 23 countries found that 51% of respondents believe in an afterlife that includes beliefs in heaven, hell, and reincarnation. Specifically, 7% of respondents said they believed in reincarnation.
In the United States, a 2021 Pew Research Center survey found that approximately 33% of adults believe in reincarnation. This belief is more prevalent among younger adults under 50 (38%) compared to those aged 50 and older (27%).
Overcoming Your Self-Limiting Beliefs
You’ve probably heard this before. I talk about it all the time. But this concept has had such an impact on my life that I just have to keep sharing it!
You are not your thoughts or your emotions. You are the soul or spirit that has the ability to observe and experience your thoughts and feelings.
When I came to this realization, I had been working for years on my tendency to be very critical of my inner dialogue. But it was only when I looked at it from a spiritual perspective that I realized how hard I had been on myself.
Our minds are constantly full of inner chatter that, left unattended, can become a toxic breeding ground for fear, self-judgment, and limiting belief patterns. Once I realized that as a spiritual being I was separate from my thoughts and feelings, I began to observe them more objectively.
As a natural consequence, I found myself asking some very compelling questions. What was I believing about these thoughts? What kind of emotions do these thoughts evoke? This kind of self-reflection opens up a conversation with your heart, your soul, your higher self.
Your mind is designed to keep you safe. Too often this means keeping you within your comfort zones and self-limiting beliefs. Your heart and soul, on the other hand, want you to grow and expand. The higher self wants you to learn, play, explore and experience as much as possible in this lifetime.
Did Your Soul Choose Your Life Challenges?
“Oh, why do I have such terrible karma?” or “Why does the universe keep throwing me curveballs?” or “Is God punishing me?” These are questions that clients often ask me when they face struggles in life.
Spirit has repeatedly shown me in many readings over the years that we all have a kind of “architect’s plan” that we design before we incarnate into this life. This soul plan for our life journey lays out the lessons we’re going to learn and the experiences we’re going to have.
This spiritual principle is known by various names (depending on the context or belief system), including our spiritual blueprint, life design, divine plan, life script, soul contract, predestined path, and so on.
I prefer “architect’s plan” because it reminds me of the careful, meticulous planning an architect does when designing a new structure, long before the practical, hands-on construction takes place on site.
Like architects, we calmly and clearly create a plan for our life journey before we incarnate. It is only when we are here in the physical world to embody our plan that we fully experience the intensity and the many dangers and pitfalls that are part of our chosen journey, including all the fear, love, pain, hardship, joy, suffering, and everything in between.
Yes, it is hard to believe that we actually choose to face challenges and difficulties in our lives. But various spiritual traditions and esoteric philosophies tell us that our soul’s path is predestined or planned before we’re born, or at least that we have certain free will choices and options along the way.
Realigning With Your Higher Self
In my readings, I often feel that people’s energy is fragmented — like an incomplete jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces. This fragmentation reflects a general disconnection from the core essence of their being: the higher self.
It’s no surprise that modern life pulls us in countless directions, leaving us feeling stretched, overwhelmed, and out of balance. Between the demands of work, family, and personal goals, the balance of work, rest, play, sleep, and spirit seems to have slipped through our fingers.
Compounding this imbalance is our growing impatience and intolerance. We bristle at delays, resist restrictions, and struggle when life deviates from our carefully laid plans.
Yet frustration and impatience only hinder the natural unfolding of our highest good. The person we are waiting to meet or the opportunity we are longing for may not be ready to enter our lives — or, more likely, we may not be ready to welcome it.
When we feel lost, stuck, confused, or fearful, these are signs of misalignment or disconnection from our higher self. This distortion cuts us off from clear inner guidance and spiritual awareness, leaving us adrift in a sea of doubt, fear, and negativity.
Realigning with our higher essence restores the natural flow of energy, inner wisdom, and divine guidance. We rediscover our wise inner genius, the calm confidence that resides within, and the power to live in harmony with our true essence and fulfill our soul plan.
Keeping Shining Your Soul Light!
We all have a soul light — a radiant energy within us that’s eternal and uniquely ours. It shines brightest when we’re true to ourselves. Each of us is different for a reason, and when we embrace that — especially when others might not understand — we tap into the magic of who we truly are.
When we compare ourselves to others, we lose sight of our own path. We can end up pretending to be someone we’re not, and that’s exhausting. It sets unrealistic expectations and keeps us from letting our true light shine.
Have you ever felt like you don’t fit in? Like you’re just… different? The first step to finding yourself is to step back from trying to fit into other people’s boxes. Sure, it can feel lonely at first, but if you stick with it and trust the process, you’ll find a confidence that’s unshakable. You’ll discover a self-esteem that allows your talents and gifts to flourish.
So many of us get caught up in worrying about what others think. This happens a lot in relationships, especially in the beginning. Maybe you’ve been there: You start dating someone, everything seems great, and then out of nowhere they stop texting or calling. Days go by, maybe even a week, and you wonder, “What did I do wrong?
Our first instinct is usually to blame ourselves. We overthink every little thing, digging up all our insecurities and past hurts. Sometimes it’s like a flood of old memories, bringing back childhood moments or difficult family dynamics. It’s draining, and honestly, it’s not helpful.
How To ‘Face Everything And Rise’ (F.E.A.R.)
It’s okay to feel afraid sometimes – some fear responses are a natural and vital part of our built-in self-protection system. Rooted in our primal survival instincts, fear helps us identify and respond to real threats, such as a raging fire or a dangerous wild animal.
Survival fear arises in response to immediate, tangible threats to our safety or well-being. It’s a necessary, life-preserving mechanism based on objective, real-world risks that ensure our survival. By activating the body’s fight-or-flight response, it enables us to act quickly and stay safe.
But not all fears are instinctual, nor do they serve our highest good. Irrational fears arise from societal conditioning, cultural expectations, false beliefs, past traumas, or imagined scenarios. These fears are learned or imagined, not instinctual.
Unlike survival fear, irrational fears reflect internalized doubts, imaginery threats and false narratives that serve no protective function at all. Instead, they just interfere with our personal growth, decision-making, and well-being.
Conditioned fears are typically exaggerated or irrational, existing more in the mind than in reality. Examples include fear of failure, fear of rejection, or fear of not living up to social standards. Self-limiting fears can trap us in cycles of self-doubt and hesitation, limiting our ability to take risks, grow, and live wholeheartedly.
To live our best lives, we must learn to recognize these irrational fears, challenge their validity, and prevent them from taking control of our life and well-being. By stepping back and evaluating the source of our fears, we can release what no longer serves us, reclaim our joy, and unlock our full potential.