Living In A State Of Transcendence
Many people may claim to live in a state of spiritual enlightenment, to be fully aware and to have a deep connection with the divine. However, what many believe to be enlightenment is often far from the truth.
There is a veil — a mental barrier — before most people that prevents them from seeing the greater spiritual truths that lie beyond the ordinary world. Although many people long to lift this veil, to look beyond the surface and access a more expansive reality, it can be incredibly difficult to reach this state of bliss.
However, once you do break through, the liberation and freedom you feel is incomparable. It’s a feeling that is difficult to describe with words, but it’s something that everyone is capable of experiencing.
The path to transcendence is a path of spiritual growth and soul evolution. When you reach this blissful state — when your soul has truly expanded — you move to a higher frequency, one that is different from the frequency to which most people are attuned.
For much of my life, I felt like a misfit — a person who didn’t quite fit into the mainstream world. I felt disconnected from social norms and expectations. But today, I embrace that feeling. I’ve come to realize that being an individual, separate from the chaos of the world, is one of the greatest gifts I could have. I no longer need to be part of a particular group or adhere to a particular set of societal standards. This freedom allows me to live authentically and to help others reach the same state of bliss and spiritual awareness.
Unlock The Door To Mental Freedom
We’ve all been there — lost in thought, replaying a conversation from years ago, wishing we’d said something different, or fixating on something that hasn’t happened yet and probably never will.
Our minds have a clever way of trapping us in the past, or pulling us too far into the future. In the process, we miss the beauty and joy of the present moment.
Being fully present is the key to happiness — the hidden treasure of everyday joy and fulfillment.
When we embrace the here and now, we experience true mental freedom. Instead of being burdened by past regrets or future fears, we begin to see life as it is — vibrant, alive, sometimes challenging, but always full of infinite possibilities and countless blessings waiting to be appreciated!
Think about the last time you were fully immersed in any experience. Maybe it was watching a sunset where the sky lit up with color, listening to music that made your soul soar, or laughing with a friend until your stomach hurt. In those moments, you weren’t dwelling on past mistakes or worrying about tomorrow’s to-do list — you were just there, experiencing life in real time.
Now, think about how often you are distracted by the constant pull of digital technology that keeps you from being fully present. Your phone pinging with notifications, drawing your attention away from the people and experiences around you.
Did Your Soul Choose Your Life Challenges?
“Oh, why do I have such terrible karma?” or “Why does the universe keep throwing me curveballs?” or “Is God punishing me?” These are questions that clients often ask me when they face struggles in life.
Spirit has repeatedly shown me in many readings over the years that we all have a kind of “architect’s plan” that we design before we incarnate into this life. This soul plan for our life journey lays out the lessons we’re going to learn and the experiences we’re going to have.
This spiritual principle is known by various names (depending on the context or belief system), including our spiritual blueprint, life design, divine plan, life script, soul contract, predestined path, and so on.
I prefer “architect’s plan” because it reminds me of the careful, meticulous planning an architect does when designing a new structure, long before the practical, hands-on construction takes place on site.
Like architects, we calmly and clearly create a plan for our life journey before we incarnate. It is only when we are here in the physical world to embody our plan that we fully experience the intensity and the many dangers and pitfalls that are part of our chosen journey, including all the fear, love, pain, hardship, joy, suffering, and everything in between.
Yes, it is hard to believe that we actually choose to face challenges and difficulties in our lives. But various spiritual traditions and esoteric philosophies tell us that our soul’s path is predestined or planned before we’re born, or at least that we have certain free will choices and options along the way.
Embrace The Wisdom Of Your Inner Crone
The archetypes of the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone are central figures in various spiritual and mythological traditions, especially in Paganism and Wicca, where they represent the Triple Goddess. They symbolize the three primary phases of a woman’s life and the cycles of nature, and are associated with the phases of the moon — waxing, full, and waning.
The Maiden is associated with the waxing moon, representing youth, new beginnings, potential, and innocence; the Mother aligns with the full moon, embodying creation, fertility, abundance, and maturity; and the Crone is associated with the waning moon, symbolizing wisdom, life experience, reflection, and endings that lead to new beginnings.
