energy cords
The Unresolved Karmic Bonds Between Souls
Have you ever found yourself thinking about an old friend or flame that you haven’t spoken to in years, and they suddenly show up in your life in the most unexpected place? This often happens when we are still energetically connected to someone.
There are invisible energy cords that connect us to many different souls across dimensions and incarnations. These karmic connections are deep soul bonds that transcend time and space and span multiple lifetimes.
Those we love (or hate) – whether a partner or spouse, family members, friends – are all karmically connected to us.
Karmic connections aren’t easily severed. They also don’t simply disappear when we physically part ways in this world. These invisible cords keep us tied to those we’ve loved, lost, or even hurt—until we consciously choose to break free.
Karmic connections continue across lifetimes unless they are consciously severed and dissolved. But these energetic cords of attachment can be difficult to break. We may believe that a relationship is over on a logical level, but energetically the connection remains.
When betrayal or heartache occurs, an energy cord remains between the heart chakras of both individuals, often leading to a recurring cycle of pain and energy depletion due to these lingering connections.
Traumatic events, emotional or sexual attachments, promises, contracts and vows all create strong connections between souls. We often feel a sense of unfinished business when a promise or vow is broken or left unfulfilled.
Cutting The Toxic Cords That Bind Us
In every relationship – romantic, platonic, professional – there is a metaphysical cord of attachment that exhanges energy from one person to the other.
These energy cords can be thought of as WiFi signals, electrical circuits, or even surgical tubes that transfer mental, emotional, and spiritual energies between individuals. They are the invisible ties of love that keep us connected to our loved ones.
I remember reading an article years ago about the intense grief of famous American singer Dean Martin after the tragic death of his eldest son. His boy was a fighter pilot in the California Air National Guard and lost his life in a plane crash during a training flight in 1987.
Martin described the loss as feeling as if his “heart had been ripped out.” This vivid description is a testament to the reality of these ties that bind us. The intense pain the singer felt was essentially his heart chakra feeling ‘broken.’ The loss had a profound impact on the remainder of his life and career.
The concept of these cords may seem abstract, but their effects are very tangible. They are not just symbolic; they are very real and have a profound effect on our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being on a daily basis.
When we engage in any kind of relationship with someone, these energetic cords extend from our chakras, or energy centers, to those of the other person. While these soul-to-soul cords feed us with all the good energies that come from being connected to others, such as love, nurturing, and belonging, they can also have the opposite effect.
Do You Know If Your Partner Is Cheating?
I often have married people call me for insight into whether their spouse is cheating on them. In some cases, I also consult with clients who are having an extramarital affair themselves.
It has become increasingly common for clients to confide in me about their infidelity, revealing that while they are married, they are also dating or having sexual relationships with others outside of their marriage.
One trend I have noticed in recent years is that more women seem to be engaging in infidelity, at least among those who come to me for counseling.
What I often find particularly intriguing is that in many cases people believe, for the wrong reasons, that the person they are having an affair with is more compatible with them than their current spouse.
Despite the morally complex situations in which my clients find themselves, I make it a point not to judge them. My job is to provide the best possible insights and information to help people navigate their circumstances for their highest good; not to question their life choices.
My clients often express their appreciation for my nonjudgmental approach, noting that I don’t lecture or impose my personal opinions. This is a given for me, as it is considered essential and non-negotiable among reputable, ethical psychic advisors. Also, I haven’t walked in their shoes. Life is complex, and none of us are without flaws.
Decoding Love Cord Connections
As a Virgo, love and relationships are my favorite areas to focus on when doing readings. I am comfortable helping my clients in all areas of their lives, but I especially enjoy helping them in the romance department.
When I do relationship readings, I can tell when two people are connected with an energetic ‘love cord connection’. I can tell if it’s just lust, desire, or a crush, or if it’s the real thing: full-blown love; the kind of love that never dies.
A love cord connection is an energetic connection between two people who share a deep emotional bond, especially in romantic relationships. It’s a non-physical connection that exists on a spiritual level; an energetic connection of love, intimacy and understanding between two souls.
This connection is a subtle yet powerful exchange of energy that transcends time and place and can be felt or intuitively perceived by those attuned to such energies. Seeing such a cord between two people indicates a strong resonance and compatibility between them. It confirms a deep emotional and spiritual connection.
Perceiving such an energetic love cord connection between two individuals gives me insight into the dynamics of the relationship and the depth of the connection between them, so that I can provide guidance on how to nurture and strengthen their bond.
Energy Imprint, Energy Cord, Or Entity Attachment?
In my work, I often encounter people who are experiencing phenomena that are negatively affecting their energy field, causing them to suffer a loss of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and well-being.
Usually these problems are simply due to their own negative thinking, or external negative energy imprints or residues that their aura has picked up from toxic people or environments. In many cases, it can be due to the energy cord of a dysfunctional or unhealthy romantic relationship or other types of energy cords with family, friends, or co-workers that are contaminating or draining their personal energy and vitality.
In some cases, however, these negative energy influences have a far more sinister origin that the “carrier” or victim is rarely aware of, while it is destroying their well-being and wreaking havoc in their lives.
The problem is that many people do not understand the difference between negative energy imprints, energy cords, and evil entity or spirit attachments. In my experience, the confusion is mainly due to the fact that the effects these three categories of negative energy phenomena have on people are often similar, leading to misinterpretation of the source or cause of these influences and disturbances.
Energy Self-Care Strategies For Empaths And Sensitives
Empaths and highly sensitive people (HSPs) often feel drained by other people and certain environments due to their inherently sensitive nature and the way they interact with the world around them.
We face unique physical, mental, emotional and spiritual challenges because of our innate ability to deeply feel and absorb the thoughts, emotions and energies of those around us. While our sensitivity is a blessing and a gift to the world, it can also become a curse through overwhelming experiences of empathic overload and energy depletion.
Energetic self-care is therefore of paramount importance to the sensitive person. Every empath or HSP should adopt a daily routine of energetic self-care practices designed to cleanse, protect and rejuvenate their aura or personal energy field.
Mastering these practices is not only beneficial to our health and well-being, it’s essential for maintaining holistic balance, protecting our mental health in particular, and nurturing our deep connection to the world and those around us.
As empaths and HSPs, we can manage our energy more effectively by employing several strategies that help us maintain our energetic well-being, while navigating a world that can often feel overwhelming. The following are essential tools and strategies that can empower empaths and HSPs to thrive in their sensitivity and turn their deep empathy into their greatest strength through effective energetic self-care:
Why Do Empaths And Sensitives Often Feel Drained?
Have you ever left a meeting or social gathering feeling completely drained or energetically depleted?
Or maybe you’ve walked out of a store or other public place and noticed that you were short with your loved ones and irritable? Or you come home in the evening feeling sad or depressed for no apparent reason, after starting the day feeling cheerful and happy?
If this happens to you often, it is very likely that you are an empath or a highly sensitive person.
Empaths and highly sensitive people (HSPs) often feel drained by other people, social gatherings, crowds and certain environments due to several key aspects of their inherent nature and the way they interact with the world around them. Here are the major reasons for this phenomenon:
Genetic predisposition: Research suggests that the trait of high sensitivity is influenced by genetic factors that affect how individuals process sensory information and emotional stimuli. A key aspect of this genetic influence is the way the brain processes serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood, appetite, sleep, and sensory perception. Variations in genes related to the serotonin transporter have been linked to differences in emotional reactivity and sensitivity to the environment. Studies have shown that individuals with certain variations of these genes may exhibit traits consistent with high sensitivity, such as deeper cognitive processing of sensory information, higher emotional reactivity, and increased empathy.