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Moon Goddess

Moon Goddess is a third generation empathic healer and seer. She started to give healing readings to people more than 20 years ago. She has always been interested and studied all things metaphysical from a young age. Being hypersensitive she can feel and see things before they happen. Utilizing the Tarot, and with the help of her Guides, she is a source of support for many people all over the world. After he passed over, her grandfather kept his promise and came back to say goodbye and gave her the most amazing experience. Moon knows there truly is a Heaven, and it is wonderful! Sharing her experience has helped many people after they have lost someone, or anyone experiencing some form of grief. Get a reading with Moon Goddess now at

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The Choice To Stay In Your Peace And Joy

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!The other day I was sitting in a park surrounded by people. Some were sitting in chairs, looking up at the trees, seemingly in a state of pure relaxation, with no thoughts in their minds, just taking in the nature and sounds around them.

I felt a deep sense of peace and tranquillity, having just meditated before coming to the park. I had spread a blanket under my favourite oak tree with a book in my hand.

I looked around and saw a young family. The children were playing, throwing a ball back and forth, while the father was absorbed in his mobile phone. The mother was busy preparing a picnic, setting the table with a beautiful tablecloth. Eventually they settled down.

On the other side of the park was a lovely play area where families watched their children playing, climbing and jumping.

In the middle of the park, a group of young people were playing volleyball, being quite loud and using foul language. Their behaviour attracted everyone’s attention. The family preparing for the picnic decided to leave, put everything in their cars and drove off. Others sitting in deckchairs and some children in the play area also left.

The noisy volleyball group eventually attracted the attention of a police patrol. I overheard one of the officers reminding them of the ban on alcohol in public parks and urging them to be respectful of others, especially with small children around. Despite the warnings, they remained loud and disrespectful until they finally left.

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A Myriad Of Angels From Heaven And Earth

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I have encountered many people over the years that I could have bet my life on being angels in the flesh. Whenever I find myself at a crossroads and ask God for guidance, these people, or should I say “angels,” invariably appear in my life.

They show up with unwavering reliability, arriving just when needed with ideas, suggestions, messages, or signs that gently guide me back to my path of highest good.

It’s as if the universe is orchestrating these moments of serendipity. A casual conversation in the grocery store aisle, a chance encounter with a stranger on a bus or plane – each of these seemingly ordinary interactions holds the potential for life-changing divine intervention. In these magical moments, answers I didn’t even know I was seeking are revealed, and suddenly clarity floods in like a new beacon of hope.

Our lives are intricately connected to the Divine Light. God works through everyone and everything around us to keep us attuned to a higher frequency. When we pay mindful attention and remain fully aware, we find ourselves in harmony with the divine flow of life.

To truly appreciate the presence of angels in our lives, we must cultivate awareness and gratitude. By slowing down and paying attention to the subtleties of our interactions, we become attuned to the guidance that is constantly flowing our way.

We never need to feel lost or confused because the guidance we seek is always present, woven into the fabric of our daily interactions. The process is simple: ask for help and it will be given; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened.

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Never Confide In The ‘Empathy Impaired’

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I recently did a reading for a client who asked me a question that I had never been asked before. Even though it was my first time working with her, her question made me ask myself the same question about my own life.

Her question was simple: Who can I confide in? Who can I trust? We then worked through her short list of significant people in her life and I shared what I felt about each of them with the guidance of spirit.

I immediately felt that two particular people were not the kind of people you would want to trust completely, much less confide in.

The first clear indicator was inconsistency in their words and actions. If someone frequently says one thing and does another, it suggests a lack of reliability and sincerity.

Another red flag that immediately came up was gossiping or speaking negatively about others behind their backs, as this behavior demonstrates a lack of confidentiality and respect.

But I always want to make sure that what I am psychically sensing is accurate before I reveal this kind of information. So, I asked her for her date of birth, along with the first names and dates of some of the people she wasn’t so sure about. Sure enough, she confirmed what I had initially seen.

Psychics and mediums often use “soul identity details” such as birth dates, photos, names, or even personal items like clothing or jewelry to enhance the connection with a particular person’s energy or spirit. I think of it as looking into someone’s “soul footprints.” This enhances the psychic connection process in several ways:

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Perfect Love Is For Better Or Worse

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!For those of us who are spiritually aware and seeking to live consciously, the experience of a mystical romance can be both healing and enlightening. But the journey of soulmate love is not always a matter of moonlight and roses.

What is perfect love? Does it even exist? How can two people make their love last? Do we belong together? How can we be soulmates if we argue all the time? How is this a sacred union if he is being such a jerk?

