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Attracting people from all walks of life, Laura has always been the type others come to for advice and direction. An initiated shaman, she's helped others to transcend fear and resolve dark aspects to achieve greatness in life and overcome limitations from the past.Spiritually, she's a mixed bag of traditional meets mystical, blending the best parts of Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths with intuition and magic. She's been referred to as a witch, but considers herself a shaman. She uses her psychic gifts and divination tools to help you see the truth, awaken your spirit and overcome any problem. Contact Laura for a psychic reading at

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Making The Most Of Void Of Course Moon

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDid you know that the moon has an astrological “pause button”? Every once in a while, the Moon literally takes a celestial break. In astrology, this is known as the Void of Course (VOC).

During this time, the Moon is considered “void,” meaning that it is not forming significant aspects with other celestial bodies in its current sign, and it has not yet entered the next sign. It’s a brief pause, a momentary break in the Moon’s journey that invites us to take a time out to recalibrate, reflect, and reset.

The concept of the VOC Moon dates back to Hellenistic astrology in the first century BC. Ancient astrologers observed that activities initiated during this phase often produced unexpected or unfavorable results.

While its origins are ancient, its relevance remains, especially for those who seek to align their actions with cosmic rhythms. Traditionally, astrologers advise against making important decisions or starting new projects during this time due to the perceived unpredictability associated with this lunar phase.

The concept was popularized in the 1940s by American astrologer Al H. Morrison who spent decades researching and writing about this astrological phenomenon. He recommended using this time for subjective, spiritual, and non-material concerns such as prayer, meditation, or rest.

According to Chris Brennan, a prominent astrologer specializing in Hellenistic astrology, the term “void of course” comes from the Greek word kenodromía (κενοδρομία), which means “running in the void” or “running in emptiness.”

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How To Accomplish More With A Vision Board

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!In my teenage years, I found myself longing to explore and develop my psychic abilities. This inner calling was deeply connected to my desire to find my purpose in life.

Around this time, I joined an adolescent spiritual group — a vibrant community of young people from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds. Together, we sought common ground through shared experiences and explorations of our spirituality.

One of the most powerful moments in this group occurred during a camping retreat. On the last night, we gathered in a cozy room around a large table strewn with magazines, glue sticks, scissors, and art supplies. Our teacher introduced an exercise that would forever change my perspective on goal-setting and self-discovery.

The task was simple: use the materials at hand to put our hopes, dreams, and aspirations on paper. Our teacher explained that creating a vision board wasn’t just a fun activity — it was a way to clarify our goals and intentions while providing a visual tool to keep us motivated and inspired.

At first, the room buzzed with laughter and excitement as we flipped through magazines and cut out colorful images and words that spoke to us. But as the activity progressed, the mood shifted. A quiet focus settled over the room as each of us poured our hearts into our creations. By the end of the evening, our vision boards were filled with vibrant images and words that represented our youthful hopes and dreams.

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Why You Need To Be Honest With Yourself

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!As a professional psychic, I frequently see clients stuck in unfulfilling relationships or careers, yearning for a deeper sense of happiness and purpose. Many of these individuals are forced to navigate a societal norm that encourages them to settle for less than what they deserve.

Furthermore, many of us were taught to avoid confronting our problems. This is wrong. We must face the root causes head-on, choosing temporary distractions over them.

This approach may provide a brief sense of comfort, but it is ultimately a futile attempt to perpetuate cycles of dissatisfaction. If you find yourself at a crossroads—questioning a toxic relationship, a stagnant career, or an unfulfilling life path—it is time for a transformative shift. The journey begins with radical honesty.

We must be brutally honest with ourselves. This is not self-criticism. It is self-love. Spiritually empowered people take responsibility for what they can change and refuse to make excuses. When we do this, we empower ourselves to move toward a more authentic, fulfilling life.

Denial and a lack of self-love are holding you back. The truth is our liberator. It shows us the way to greener pastures and a higher vibrational frequency.

Facing your inner truth is uncomfortable. Get over it. Embrace the temporary disruptions of change. It often demands that you release relationships, habits, or patterns that no longer serve your highest good. These shifts might initially feel like losses, but they are blessings in disguise. Each adjustment creates space for new, more aligned opportunities to manifest in your life.

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Turn Your Home Into A Sacred Space

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHow many times have you needed a timeout, or place of refuge to clear your mind? Seeking peace and balance is vital, with all of the breakdowns and breakthroughs occurring in our personal lives, and the world today. This is why making your home a scared space is essential to your energetic well-being and mental health.

For me, an energetically healthy home is a reflection of who I am spiritually and what I believe. We all have a unique story that is to be expressed in our immediate environment, thus making it holy and sacred.

When you infuse your home or a room with your divine essence, you are creating Heaven on Earth and raising the vibration of the world.

You don’t need to invest a lot of money since simplicity is key.


