energy healing
The Healing Power Of The Ocean
Just as we clean material objects to maintain their quality and longevity, our mind, body, and spirit also require regular cleansing to ensure optimal functioning. Environmental stressors, emotional upheaval, and the demands of daily life can accumulate as energetic debris that weighs us down physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Our energetic field absorbs influences from people, places, and experiences. Over time, unresolved emotions, stress, and negativity can cloud our vitality, leading to fatigue, irritability, and disconnection from our inner selves.
Just as we clean our homes or our physical bodies, it’s important to clean our energy field. Neglecting to do so can affect our long-term well-being, leaving us feeling drained and spiritually stagnant.
One of the most profound ways to restore balance and revitalize our energy is through ocean healing – a timeless practice known to humankind since ancient times.
The ocean has long been revered as a sacred space for cleansing and rejuvenation. Its rhythmic waves, expansive horizon, and vast depths symbolize release, renewal, and infinite possibilities.
Simply spending time by the ocean can have a profound effect on our nervous system, calming the mind and grounding the emotions. The soothing sounds of the waves, the cool breeze, and the connection to the Earth’s vast waters stimulate relaxation and promote a meditative state, making it easier to release tension and embrace inner peace.
A Cord Cutting Ritual To Let Go And Move On
Heartbreak can be one of the most difficult emotional hurdles we face.
Whether you’re recovering from a failed romantic relationship, a friendship that has run its course, going no contact with a toxic family member, or any significant emotional connection that has ended, finding closure and healing is essential to moving forward.
Unresolved emotions and lingering energetic attachments can weigh heavily on your heart, making it difficult to embrace new opportunities and experiences.
A powerful way to release these lingering energy attachments is through a cord-cutting ritual. This practice helps cultivate self-love and emotional freedom, and opens the door to new beginnings. Unlike repressing feelings or rushing into distractions, cord cutting allows you to consciously acknowledge and release energetic attachments that no longer serve you.
Energetic cords are metaphysical connections that form between people, places, or situations. They are strengthened by intense emotions and shared experiences. While some cords nourish us with love, support, and positive energy, others can drain our vitality — especially when a relationship has ended or become unhealthy. These draining cords can lead to repetitive thoughts, emotional stagnation, or a feeling of being energetically “stuck.”
A cord cutting ritual does not erase cherished memories or sever positive emotions you may have shared with someone. Instead, it focuses on releasing unhealthy attachments that prevent emotional freedom and personal growth. By clearing these residual energies, you make room for peace, clarity, and new possibilities to flow into your life.
The Power Of Knowledge In Psychic Development
People often ask me what it’s like to be psychic — how I developed my abilities and how it all works. They’re curious about what goes on behind the scenes.
One of the most common questions I get is whether psychics are born with their abilities or if they develop it over time.
From my experience, and from speaking with others in the field, I’d say most psychics are born with their gifts. These abilities are often present in childhood, even if they aren’t fully recognized at the time. However, some people awaken their psychic awareness later in life — often after a profound experience or a period of deep spiritual exploration that helps them access their latent gifts.
In most cases, those who develop their abilities later in life have always had a level of psychic awareness but didn’t recognize it because they weren’t paying attention. Society tends to dismiss psychic phenomena, causing many to suppress or ignore their intuitive senses until something triggers their awakening.
Not everyone with psychic potential chooses to develop it. Some find it overwhelming or even frightening. It can be unsettling to see visions, hear voices, or know and sense things that others don’t. Without proper guidance, these experiences can be confusing and intimidating.
Some people also fear standing out or being judged — skepticism around psychic phenomena can make it difficult for people to openly embrace their abilities. It takes courage to acknowledge one’s gifts and use them in ways that benefit both yourself and others.
What To Do When A Lost Love Lingers
Many of the readings I do are about love and relationships, and a good percentage of them are about past relationships that continue to linger in the hearts and minds of some callers.
For some people there are often constant, even obsessive thoughts about a former partner, a longing for a second chance, or bitterness and regret for time and energy that now seems wasted. The longer and more intense the relationship, the more battle scars and wounds there often are.
