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The Ancient Spiritual Tradition Of Smudging

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Just as our physical environment can become cluttered and unclean, our aura or energy field also accumulates stagnant and negative energy.

Regularly cleaning our homes and workplaces promotes health, hygiene and optimal function — and the same principle applies to our personal and spiritual energy. Clearing our energy field and environment helps to release negativity and toxic emotions, stress and anxiety, and promotes a sense of calm, clarity and balance.

Energy cleansing is essential for removing blockages that may be hindering personal and spiritual growth or disrupting your connection to spirit and the divine. Over time, lingering negative or toxic energy can even manifest as mental health issues, spiritual disconnection and even physical ailments.

By maintaining a regular practice of energy cleansing, you create a positive, harmonious flow of energy that supports overall health and well-being. In addition, a clear energy field sharpens your intuition and inner guidance, making it easier to align with your higher self and make decisions that are aligned with your greatest good.

Smudging is also a powerful way to clear negative energy attachments and banish malevolent spirit entities.

One of the most time-tested and effective methods of clearing unwanted energy is smudging, or smoke cleansing — an ancient purification ritual steeped in history and practiced by various cultures, religions, and spiritual traditions around the world.

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Paranormal, Or Perinormal?

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!When we hear the word “paranormal,” we often think of ghosts, psychic abilities, or UFO sightings. But what does the term really mean?

Many of us have had moments that feel mysterious or beyond our understanding — experiences that challenge the way we see the world. What’s interesting is that these experiences aren’t always “paranormal” in the traditional sense — they may actually be “perinormal.”

Understanding the difference between these two ideas can help us see our everyday experiences in a new light, making it easier to connect with the mystical side of life without feeling overwhelmed by the unknown.

“The word “paranormal” comes from the Greek word “para,” which means “outside” or “beyond” normal. It refers to things that are beyond the limits of what we can scientifically measure or explain.

Paranormal experiences, such as ghost sightings or psychic phenomena, defy logic and leave a lasting impact on those who experience them. They’re those mystical or supernatural experiences that break the rules of reality and are completely “outside of normal.”

“Perinormal, on the other hand, comes from the word “peri,” meaning “around” or “near.”. These experiences are on the edge of “normal” — they’re those things we sense, feel, or observe that are related to subtle, measurable energies or natural laws, but also remain mysterious and unexplained.

Perinormal experiences show us that the spiritual and mystical are often much closer to reality than we realize – they just exist in a space we do not yet fully understand, or perhaps never will?

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The Mysterious Phenomenon Of Spiritual Chills

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Chills and goosebumps are fascinating responses in the human body, rooted in biology and physiology, but also shrouded in mystery.

These physical reactions are mostly triggered by cold temperatures, strong emotions such as fear, excitement, or awe, or as part of the fight-or-flight response.

But not all instances of shivering, goosebumps, or the “heebie jeebies” are rooted in physical stimuli. Some occur for no apparent reason, suggesting a deeper, more metaphysical significance.

While science attributes shivers and goosebumps solely to primal survival mechanisms, a spiritual perspective offers another level of understanding – one that links these sensations to supernatural phenomena and spiritual encounters.

Goosebumps and shivers are ancient responses inherited from our primal ancestors. When our ancestors faced cold temperatures, their body hair stood up to trap heat and provide insulation.

Similarly, when threatened, their hair would stand up, making them appear larger and more intimidating to predators. We also see this response in the fur on our cats and dogs when they go into fight or flight mode. In humans, the function is just not as pronounced due to our sparse body hair, but the response persists.

This mechanism, called piloerection, causes the tiny muscles at the base of each hair follicle to contract, making the hair stand on end and creating the characteristic bumps we call goosebumps – so named because they resemble the skin of plucked poultry. This reaction is part of the body’s autonomic nervous system, which controls involuntary responses.

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The Common Cold As A Spiritual Detox

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt is quite common for people going through a period of spiritual growth or awakening to experience physical symptoms and illnesses such as colds, flu, or other infections.

Experiencing a nasty cold during your spiritual awakening is not only annoying, but also seems out of place and counterintuitive, especially when you’re supposed to be focusing on expanding your awareness, aligning your energy, and strengthening your connection to spirit and the divine.

However, it is important to know that the onset of physical symptoms, such as a cold or flu, usually has a profound spiritual significance. Although it may seem like an inconvenient interruption or a stroke of bad luck, this type of physical setback is often an essential part of our spiritual journey, as it is a sign that we are releasing old, toxic energies in order to heal and make room for new insights and energy.

