Signs Your Partner Might Be Cheating
Is your partner cheating on you? Is your spouse having an affair? Should you believe their version of events? Is there a noticeable change in their behavior or routine? Do you sense a lack of trust or transparency in your relationship?
These types of suspicions can create a wall in relationships that is almost impossible to break down – especially if they turn out to be unfounded. When the fears are true, however, infidelity has the power to completely shatter trust and even destroy a family.
Over the years, I’ve done countless relationship readings for people from all walks of life, and one theme comes up again and again: infidelity.
In these readings, I have noticed certain patterns of behavior that consistently emerge when someone is hiding an affair. These signs aren’t just guesses or speculation-they are recurring clues that I’ve seen confirmed time and time again by the lived experience of my clients.
I don’t claim to have all the answers, but I’ve seen enough to know when something isn’t right. Whether it’s someone’s energy, their words, or the tears they shed when describing what they’ve noticed, these signs often speak louder than the lies people tell.
But knowing the truth is only part of the journey. Once you uncover it, you must be willing to act and not settle for disrespect or dishonesty.
If you’ve been feeling uncomfortable or insecure in your relationship, recognizing these signs early can help bring clarity to your situation and save you a lot of disappointment and heartache. Many of my clients who didn’t take it seriously at the time can vouch for this today.
The Miracle Power Of Divine Timing
Patience is considered a virtue, something that makes us better people. But it’s so much more than that — it’s a spiritual principle that can truly transform your life for the better.
In today’s fast-paced, click-now world, where everything is at our fingertips, it can seem a real struggle to practice patience. But being patient isn’t just about waiting. It’s about how you wait.
It’s about slowing down, taking a deep breath, and letting go of the need to control everything. Patience is not about being passive or giving up; it’s about trusting the timing of the universe and going with the flow.
Everything in life happens exactly when it’s supposed to, even if it doesn’t feel that way in the moment. There’s always a bigger plan at play — one that we co-create with the universe through our thoughts, intentions and actions. When you trust this process,you soon discover that even setbacks and obstacles are actually stepping stones.
When things don’t go as planned, it’s easy to get frustrated and think that nothing is working out. But often what feels like a “no” or a delay is actually the universe saying, “Hang in there, I’ve got something better for you. Patience is about believing that everything will eventually make sense, even if you can’t see it now.
The problem with impatience is that it upsets everything. It’s like trying to push a door that’s supposed to pull — it just creates resistance. When we’re impatient, relationships can crack under pressure. Work can feel unstable or hard to pin down. Money problems seem bigger and harder to solve. Impatience feeds frustration, and frustration can create an energy block that pushes the good stuff away.
New Year, New Habits, And A New You!
Many people make resolutions every year that are never kept. They make a sincere effort for a month or so, and then it just slips here and there until whatever they decided to do just falls by the wayside. This is normal, and you should never beat yourself up if you make a resolution or promise and don’t follow through. Growth is a process, not a straight line.
When I decide to do something, the first thing I do is meditate on it. I ask my guides and angels, “Is this right for me? Will this improve my life? If I don’t do this, will it hurt me or someone else? If the answers are yes, yes, and no, then I know it’s the right thing for me to do.
I do not reserve this for New Year’s resolutions. I do this throughout the year whenever I feel spiritual growth within myself or experience something that sparks change, whether positive or negative. A new year can begin any day you decide to change some aspect of your life. It doesn’t have to be January 1st; it can be any day.
Personally, I make a new “resolution” each month. At the end of each month, I reflect and ask myself if I’ve accomplished what I set out to do. If not, I set it aside and move on to something new. Eventually, I return to the unfulfilled goal, knowing that the timing wasn’t right. I don’t beat myself up about unfinished goals; instead, I send them love and leave them for later.
My most important resolution is to get closer to Spirit. I strive to understand what Spirit has in store for me and to guide me to become the best version of myself from the inside out. The outward appearance can be dressed up or down, but the true self must be healed, clear, and joyful. That joy doesn’t come from another person or thing – it comes from loving myself as it should be for you. Love yourself as you are in this moment, and nurture the new version of yourself with daily love, meditation, and surrender to your higher self.
Everything Happens For A Reason
Challenges, setbacks and disappointments are inevitable in life. Sometimes it can even feel like the entire universe is conspiring against us!
But this perspective is an illusion born of our human experience. Spirit doesn’t desire our failure or suffering. Instead, it seeks to lead us to joy, abundance, and fulfillment.
Many of us, however, fall into the habit of blaming God, Spirit, the Universe, or others for the hardships we face. But to truly grow, we must change this mindset. Instead of dwelling on blame, it’s important to examine the lessons hidden in each challenge. By asking why these situations arose and what we can learn from them, we transform pain into wisdom and setbacks into stepping stones.
Consider the heartache of losing a long-term partner. You may have built a life together – marriage, children, shared dreams – only to wake up one day to abandonment. Questions arise: Why did this happen? What could I have done differently?
It’s important to realize that in most cases these events are not your fault. Free will governs each person’s choices. While her decision to leave may hurt you deeply, it is a reflection of her own path, not your worth. Self-doubt often creeps in, especially for women, as thoughts of inadequacy arise. But self-esteem cannot come from others-it must come from within.
Instead of focusing on what you could have done, consider this: their departure may have been necessary for your growth. Spirit often removes people from our lives to make room for greater blessings. In hindsight, you may realize that staying with that person would have hindered your potential or delayed the arrival of something better.
The Self-Affirming Power Of Saying No
Are you the kind of person who has a hard time saying “no,” even when your heart isn’t in it?
Maybe you’re afraid of disappointing others, afraid they’ll distance themselves, or afraid they’ll stop liking you if you say no. Maybe your introverted side just wants to be liked and accepted by everyone, so you agree to things – even if it drains you.
I’ve experienced this myself and seen it happen to many people who come to me and ask, “How can I say no without feeling guilty?” or “If I don’t say yes, will I lose my connection with this person?
Saying “yes” out of fear, guilt, or obligation may be the easy way out in many situations, but it usually comes at a high cost to your personal and spiritual well-being.
Let’s acknowledge something important: You are enough just the way you are, and you are worthy of peace, joy and happiness. If someone truly values you, they’ll respect your boundaries, even if it means saying “no” once in a while.
On the other hand, if people cut you off because you set boundaries, they may not have been the healthiest presence in your life to begin with. True friends and meaningful relationships will respect your choices and understand your reasons without demanding constant explanations.
Over time, I’ve seen the toll that over-commitment takes. People who constantly say “yes” often end up feeling drained, overwhelmed, or even resentful. Some develop physical and mental health problems because they feel trapped by the constant need to please others. In some cases, burnout and depression set in, all because saying no felt like an impossible task.