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Astrology Forecast October 14 – 20, 2024

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Be prepared to navigate a volatile week with a series of planetary aspects that could prove to be an emotional roller coaster.

The ride begins early today with the Sun in Libra square Mars in Cancer causing conflict, especially in relationships or family dynamics, as the nurturing energy of Cancer clashes with Libra’s need for balance and fairness.

We may find ourselves caught between taking action and keeping the peace this morning. The key is to lean on the diplomatic energy of the Libra Sun and the emotional sensitivity of the Pisces Moon. Seek compromise without ignoring your personal needs or letting frustrations fester.

The Moon’s transit through Pisces today can also challenge us to honor both creative freewheeling and self-discipline at the same time. Emotion, intuition and imagination are at the center of today’s Moon in dreamy Pisces, inspiring us to tap into our creative side and let our imaginations flow freely.

However, the conjunction of the Moon and Saturn in Pisces reminds us that no matter how freely we dream and imagine, there is always a need for structure in order to turn our ideas and inspirations into action and practical results. Saturn’s grounding energy highlights emotional boundaries and responsibilities, urging us to balance our creative aspirations with practical limitations.

The influence of Venus in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus adds an unpredictable layer to the latter part of this manic Monday, especially when it comes to love, finances, or personal values. Relationships may experience sudden shifts or revelations, and emotions may feel intense, so stay calm and grounded, with an open heart and a steady mind.

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Astrology Forecast September 16 – 22, 2024

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This week begins with an opportunity for deep release and heightened intuitive awareness. Expect some powerful emotional and spiritual shifts as the Full Moon transits Pisces today and culminates in a partial Lunar Eclipse tomorrow.

The energy of a full moon is one of culmination and closure, and with the partial eclipse amplifying its energy, we may experience intense feelings surfacing. Pisces, a water sign known for empathy, dreams, and spiritual connection, will heighten our emotional and metaphysical sensitivity and push us to confront unresolved feelings, patterns, and relationships.

Take some time over the next two days to let go of whatever is holding you back – be it emotional baggage, limiting beliefs, or unhealthy attachments – so that healing and closure can take place.

The Piscean energy of this partial eclipse will also enhancs creativity, compassion, and intuition, making it a powerful time for artistic inspiration, divination and spiritual practice. You may feel more drawn to solitude, meditation, or other reflective practices. Trust your inner guidance as the eclipse brings hidden truths to light, and be open to embracing change with compassion and flexibility.

Ultimately, this full moon eclipse is an opportunity to clear emotional clutter and reset your energy to flow more freely with the rhythm of the universe. However, heightened sensitivity can lead to confusion or feeling emotionally overwhelmed, so it’s important to ground yourself as you move into the week ahead.

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Astrology Forecast August 19 – 25, 2024

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Today’s Aquarius Full Moon is known as a Supermoon. Supermoons occur when the full moon coincides with the moon being at the point in its orbit closest to Earth.

This full moon may inspire us to embrace new ideas and approaches, encouraging us to think outside the box and challenge the status quo. It’s a good time to focus on technological advances or unconventional solutions to problems.

We could feel a strong pull to work on community projects or to advocate for social justice. This full moon emphasizes the importance of collective well-being and may inspire you to contribute to causes that benefit the greater good.

Because it’s a supermoon, the emotional impact will be more intense. You may experience heightened feelings or revelations about your personal goals, relationships, or your role in the larger community. This can lead to significant breakthroughs or changes in personal perspective. You may feel a stronger desire to express your true self and make changes that are more in line with your true desires and values.

The Moon’s conjunction with Lilith amplifies this influence, prompting a deeper exploration of your emotional truths and personal freedoms. The semi-sextile aspects between Venus and Lilith, and between the Moon and Venus, also predict opportunities to align your emotional experiences with your values and desires. There may be a focus on reconciling your deeper emotional needs with your social or relational expectations, allowing for a more balanced approach to love and beauty.