I remember a pivotal moment in my own spiritual journey when I came down with a terrible cold. At the time, I was deeply immersed in exploring my Akashic Record and uncovering truths about certain past life traumas – particularly memories of being persecuted as a witch in a past life. This process brought up a flood of intense soul memories and ancient psychic wounds that had been waiting to be processed for several centuries!

One morning, after a particularly intense Akashic meditation the night before, I awoke with a scratchy throat, stuffy nose, body aches, and overwhelming fatigue. Frustrated, I wondered why I was getting sick now, just as I was breaking through to a deeper level of awareness and karmic healing. But as I surrendered to my body’s need for rest and recovery, I soon began to see the deeper purpose of my illness.

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Our Pets Are Telepathically Connected To Us

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I’m in the midst of a major move with my two dogs – a process that has made me even more aware of how much our pets are telepathically connected to us. It also reminded me of the importance of always being aware of the energy I project.

The move took months of planning, involving the sale of my house and more complex logistics for my pets’ travel arrangements than I’ve ever encountered before. I’m now especially aware of my need to consciously project positive, happy thoughts to make it less traumatic and stressful for them.

My six-year-old Labrador mix, Jake, has already shown clear signs of picking up on the new atmosphere around the house. For example, before visitors arrive, he is now more aware of their approach. Yesterday, for example, when a realtor and photographer were scheduled to visit, Jake sat at the glass door, watching intently and whimpering for more than ten minutes before their arrival.

I have made a similar observation with my neighbor in the past. I always know when he’s coming over because Jake sits at the door and waits for several minutes before he arrives. As a former dog groomer, my neighbor is never surprised by this because he also believes in mental communication with animals.

Rupert Sheldrake, a prominent biologist and consciousness researcher, has devoted considerable attention to animal telepathy, focusing in particular on the psychic ability of dogs to anticipate their owners’ return home. His groundbreaking research, documented in his book Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home, includes numerous reports of dogs waiting at doors or windows before their human companions even begin their journey home.

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Energy Protection 101

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Energy protection is something I practice daily and has been a cornerstone of my health and self-care routine for decades.

Over time, it has become more than just a personal practice, as it is an integral part of my daily professional life as a psychic. It is also a spiritual necessity that I often emphasize with my clients.

In a world where we’re constantly interacting with different energies, maintaining our auric boundaries is essential.

Many of my clients, like me, find themselves drained by encounters with certain people, and I love sharing my tools and techniques to help them stay energetically protected. This is especially important when they are forced to share space or interact with those they would prefer to avoid.

We all experience times when we can’t avoid being around people who don’t have our best interests at heart. From personal experience and the stories my clients tell me, I’ve found that these challenging relationships most often occur in close-knit groups, such as family or neighbors – people with whom we must coexist despite underlying tensions.

But why does this happen? Based on my observations, it often comes down to control issues or unresolved emotional issues.

For example, family dynamics can bring out hidden tensions. Siblings may become resentful if they feel one isn’t doing enough to help an aging parent. It’s easy to assume someone isn’t pulling their weight without looking at the bigger picture.

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Angelic Energy Maintenance For Empaths

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!As an empath and psychic counselor, I have had to learn how best to navigate the intense energies that come with working with others.

Early on, I often found myself drained, overwhelmed, and weighed down by emotional clutter that wasn’t even mine. I didn’t realize how much I was absorbing from clients, loved ones, and even strangers.

Over time, I’ve learned that clearing and protecting my energy is essential not only for my well-being, but also for maintaining clarity in my work. By understanding how to release what doesn’t belong to me and strengthen my auric boundaries, I have been able to thrive both personally and professionally.

Being an empath means that you’re highly sensitive and deeply attuned to the emotions and energy of those around you. You naturally absorb the feelings of others, which can often result in you carrying the emotional weight of others.

This pattern shows up not only in romantic relationships, but also in work, family, and friendships. If you’re constantly picking up the extremes of other people’s energy, it can leave you feeling heavy, drained, irritable, and disconnected from yourself – as if nothing you try makes a difference. This happens because instead of directing your own energy, you’re constantly processing someone else’s.

Empaths are like emotional air purifiers, prone to absorbing the energies of everyone around them – whether it’s a stranger in the grocery store, your partner, your boss, or your family. When your aura becomes clogged and dysfunctional, you experience heaviness, discomfort, and emotional instability.

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