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Tarot Forecast October 2024: Ten Of Wands

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!The card this month is the Ten of Wands, which predicts the potential for life’s challenges to feel overwhelming in the weeks ahead, but this will also offer us the opportunity for personal growth through perseverance.

When we push through difficulties, we not only build strength, but also shape our perception of success. It’s important to remember that how we view our challenges often determines whether we see them as victories or defeats.

The burdens that life places on us make us grow and know that we are resilient when things don’t go our way. Knowing that even when we see situations not working in our favor, if we see value and learning in it, we dare to stand up for ourselves and go for it anyway.

This month it may feel like we’re juggling a lot at once, but in these challenges lies the opportunity to gain wisdom and clarity. It may feel heavy, as if we have too many responsibilities or carry an emotional burden that’s hard to release.

The central image depicted on the Ten of Wands cards is a figure burdened by having to carry ten heavy wands, symbolizing an overwhelming load or heavy burden. The figure is struggling under the weight, illustrating the concept of carrying too much responsibility or facing numerous challenges. It emphasizes the physical and emotional strain that can result from over-commitment or excessive obligations.

The figure is also walking along a narrow path or road, suggesting a journey or direction. The path indicates that the stresses are part of a larger journey or goal, implying that the challenges are necessary to achieve something significant.

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Perfect Love Is For Better Or Worse

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!For those of us who are spiritually aware and seeking to live consciously, the experience of a mystical romance can be both healing and enlightening. But the journey of soulmate love is not always a matter of moonlight and roses.

What is perfect love? Does it even exist? How can two people make their love last? Do we belong together? How can we be soulmates if we argue all the time? How is this a sacred union if he is being such a jerk?

These are some of the questions I sometimes get asked in relationship readings.

The guidance from spirit is always the same. The best marriages and committed relationships all have their ups and downs. Perfect love is loving your partner when things aren’t perfect. It’s about owning your differences and working through them as a team.

Perfect love isn’t about a flawless journey but about embracing the imperfections with grace. Meaningful relationships are an intricate dance, an alchemical symphony of highs and lows, joy and challenges. Perfect love that lasts will always have its ups and downs, like an exciting roller coaster ride.

In my experience, people who stay married for a very long time make their relationships last by being flexible and going with the ebb and flow. Successful partnerships ride this cosmic wave we call life. And when those big waves roll in during more challenging times, they just ride it out because there is always smoother sailing ahead. Hard times never last.

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A Christian Mystic’s Guide To Dealing With Pain

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Our search for the meaning of pain, hardship, and suffering is a profound and enduring human endeavor.

Throughout history, our spiritual beliefs and religious teachings have helped us understand and find meaning in life’s challenges and painful experiences.

These interpretations provide comfort, guidance, and a sense of peace in the face of adversity as we learn that suffering has a purpose or can lead to spiritual growth, enlightenment, or a deeper connection with the divine.

Our spiritual quest to better understand pain is driven by a deep desire to make sense of life’s challenges and to discover how these difficult experiences fit into the larger tapestry of our existence.

Religions and spiritual wisdom traditions around the world offer different perspectives on pain and suffering, each with its own explanation for why these experiences occur and how they should be approached or understood.

These diverse perspectives all share certain common threads: that the origins of pain and suffering lie in the concept of duality; that there is meaning to be found in suffering; and that through faith, reflection, and spiritual practice we can transcend the pain caused by duality and connect with something greater than ourselves.

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Free Yourself From Negative Energy

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe shape our lives with both positive and negative energy. The good vibes bring us abundance, joy and fulfillment, and inspire us to strive for higher goals. The bad vibes bring us lack, fear, stress, frustration, disappointment, and sadness.

It is our nature to strive only for joy and happiness, but this is not always the case. We can even choose to live a very quiet, simple life and not rattle any cages and still face adversity and unwanted bad times.

The main reason for this is that our journey in this life is not meant to be perfect and easy all the time. Our souls crave some bad times as well, for this is what brings us spiritual growth and evolves our soul!