In Greek mythology, these archetypes are seen in the Moirai or Fates: Clotho (the spinner of the thread of life), Lachesis (the measurer), and Atropos (the cutter). Similarly, in Hinduism, the goddess Kali represents the transformative power of the Crone, who presides over destruction and rebirth. They remind us of the cyclical nature of existence and the interconnectedness of the stages of life.
Mary, the mother of Jesus, embodies the essence of the Crone within the Christian tradition. As Mater Dolorosa (Sorrowful Mother), she is revered as a figure of profound strength and resilience, having witnessed the suffering and death of her Son. Her wisdom, born of enduring immense grief and unwavering faith, serves as a beacon of strength and compassion for the faithful. She is seen as a compassionate and empathetic figure who understands human suffering and intercedes for believers with her love and wisdom.
Realigning With Your Higher Self
In my readings, I often feel that people’s energy is fragmented — like an incomplete jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces. This fragmentation reflects a general disconnection from the core essence of their being: the higher self.
It’s no surprise that modern life pulls us in countless directions, leaving us feeling stretched, overwhelmed, and out of balance. Between the demands of work, family, and personal goals, the balance of work, rest, play, sleep, and spirit seems to have slipped through our fingers.
Compounding this imbalance is our growing impatience and intolerance. We bristle at delays, resist restrictions, and struggle when life deviates from our carefully laid plans.
Yet frustration and impatience only hinder the natural unfolding of our highest good. The person we are waiting to meet or the opportunity we are longing for may not be ready to enter our lives — or, more likely, we may not be ready to welcome it.
When we feel lost, stuck, confused, or fearful, these are signs of misalignment or disconnection from our higher self. This distortion cuts us off from clear inner guidance and spiritual awareness, leaving us adrift in a sea of doubt, fear, and negativity.
Realigning with our higher essence restores the natural flow of energy, inner wisdom, and divine guidance. We rediscover our wise inner genius, the calm confidence that resides within, and the power to live in harmony with our true essence and fulfill our soul plan.
A Premonition Dream Could Save Your Life!
While meditating one afternoon and deep in the alpha state, I heard a clairaudient voice say to me: “You need to get to work because someone needs the message you were given last night.”
I wasn’t feeling very social that day and definitely not in the mood to work, but the voice was crystal clear and very insistent.
I mentally asked the voice to show or tell me how and what this message could be? Almost immediately I saw my dream journal in my mind’s eye.
So I stopped the meditation session and went to get my dream journal from my nightstand. I always keep it handy, along with a clip-on night light, so I can record my dreams at any time.
Over the years, I’ve trained myself to recall significant dreams and write down as much as I can remember.
Keeping a dream journal has become incredibly valuable to me personally and in my psychic work. Dreams act as a bridge between the material world and the spirit realm, offering profound insights and guidance.
One of the greatest benefits of dream journaling is the ability to track ‘warning dreams,’ also known as premonition or precognitive dreams. These dreams are forebodings of future events, alerting us to potential dangers, challenges, or negative events that we may soon encounter in waking life.
The Ancient Spiritual Tradition Of Smudging
Just as our physical environment can become cluttered and unclean, our aura or energy field also accumulates stagnant and negative energy.
Regularly cleaning our homes and workplaces promotes health, hygiene and optimal function — and the same principle applies to our personal and spiritual energy. Clearing our energy field and environment helps to release negativity and toxic emotions, stress and anxiety, and promotes a sense of calm, clarity and balance.
Energy cleansing is essential for removing blockages that may be hindering personal and spiritual growth or disrupting your connection to spirit and the divine. Over time, lingering negative or toxic energy can even manifest as mental health issues, spiritual disconnection and even physical ailments.
By maintaining a regular practice of energy cleansing, you create a positive, harmonious flow of energy that supports overall health and well-being. In addition, a clear energy field sharpens your intuition and inner guidance, making it easier to align with your higher self and make decisions that are aligned with your greatest good.
Smudging is also a powerful way to clear negative energy attachments and banish malevolent spirit entities.
One of the most time-tested and effective methods of clearing unwanted energy is smudging, or smoke cleansing — an ancient purification ritual steeped in history and practiced by various cultures, religions, and spiritual traditions around the world.