Living In A State Of Transcendence
Many people may claim to live in a state of spiritual enlightenment, to be fully aware and to have a deep connection with the divine. However, what many believe to be enlightenment is often far from the truth.
There is a veil — a mental barrier — before most people that prevents them from seeing the greater spiritual truths that lie beyond the ordinary world. Although many people long to lift this veil, to look beyond the surface and access a more expansive reality, it can be incredibly difficult to reach this state of bliss.
However, once you do break through, the liberation and freedom you feel is incomparable. It’s a feeling that is difficult to describe with words, but it’s something that everyone is capable of experiencing.
The path to transcendence is a path of spiritual growth and soul evolution. When you reach this blissful state — when your soul has truly expanded — you move to a higher frequency, one that is different from the frequency to which most people are attuned.
For much of my life, I felt like a misfit — a person who didn’t quite fit into the mainstream world. I felt disconnected from social norms and expectations. But today, I embrace that feeling. I’ve come to realize that being an individual, separate from the chaos of the world, is one of the greatest gifts I could have. I no longer need to be part of a particular group or adhere to a particular set of societal standards. This freedom allows me to live authentically and to help others reach the same state of bliss and spiritual awareness.
Unlock The Door To Mental Freedom
We’ve all been there — lost in thought, replaying a conversation from years ago, wishing we’d said something different, or fixating on something that hasn’t happened yet and probably never will.
Our minds have a clever way of trapping us in the past, or pulling us too far into the future. In the process, we miss the beauty and joy of the present moment.
Being fully present is the key to happiness — the hidden treasure of everyday joy and fulfillment.
When we embrace the here and now, we experience true mental freedom. Instead of being burdened by past regrets or future fears, we begin to see life as it is — vibrant, alive, sometimes challenging, but always full of infinite possibilities and countless blessings waiting to be appreciated!
Think about the last time you were fully immersed in any experience. Maybe it was watching a sunset where the sky lit up with color, listening to music that made your soul soar, or laughing with a friend until your stomach hurt. In those moments, you weren’t dwelling on past mistakes or worrying about tomorrow’s to-do list — you were just there, experiencing life in real time.
Now, think about how often you are distracted by the constant pull of digital technology that keeps you from being fully present. Your phone pinging with notifications, drawing your attention away from the people and experiences around you.
Protect Yourself From Toxic Emotional Influences
A client I read for once told me that he chose to be a loner because people always wanted something from him. “People either want money from me or they want to bend my ear with their problems,” he said. This statement struck a deep chord with me.
Over the years, I have noticed a significant increase in clients asking how to protect their energy. I find more people are becoming aware of how they are spiritually affected by others, especially those who bring negativity into their home or work environment.
I have had callers tell me how they come home from work exhausted – not from work, but from a toxic work environment. Even a simple telephone conversation can be draining if the person on the other end is met with an outpouring of worry, complaint, or anger. I dare not even mention the many toxic energy pitfalls of today’s dating scene!
I firmly believe that the influence of toxic energy on our systems is vastly underestimated in our daily lives. Our endocrine and nervous systems are particularly affected by our thoughts, actions, and interactions with others. A lack of emotional balance and a concern to avoid unnecessary toxic energy has undoubtedly become a priority.
Years ago in South Africa, I consulted a brilliant homeopath for what turned out to be an overactive thyroid. He diagnosed my condition using reflexology and his medical intuition. After the diagnosis, he said to me: “I’m going to give you some muti (a Zulu word for traditional medicine used in southern Africa). But until you sort out your emotional situation, it’s probably not going to make much difference.”
The Freedom To Live Your Truth
Honesty is one of those things we all know is important, but let’s face it — it’s not always the easiest option. Telling the truth often does not win you friends, make your family happy, or help you climb the corporate ladder.
But when you’re on a spiritual journey or facing a karmic reckoning — the truth is everything! It’s not just about being a better person; it’s about living in alignment with your higher self.
Being honest brings a sense of lightness, like a weight lifted from your shoulders. It frees you from the heavy burden of keeping up appearances and the stress of worrying about what others think.
On the other hand, dishonesty — whether it’s a little white lie or a big deception — creates not only tension, guilt, and physical discomfort; it’s a karmic tumor that poisons your soul, fueling a cycle of chaos and imbalance in your life.
