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Decoding Love Cord Connections

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!As a Virgo, love and relationships are my favorite areas to focus on when doing readings. I am comfortable helping my clients in all areas of their lives, but I especially enjoy helping them in the romance department.

When I do relationship readings, I can tell when two people are connected with an energetic ‘love cord connection’. I can tell if it’s just lust, desire, or a crush, or if it’s the real thing: full-blown love; the kind of love that never dies.

A love cord connection is an energetic connection between two people who share a deep emotional bond, especially in romantic relationships. It’s a non-physical connection that exists on a spiritual level; an energetic connection of love, intimacy and understanding between two souls.

This connection is a subtle yet powerful exchange of energy that transcends time and place and can be felt or intuitively perceived by those attuned to such energies. Seeing such a cord between two people indicates a strong resonance and compatibility between them. It confirms a deep emotional and spiritual connection.

Perceiving such an energetic love cord connection between two individuals gives me insight into the dynamics of the relationship and the depth of the connection between them, so that I can provide guidance on how to nurture and strengthen their bond.

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Energy Imprint, Energy Cord, Or Entity Attachment?

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!In my work, I often encounter people who are experiencing phenomena that are negatively affecting their energy field, causing them to suffer a loss of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and well-being.

Usually these problems are simply due to their own negative thinking, or external negative energy imprints or residues that their aura has picked up from toxic people or environments. In many cases, it can be due to the energy cord of a dysfunctional or unhealthy romantic relationship or other types of energy cords with family, friends, or co-workers that are contaminating or draining their personal energy and vitality.

In some cases, however, these negative energy influences have a far more sinister origin that the “carrier” or victim is rarely aware of, while it is destroying their well-being and wreaking havoc in their lives.

The problem is that many people do not understand the difference between negative energy imprints, energy cords, and evil entity or spirit attachments. In my experience, the confusion is mainly due to the fact that the effects these three categories of negative energy phenomena have on people are often similar, leading to misinterpretation of the source or cause of these influences and disturbances.

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Energy Self-Care Strategies For Empaths And Sensitives

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Empaths and highly sensitive people (HSPs) often feel drained by other people and certain environments due to their inherently sensitive nature and the way they interact with the world around them.

We face unique physical, mental, emotional and spiritual challenges because of our innate ability to deeply feel and absorb the thoughts, emotions and energies of those around us. While our sensitivity is a blessing and a gift to the world, it can also become a curse through overwhelming experiences of empathic overload and energy depletion.

Energetic self-care is therefore of paramount importance to the sensitive person. Every empath or HSP should adopt a daily routine of energetic self-care practices designed to cleanse, protect and rejuvenate their aura or personal energy field.

Mastering these practices is not only beneficial to our health and well-being, it’s essential for maintaining holistic balance, protecting our mental health in particular, and nurturing our deep connection to the world and those around us.

As empaths and HSPs, we can manage our energy more effectively by employing several strategies that help us maintain our energetic well-being, while navigating a world that can often feel overwhelming. The following are essential tools and strategies that can empower empaths and HSPs to thrive in their sensitivity and turn their deep empathy into their greatest strength through effective energetic self-care:

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Breaking The Pattern Of Relationship Trauma

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comToday I did two consecutive readings for clients who are obsessed with a relationship from a long time ago. They both wondered why the relationship ended and what could have been if things had gone differently.

In retrospect, there have been many similar calls recently. I have even had clients who have had vivid dreams and nightmares about a particular ex-love, lost friend or estranged family member.

In all cases, I find that Spirit consistently offers the same guidance. These haunted thoughts and obsessions are due to a lack of closure and unresolved trauma. Spirit has also indicated that there is a growing epidemic of loneliness in the world. Because of this, more and more people are dwelling on old relationships and their regrets.

This has even happened to me recently, with people from my past that I have not thought of or seen in years coming to mind more and more. It can be surprising and disconcerting to have such random memories pop up. Spirit gave me exactly the same wake-up call. These memories are a sign that there is a need for forgiveness and healing. It is essentially a form of delayed grief, when instead we should be having happy and fond memories of the people in our past.

I find it helps to remember that they, like me, were just doing the best they could with what they knew and had at the time. When someone has shown signs of unkindness or aggression, I have also come to realize that it was the result of their own hurts, losses, or disappointments.

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Protect Yourself From Energy Vampires

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPeople have the power to either energize or drain us because we are all energetic spiritual beings in human form. This is especially true if you are highly sensitive and empathic.

Energy vampires are people who mostly unintentionally drain or ‘steal’ the energy of others, leaving everyone they interact with feeling mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually drained, even depressed.

Although they may not be intentionally malicious or evil, their dysfunctional personalities and toxic behavior patterns can have a detrimental effect on our health and well-being.

Energy thieves are everywhere, from the workplace to our social circles. Understanding their effects and protecting yourself from their toxicity is critical to mental and emotional well-being.

It is important to recognize the signs and patterns in your interactions with these people. There are many signs that you may be the victim of an energy vampire. Some of the most common indicators include feeling drained or exhausted, having a change in mood or energy level, or difficulty concentrating or making decisions after spending time with someone. You may also feel that you are always giving and never receiving from someone, or that you are being used or manipulated by them.

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Don’t Let Your Ex Jinx Your Love Life!

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI just did a phone reading for a Psychic Access client whose first words were, “Do you think my ex put a curse on me to jinx my love life?”

As always, I turned to the spirit realm for guidance. A very close friend of the client, who had crossed over just a few months ago, then came forward with the answers.

“A recently deceased friend of yours says you are jinxing yourself,” I replied. “He says you cannot expect things to change for the better if you keep repeating the same old patterns, looking for love in all the wrong places, with all the wrong people, for all the wrong reasons.

“Um, I don’t see how I’m the cause of the problem here,” my client countered. “I’ve met many women since my last relationship, and all of they seem to want from me is financial support, or to fix their house, or to solve their legal problems, or to somehow take care of all their problems.”

“Well, what do you expect?” replied his friend from the spirit realm. “The first thing you always tell women is how much money you make because you feel the need to compensate for your lack of self-worth. Your ex made you feel you were worthless without all the money you spent on her all the time. But you have so much more to offer than your financial success. You are a good man with a good heart. You don’t have to lead with money all the time,” his friend said.

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Breaking Free From A Toxic Family Curse

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOver the past year and a half, I have been working with a client who grew up in one of the most toxic families I have ever encountered in my work. It has been a long time since I have been so moved by a client’s tragic story and ancestral legacy. With her permission, I thought it might be helpful to share some of her experiences.

She was raised by an extremely narcissistic mother who manipulated and emotionally abused her for most of her life with belittling scapegoating and harsh criticism, until she finally managed to break free and set healing, healthy boundaries.

But once those long overdue boundaries were in place, she suddenly discovered that her siblings had taken it upon themselves to continue their mother’s toxic behavior toward her! While she thought she had finally found some peace in her life, and could safely confide in her siblings about her healing journey, she soon found out how wrong she was.

Until recently, she had openly shared her thoughts and feelings about her mother with her siblings. They, in turn, wholeheartedly agreed and confided that they felt the same way. As her younger siblings, they claimed to have endured similar abuse from their mother. No matter what they said or did, they were also constantly verbally attacked and criticized by her.

Meanwhile, none of her siblings claims were true. As the family scapegoat she was in fact the only one who endured all their mother’s abuse. I tried to caution her every time we did a reading, but she suffered betrayal blindness when it came to her siblings, in the same way she did for many years with her mom.

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