From past experience, the best place to start is by removing all the clutter in your living space that is no longer wanted or needed. Sell it, donate it, or simply toss it, depending on the condition, value and sentiment. This is a fundamental principle in the ancient Chinese tradition of Feng Shui to live in greater harmony with your environment.

By cleansing and purifying the energy in your living environment, you wipe the metaphysical slate clean and allow new inspiration, people and ideas to manifest. Sometimes we become stuck in a recurring cycle or pattern of doing things, until we remove an element, or find another perspective.

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Reawaken Your Psychic Ability

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMany of us are born with the ability to perceive the unseen, sense the future and communicate with spirit. Childhood conditioning and trauma, religious and cultural influences in how we were raised, and various circumstances and life experiences can suppress our psychic gifts, often because we were told it is silly, inapproriate, or even ‘evil.’

If you can relate to this, then you need to know that your psychic talent is never lost or destroyed. You can reconnect with your natural gifts by engaging in various spiritual and metaphysical practices that will reawaken and develop your psychic abilities.

I started this process myself years ago by experimenting with various forms of meditation. Meditation teaches one to achieve altered states of consciousness, to become more aware of perceptions and energies that we otherwise do not notice in our normal waking state.

I also started keeping a ‘psychic journal.’ I wrote down my dreams every morning, as well as any unusual thoughts and feelings I had about a person or situation. Using these notes as reference, I would later check the relevanc and accuracy of my perceptions and premonitions.

Studying various divination methods also helped me a lot. For example, Astrology helped me to better understand the ancient metaphysical concept of “as above, so below,” and how it affects our daily lives. Astrology references universal consciousness and divine design, and the direct affect it has on us. It gave me greater insight into why people born under certain zodiac signs behave the way they do, and how each planet affects us, especially when it retrogrades, or moves into a new sign. It also explains why people get more emotional when the Moon is full, or why communication breaks down when Mercury is in retrograde.

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Last Quarter Mars Transit Report 2021

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe red planet, fiery Mars, rules war, agriculture, competition, defense, our passions, and how we react. The positive side of Mars is bright, energetic, and driven, while the more negative aspects indicate aggression, impulsiveness, and bullying.

Astrologically, Mars cycles through each sign every six weeks unless it’s in retrograde motion where it can stay for a longer period of time. For the rest of 2021, Mars will enter the signs of Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius.

Earlier this month, on September 14th, Mars moved into Libra which is now highlighting our relationships and social connections of all kinds. There is now a desire to create balance and compromise where there has been lingering conflicts and unresolved issues.

Until Mars transits from Libra into Scorpio at the end of next month, a more passive approach is recommended and think twice before making a decision. Being methodical and strategic in a step-by-step fashion will be the best route to take.

On October 30th, Mars changes signs and moves into the watery sign of Scorpio, where the energy becomes more intense and emotional. We will want to experience life on a deeper level, know the truth , and feel more drawn to things that stimulates our senses. People tend to be more dramatic or calculating under the Mars in Scorpio influence. It’s best to avoid any situations that could trigger you or have you wanting to seek revenge.

Lastly, on December 13th, Mars goes into Sagittarius where things can get more exciting and unpredictable. Mars is typically compatible with fire signs, so it feels at home in Sagittarius. We will be craving more adventure and spontaneity towards the end of the year, and some of us may be more prone to impatience.

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August 2021 Astrology Forecast

Click Here now FOR a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAugust 2021 will be easier to navigate compared to June and July. Fire energy embodies the first half of this month, giving us the motivation and desire to make things happen.

We start the month off with an energetic New Moon in Leo next week on August 8th. New moons represent fresh beginnings and offer wonderful opportunity for manifesting, letting go of bad habits, or starting a new routine.

Leo is associated with the heart and the inner child and gives us the courage to rise above challenging circumstances. If you have been feeling down, or a victim of injustice, this new moon will help you reclaim your power and take a stand, if necessary.

On August 11th the planet of communication, Mercury, will move into Virgo for about 20 days. Our conversations with others will be practical, down to earth, and focused. This will be an optimal time to schedule that appointment with your health, wellness, or energy healing provider to address any concerns you may have.

Venus the planet of love, enters into Libra on August 16th and will assist us in creating a sense of balance in our relationships. If you have been giving too much of yourself, this transit will encourage you to pay attention to your own needs and cultivate a stronger sense self-love.

A Full Moon in Aquarius occurs on August 22nd and brings situations to a culmination. This moon cycle is favorable for removing and releasing anything that doesn’t serve your highest good. Since it’s in the sign of Aquarius, think about your purpose, what makes you unique and how you can help to create a better world.

The Sun transits into Virgo on the same day as the full moon. This earthly energy will help us get grounded, adopt a more logical approach, and set healthier boundaries. Getting organized, tidying up our homes, and paying attention to the details is the best way to work with Virgo.

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