Lies and deceit attract confusion, mistrust, and disharmony, disrupts your energy field and throws your whole being out of balance.
This is why it is said that the truth will set you free. You’ve probably heard the saying? It’s been said so many times that it may sound like a cliché, but there is deep wisdom in it. The truth allows us to live without fear, without constantly looking over our shoulder. It brings clarity and peace.
But let’s face it — truth can be scary. We often avoid it because we don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings, rock the boat, or face rejection.
Prayer Is A Refuge From The Noise And Chaos
It is easy to feel overwhelmed these days. Modern life presents many challenges, from personal struggles to global issues.
We live in a world increasingly dominated by negativity, division and fear, where cruelty and hatred are not only considered acceptable, but even celebrated.
It’s really no secret to the spiritually aware person that there is an increasing battle between good and evil. Negative influences often masquerade as appealing or trendy, making it even more important to stay connected to your inner truth and divine guidance.
I often have to turn off my cell phone and television these days as I see the forces of evil growing stronger than ever. It can be hard to stay grounded in hope and clarity.
Fortunately, we have access to a variety of spiritual practices to help us stay grounded, find clarity, and maintain our inner balance. My favorite is a powerful, time-honored tradition: prayer.
While prayer is practiced in many religions and spiritual traditions, it is universal and can be embraced by anyone, regardless of their belief system. It transcends cultural and religious boundaries and is not tied to any dogma or required ritual.
Traditionally, religious prayer follows specific doctrines, but prayer is an open practice available to anyone to contemplate and express their deepest thoughts, feelings, and desires in a mindful, empowering way.
Seeing The Spiritual Essence In Others
My world was turned upside down when my father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. For seven agonizing months in 2005, I became his caregiver, managing the extreme emotional and physical toll of his illness.
Even the hospice staff, experienced in end-of-life care, commented at the time that my father was not an easy patient to care for. Their observation confirmed my own feelings on the matter and highlighted the unique challenges of the difficult karmic relationship I had with my father.
Throughout this stressful time, I held out hope for a miracle. I felt compelled to seek guidance, but unfortunately Spirit revealed a timeline of six to twelve months. This devastated me at the time, but I’ve since come to accept that arrivals and departures are part of every soul’s journey. Spirit was simply confirming a poignant truth: at some point we are all called home to the spirit realm.
Despite his resistance to any form of treatment, my father allowed a trusted colleague of mine, a master in his healing modality, to visit our home weekly for body alignment sessions. These sessions became a turning point — not only for my father, but for me as well.
During their second session, my healer friend shared an observation that struck a deep chord. He sensed an immense amount of bitterness and resentment in my father, energies he had perceived without any prior knowledge of my father’s emotional state or life history. He then offered me a piece of wisdom that changed the way I viewed not only my father, but all of my relationships: “Try to see only the true spiritual essence that is your father.”
The Spiritual Wisdom Of Letting Go
I sometimes do readings for clients who feel they have to control absolutely everything in their lives. They are rarely calm, rarely happy, always frazzled. There’s a constant tension around them, a palpable anxiety, as if they’re always one step away from a meltdown, or even a complete breakdown.
Many of us have experienced this feeling or seen it in others – the compulsion to control every outcome, every detail, believing that by sheer force of will we can make life bend to our wishes.
But here’s the thing: life has a way of moving on its own, whether we like it or not. And often, the more we try to grasp and hold on, the more things slip out of our control.
A song that often comes to mind when I think about this is the song Let It Be by the Beatles. Let it be, let it be. There will be an answer, let it be. This timeless classic is a simple yet powerful reminder of the peace that can come from stopping to resist and simply allowing things to unfold as they are meant to.
Letting go is not about giving up; it’s about trusting that life has a rhythm, a universal flow, and when we align ourselves with it, life becomes infinitely more peaceful and enjoyable.
In my work as a psychic consultant, I’ve found that those who feel the need to control every aspect of their lives often carry a heavy burden of stress. They struggle to find joy because they are too preoccupied with micromanaging every little detail. Life becomes a series of hurdles and challenges, and instead of going with the flow, they are constantly swimming against the current. It’s exhausting and soul-destroying.