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Astrology Forecast April 1 – 7, 2024

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe month begins on a fiery note with Mercury going retrograde today until April 25th. This Mercury retrograde may have a greater impact than usual as it occurs in the ardent sign of Aries.

Expect heightened frustration and impatience over the next three weeks as tensions could ignite quickly. The energy of Aries amplifies impulsiveness and assertiveness, which can lead to rash decisions and thoughtless actions or words.

It will be important to practice patience, exercise caution with technology, back up important files, and avoid initiating new projects or making important decisions if possible. Watch out for electronic glitches, last-minute cancellations, and having to start things over at least twice before they stick!

Miscommunications and misunderstandings are also likely to be more common, especially in close relationships where there may be a tendency toward more self-centered or combative interactions.

To mitigate potential conflict, think carefully about how you phrase things and strive for clarity before you react. During this time, focus on listening and reflecting before speaking, as knee-jerk reactions could lead to unnecessary complications!

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Astrology Forecast March 4 – 10, 2024

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This week’s astrological outlook promises the potential for significant personal transformation, creativity and new beginnings, especially in spiritual and imaginative endeavors. It is a great time to embrace change, pursue your passions, and connect with others on a deeper level. However, the weekend holds potential for conflict and relationship drama.

This morning’s Sagittarius Moon is ideal for doing research, asking for help, or putting together an itinerary for an upcoming vacation or celebration. Gathering more information will give any project we are working on a solid foundation.

Additional value will be added to our plans when the Moon enters Capricorn later today, prompting reflection on our direction and possible need for change. Also, Mercury in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus this afternoon, encouraging unconventional ideas and enthusiasm for change.

Speaking of solid foundations, tomorrow and Wednesday’s Capricorn Moon sets a productive tone, encouraging us to set new boundaries with others in order to move forward more effectively. Don’t be afraid to speak up if someone is trying to steal your energy or block your movement; it’s time to be heard! The Capricorn Moon sextile the Pisces Sun tomorrow morning will increase your confidence to say and do what is necessary.

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Astrology Forecast January 15 – 21, 2024

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe may feel a little directionless and passive today under the waxing crescent moon in Pisces.

This dreamy, relaxed mood will peak this afternoon when the Capricorn Sun sextiles the Pisces Moon, followed shortly by a Pisces Moon conjunction with Neptune in Pisces.

If you are highly sensitive, you may feel more thoughtful, sluggish, or unbalanced today. However, if you are a creative, this may also be a good time to focus on projects.

Fortunately, things will speed up tomorrow and Wednesday as the Moon moves into sure-footed Aries. These are the two days when we will get the most done this week, and a good time to start new projects and take desired actions.

The main key to creating positive movement forward will be asking for help. Brainstorming and research will also be helpful in making the most of these two days.

A Mars conjunction with Jupiter on Wednesday will bring an extra burst of energy and enthusiasm. It’s a good time to take on challenges and pursue your goals with confidence. Continue reading

Astrology Forecast January 8 – 14, 2024

ASTW2_mThere may be lots of talk and very little action today and tomorrow due to the Sagittarius Moon, but this vibe will serve to get many of us back into work mode after the holidays, so don’t stress too much if you don’t get much done.

Luckily, there will be plenty of inspiring energy for new beginnings with the Capricorn New Moon on Thursday. This aspect will get us back on our feet and we’ll be able to catch up in record time, enabling us to tie up loose ends from last year and put a stake in the ground for new ventures.

Tonight’s Mercury in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces may be emotionally challenging, especially if you have been dealing with mental health issues. If you feel unwell or begin to spiral during this transit, beware of self-medicating with alcohol, medication, drugs, or stimulants.

Instead, engage in activities that promote relaxation and stress reduction, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, journaling, or progressive muscle relaxation.

It is also important to stay grounded, calm and realistic during this time, and to avoid making rash decisions or engaging in wishful thinking. If you feel overwhelmed, reach out to a trusted friend, family member, support helpline, or mental health professional.

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