If it was a soulmate or twinflame connection, the aftermath can be especially devastating. The relationship has ended and the connection has been severed in this lifetime. This can be very painful. You know you gave it your all. You hung in there for years, or you made heroic efforts to ensure the survival of the relationship, but it did not work out as you had hoped.
If you are highly sensitive and intuitively aware, you may still be picking up the energy of your former partner, which can be very painful, disturbing and disruptive. Unresolved energetic connections can keep you stuck in a repetitive cycle of repeating the same pattern with that person, or put you on hold, unable to move forward in peace and confidence.
I am often asked, “Is it really over?” or “Does he still have feelings for me?” Of course, the answer depends on the unique circumstances.
The Cautionary Tale Of The Lovestruck Witch
Once upon a time, there was a goodly witch named Wanda. Though she sometimes had a fiery temper, her heart was generally in the right place.
For many years, Wanda lived a cozy life with her partner, Colwyn the Brave, in a happy and fulfilling relationship.
But one day, out of the blue, Colwyn announced that he was ending the relationship. Although he still loved Wanda, he explained that he no longer had the romantic or emotional feelings necessary to sustain the relationship.
But Wanda was no fool. Fee-fi-fo-fum, she knew by the prick of her thumb…that he was lying through his teeth! The truth was that he had decided to dump her for her so-called best friend, Suvanna the Enchantress.
Wanda was devastated. She had dedicated more than two decades of her life to this man, standing by him through thick and thin. And her friend’s betrayal only added further insult to injury.
Realizing the extent of the pain he had caused, Colwyn tried to comfort Wanda, assuring her that one day she would meet someone who would make her much happier than he ever had.
But his words fell on deaf ears. Wanda was heartbroken and very, very angry.
Then she remembered…she was a witch. She could make things happen, especially with the help of her sisterhood of witches.
The Ancient Spiritual Tradition Of Smudging
Just as our physical environment can become cluttered and unclean, our aura or energy field also accumulates stagnant and negative energy.
Regularly cleaning our homes and workplaces promotes health, hygiene and optimal function — and the same principle applies to our personal and spiritual energy. Clearing our energy field and environment helps to release negativity and toxic emotions, stress and anxiety, and promotes a sense of calm, clarity and balance.
Energy cleansing is essential for removing blockages that may be hindering personal and spiritual growth or disrupting your connection to spirit and the divine. Over time, lingering negative or toxic energy can even manifest as mental health issues, spiritual disconnection and even physical ailments.
By maintaining a regular practice of energy cleansing, you create a positive, harmonious flow of energy that supports overall health and well-being. In addition, a clear energy field sharpens your intuition and inner guidance, making it easier to align with your higher self and make decisions that are aligned with your greatest good.
Smudging is also a powerful way to clear negative energy attachments and banish malevolent spirit entities.
One of the most time-tested and effective methods of clearing unwanted energy is smudging, or smoke cleansing — an ancient purification ritual steeped in history and practiced by various cultures, religions, and spiritual traditions around the world.
The Lightworker’s Mission To Heal The World
Do you feel a pull toward something greater, a spiritual mission, an inner calling to make the world a better place? Or perhaps you’ve noticed people in your life who seem to radiate compassion and empathy, who heal emotional wounds with their presence, or who inspire others to see the beauty in the world-even in the darkest of times.
These people are known in the metaphysical community as “lightworkers.”
Lightworkers are incarnated souls with a special spiritual mission — to change the world for the better. We act as conduits for divine love and light and the healing energy of spirit, striving to balance the energies of the planet.
The key mission of the lightworkers is to help shift human consciousness to a higher level of awareness. By embodying love, compassion and understanding, we serve as models for a more enlightened way of being. Our presence encourages others to awaken to their own potential and contribute to the collective evolution of humanity.
Lightworkers often work in subtle yet powerful ways. They do not always announce their mission or seek recognition for their efforts. Instead, they work quietly, spreading positivity through their actions, words and energy. Whether it’s offering a kind word to a stranger, creating art that inspires hope, or simply holding space for someone in need, their contributions are invaluable.