These are some of the questions I sometimes get asked in relationship readings.

The guidance from spirit is always the same. The best marriages and committed relationships all have their ups and downs. Perfect love is loving your partner when things aren’t perfect. It’s about owning your differences and working through them as a team.

Perfect love isn’t about a flawless journey but about embracing the imperfections with grace. Meaningful relationships are an intricate dance, an alchemical symphony of highs and lows, joy and challenges. Perfect love that lasts will always have its ups and downs, like an exciting roller coaster ride.

In my experience, people who stay married for a very long time make their relationships last by being flexible and going with the ebb and flow. Successful partnerships ride this cosmic wave we call life. And when those big waves roll in during more challenging times, they just ride it out because there is always smoother sailing ahead. Hard times never last.

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Shield Yourself From Energy Vampires

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!People who are spiritually attuned can feel drained very quickly when they are around others who have a lower energy vibration. A client of mine recently asked why this happens. This is what Spirit revealed.

When your heart center is wide open and vibrating with the Divine, and you encounter struggling souls who are stuck in the negativity loop of a lower-density reality, they can disrupt or even steal some of your energy. It’s like their batteries are leaking or not charging properly, and suddenly you feel drained faster than your tablet after a Netflix binge.

These folks are the energy vampires of the world. They’re the ones who haven’t quite mastered the art of recharging themselves. Instead, their starved auras latch onto others, sucking out good vibes like it’s happy hour at a juice bar. And then their negativity rubs off on us more sensitive, empathetic, intuitive types.

This is especially true lately with everything being so shaky and chaotic in our world. Seriously, just look at what a lot of people are posting on social media platforms these days. It’s like we’re drowning in a sea of ego, narcissism, ignorance, and evil.

Everyone seems to be obsessed with things that don’t matter in the grand scheme of things. And let me tell you, being around that kind of energy drain is like trying to swim in metaphysical molasses!

But here’s the good news: often the best antidote is simply to “be,” to soak up the stillness and let our minds do their thing. So, take a deep, mindful breath, smile, and bask in the sweet, sweet bliss of your inner love and light. Whenever you can, reconnect with your soul and dive deep into the serenity of solitude and silence.

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Do You Have A Past Life Connection?

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Have you ever met someone and felt an instant connection that you couldn’t quite explain? Like you’ve known them forever, even though you just met? It’s that uncanny feeling of familiarity that makes you wonder if there’s more to your connection.

Sometimes, you might even experience déjà vu, feeling like you’ve been with this person before in another time or place. Maybe you even have some mental flashes of moments together in a different time and place, making you realize there’s a deeper reason for your bond.

These intense feelings and responses often come from cellular energy imprints and soul memories from our past lives. When you encounter someone you feel this way about, it’s usually because there’s some unfinished karmic business or soul growth that needs to happen, which is why you’ve crossed paths with them again in this lifetime.

Certain souls meet repeatedly across different lifetimes to resolve unresolved issues or karmic debts. There’s work to be done, lessons to be learned, and sometimes it takes more than one lifetime to get it all sorted out.

But not all these encounters are rosy. They can come with relationship challenges, tension, and conflict. For instance, a betrayal in a past life might manifest as trust issues in the present. It’s a journey that can be tough, but also deeply meaningful and very healing.

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Spirituality Is The Key To True Happiness

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!What really makes us happy in life? It’s definitely not just money and stuff. In my job as a psychic consultant, I talk to all kinds of people, including some really wealthy ones.

The truth is, there’s often something missing in the lives of my most affluent clients. They’re often not any happier than anyone else. In fact, some of them are really unhappy and even depressed!

A lot of people think that success and money guarantee happiness, but that’s just not true. Sure, success can feel good, but it doesn’t lead to lasting happiness.

Financial stability can also reduce stress, but once our basic needs are met, more money and material things don’t add much further value.

It is no secret that many psychic reading requests tend to be about people’s challenges with dating, lack of romance in their lives, dysfunctional relationships, or failing marriages.

But sometimes I talk to people who are happily married or in long-term committed relationships with caring partners. They seem to have the whole package in the relationship department, but they too are sometimes unhappy or unfulfilled. So being in a relationship does not seem to be the key to true and lasting happiness.

Many people also believe true happiness means feeling great all the time, but that’s not how it works. Happiness comes and goes, and it’s normal to feel a range of emotions in our everyday life. No one is perfectly happy all the time, but we can all live more fulfilling lives if we focus on what truly matters.

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