How To Counteract Toxic Technology
The other day I was sitting at a traffic light waiting for the light to turn green, when I noticed something odd. Everyone around me was bowing their heads. For a split second, I thought I was witnessing some kind of miracle. Were they all having a quiet moment of prayer together?
But, of course, no one was praying. They were all glued to their cell phones!
At first I laughed at myself for jumping to such a naive spiritual conclusion. But then it hit me: this tiny snapshot of life says so much about the world we live in today.
We’ve all heard the wild rumors over the years about microchips being implanted in people’s hands, arms, or foreheads. Conspiracy theories and fear-mongering about futuristic technology have kept these ideas on the fringes of our culture and in the back of our minds for decades.
There was a time not so long ago when it still sounded like something out of a science fiction movie, right? But look at us today. We’ve been chipping our pets since the late ’80s. So, is the leap to humans really that far-fetched? Probably not.
And let’s not forget the biblical prophecy of the “mark of the beast” mentioned in the Book of Revelation. What if this predicted dystopia is unfolding right under our noses – but in a much less dramatic way?
Who needs implanted microchips when we are all clutching our smartphones 24/7? That beastly microchip doesn’t need to be under our skin; maybe it’s already permanently in our hands! And it has our full, undivided attention all day long.
The Spiritual Implications Of The Lazarus Syndrome
Recently, while watching the 2008 film The Lazarus Project, I was reminded of the paranormal phenomenon of near-death experiences (NDEs) and became intrigued by the possibility of someone coming back to life after death.
The plot of the movie is about a man who is given a second chance at life after being executed for a crime. Despite being lethally injected, he somehow wakes up in a psychiatric hospital and must overcome a series of mysterious and mystical challenges to be reunited with his family.
The title, of course, refers to the story in John 11 of a man named Lazarus who was raised from the dead by Jesus after four days. While the plot of the movie does not directly parallel the biblical story, it does draw on the themes of resurrection and second chances.
My newfound curiosity soon led me to discover a documented medical phenomenon known as “Lazarus Syndrome.” Also known as the “Lazarus phenomenon” or “autoresuscitation,” it is a rare medical condition in which a person spontaneously comes back to life after all attempts at resuscitation have failed and the person has been pronounced dead.
The phenomenon was first noted in medical literature in 1982 by Finnish anesthesiologist Dr. Kalevi Linko, who described it as the spontaneous return of circulation after resuscitation efforts have ceased. The term “Lazarus phenomenon” was later popularized by Dr. John Francis Bray in 1993, who used the biblical reference to describe these rare cases of patients who spontaneously return to life.
Breaking Through The Walls Of Disconnection
Have you felt like you have been talking to brick walls in your relationships lately? If so, rest assured that you are not alone! This issue has been coming up more and more in my readings. Many of my clients complain that they feel like they are not being heard or that they are simply not getting through to people.
Many factors contribute to this feeling. With so many of us addicted to our phones and social media, it’s become very easy to be physically present but mentally elsewhere. This often makes any attempt to have a meaningful conversation feel like it’s taking place in an echo chamber.
We are surrounded by so many distractions these days — constant notifications, endless scrolling, and click-bait videos that often prioritize drama and misinformation over truth and depth. These distractions pull our attention away from what really matters: meaningful connection, both with others and with ourselves.
Modern life is busy and demanding. People are constantly juggling many responsibilities and stresses, and often feel drained or overwhelmed. Many of us rarely have the emotional bandwidth to fully engage in meaningful conversations.
On top of that, people are less likely to have face-to-face conversations, or at least make a phone call, as most communication these days takes place via text messages and social media comments. As a result, there is a growing lack of communication skills and many misunderstandings occur because people have difficulty expressing themselves clearly or actively listening when they are actually having a conversation in person.
The Psychic Technique Of Remote Viewing
Recently, Brazilian psychic Chaline Grazik made waves when she predicted a plane crash during an Instagram live broadcast on August 8, 2024. Grazik urged her followers to start praying after she had a vision of a falling plane with many people on board. Sadly, the very next day, a tragic plane crash near São Paulo claimed the lives of 62 people.
Psychic visionaries, or “seers,” have always piqued people’s curiosity. Known as clairvoyance, “psychic vision,” or “third eye seeing,” people with this psychic ability are able to see visual information about objects, people, places, or events in their mind’s eye without relying on the normal senses. It is a fascinating phenomenon that has woven its way through history and has had a significant influence on religion, metaphysics, spiritualism, and scientific research.
There are documented examples of psychic visions dating as far back as ancient times. One of the most famous is the Pythia or Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece. She was known for her prophetic visions, including one given to King Croesus of Lydia in the 6th century BC. In a trance-induced vision, she foresaw him fatally cross a river. She then cryptically warned him, “If you cross the river, a great empire will be destroyed.” Croesus took this as a sign that he would triumph over Persia, but the prophetic vision ultimately meant the downfall of his own empire.
The Bible also has its share of references to psychic visions. For example, the prophet Isaiah described a vision of angelic beings surrounding God’s throne (Isaiah 6), while Peter had a vision of a sheet of animals descending from heaven (Acts 10), among many others.
How To Use A Wand In Your Energy Work
It is not widely known that a magic wand is so much more than a mere fantasy accessory in popular stories like the Harry Potter series andThe Chronicles of Narnia.
While popular culture has certainly cast wands in a fun, magical light, their true potential as metaphysical tools in real-world spiritual and energy work is less known and mostly underestimated.
Far from being a fictional artifact, a wand has traditionally served as a conduit for directing intention and channeling energy. When used with respect and purpose, a “magic” wand can be a vital tool in one’s metaphysical practice.
I view my wand as an energy tool to harness and direct intention as a means to bring about change in myself, another person, a pet, or a situation. Whether I’m working directly with someone in a healing session or using it remotely with a photo or personal object, my wand helps me focus healing energy to address blocks, wounds, or even negativity.
In a healing session, I use the wand to direct energy to where it’s needed most. This may mean helping someone release emotional blocks, alleviate physical pain, or transform negative energy.
Wands have a rich history in various cultures and have been used in many ancient civilizations. In ancient Egypt, for example, staffs and wands were used by priests and deities as symbols of authority and power. These objects were decorated with mystical symbols and believed to have protective and healing properties. Similarly, in Mesopotamia, priests and shamans used wands in religious rituals and ceremonies.