However, while the duality of good and bad is a fact of life, some of us also endure much more than our fair share of hardship and suffering. Again, this may be because we chose a more difficult or challenging path as part of our original soul plan.

But it is also true that some of us simply struggle and suffer more because of our own free will choices and the unpleasant reality we choose to create for ourselves. Fortunately, with a little personal responsibility and increased self-awareness, we can also change this scenario from bad to good. Continue reading

Keep Seeking The Light Beyond The Darkness

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI do a trivia quiz almost every day to keep my mind stimulated and strong. This morning the question was: What is achluophobia? Well, it is the fear of the dark, which is a somewhat reasonable phobia since we instinctively want to be able to see what is going on around us in order to survive. However, as I thought about it more, I realized that we also have the same need to ‘see the light’ on a spiritual level.

The darkness of evil, hatred and despair is always out there, lurking in the background, trying to sneak into our hearts and minds and take over. There is a spiritual war going on in our hearts and minds every day.

As we are increasingly drawn into the darkness, we are also increasingly hit with setbacks, hurdles, heartaches, and hardships. Then, in our entitlement and arrogance, we wonder why God, Source, Spirit, the Divine, is not doing anything to help us? Why have we been abandoned? Is there even a higher, divine power that can come to our aid?

It is amazing how many people at one time or another indulge in the thought, the notion that the very God, Source, Spirit, Divine, Universe that guides, protects and provides for us, actually takes the time to also hate, punish or destroy us.

All we have to do is observe the miracle of nature to know that this is not true. Every little miracle of nature, every tree and plant, every stone, every living being has a reason and a purpose to exist in the wonderful mechanics of our planet.

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Rebuild Your Trust In A Benevolent Universe

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHave you ever watched a child learn to ride a bicycle? There is a certain excitement associated with this rite of passage as youngsters wholeheartedly embrace the possibility of being able to soon ride down the street without help.

The first time they get on a bike, they have no prior knowledge or experience to compare it to. Nevertheless, it is usually easy for most children to accept that they will be able to accomplish this task.

Most kids, in their innocence, focus on the joy, freedom and fulfillment of riding a bike rather than worrying about not being able to do it, let alone falling and getting hurt. They also don’t think in terms of good or bad ‘luck’ determining their ultimate success, nor do they imagine that riding a bike is a special gift, talent or privilege reserved only for certain people.

Perhaps this self-belief stems in part from an encouraging parent who has confidently assured the young person that they will indeed be able to achieve this skill. Perhaps the child has seen other children learn to do it and therefore trusts that they can do it, too.

The thing about children is not so much that they blindly or foolishly trust, but simply that, unlike most adults, they have not yet learned to distrust. Being able to trust as an adult is therefore not so much a matter of learning to trust, but of regaining the ability to trust that we once had, until we lost some or all of it through trauma, disappointment, betrayal, or hardship.

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Life Lessons From Spirit That Make Us Stronger

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs we wander through life, we often face many roadblocks, many stumbling blocks and many disappointments. There are many questions that arise as we walk our path and at times it feels like the entire world is against us, as we progress on our journey.

Many people blame God, Source, Spirit, the Divine, or other people for the situations they are in, and cannot get past. This simply an illusion that we create in our humanness. Spirit does not want us to fail in life. Spirit does not want us to be unhappy. Spirit does not want us to live a pauper’s life.

It is time to sit down, take a look at all what has happened to you and discover two things about each situation. Why did it happen, and what was the lesson you learned from it? As you look at the examples of pain, suffering or disappointment in your life, what do you see? Were they life lessons from spirit?

For example, you have been with the love of your life for many years. One day your your beloved unexpectedly abandons you for another person. What could you have done to prevent this? What could you have done differently? Why were you not enough? You were in love, totally and unconditionally devoted to this person, and you thought they felt the same way about you. Why did they do this to you?

In almost all cases where this happens, there is nothing you could have done to prevent this.  It was not you who walked out of the relationship or marriage; it was your partner. And all people have free will and free choice. This was not your decision to make.

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