spiritual messages
The Archangels: Divine Messengers, Emissaries And Healers
Throughout history and across spiritual traditions, archangels have been known as divine messengers and powerful emissaries of the divine. They are among the highest orders of celestial beings who guide and assist humanity in profound ways.
An archangel is a high-ranking angel, often described as a celestial being with special authority and a significant role in the higher realms.
The term “archangel” comes from the Greek words archi (meaning chief or head) and angelos (meaning messenger). They are considered leaders among the angels and act as intermediaries between the divine and humanity. They offer protection, guidance, and the execution of divine will.
While many religious traditions, including Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, acknowledge their existence, archangels transcend any one faith.
Many wisdom traditions and mythologies have parallels to archangels – celestial or divine beings who act as messengers, protectors, or mediators between the divine and humanity. Examples include the Amesha Spentas in Zoroastrianism, the Devas in Hinduism, the Bodhisattvas in Hinduism, and the Kami in Shinto.
Although different traditions vary in the number and identities of archangels, some are universally recognized and revered.
A distinguishing feature of archangels is their names, which typically end in “-el,” which means “of God” or “in God” in Hebrew. This signifies their deep connection to the divine will and their role as conduits between the higher realms and the earthly plane.
The Spiritual Significance Of 777
The number seven is a powerful sign when it appears in your life. Traditionally considered a lucky number, seven carries energies that can help expand various aspects of your life, allowing you to manifest greater results.
But seven is about much more than manifestation. It is a deeply spiritual number that often aligns with pivotal moments of deep understanding and transformation. When it appears repeatedly, it signals alignment with your divine purpose — a confirmation from Spirit that you are on the right path and an encouragement to continue your inner work.
The presence of the seven often marks periods of profound spiritual growth, offering insights into your role in the world and how you choose to show up for others.
You may notice a sense of effortless flow, as if guided by an unseen force. This occurs because your awareness of what serves your highest good — and the greater good — has expanded. Your intuition is sharpened, giving you access to universal insights and enabling you to act with greater compassion and wisdom.
Seven is closely associated with the expansion of consciousness. Its repeated appearance in your life may inspire you to explore spiritual matters more deeply, seeking wisdom in philosophy, metaphysics, and esoteric traditions.
This number encourages introspection and self-discovery, inviting you to reflect on your journey and embrace the deeper truths of the universe. Those who frequently encounter the number seven may also experience an increased connection to higher realms, noticing synchronicities, heightened intuition, and a greater awareness of unseen spiritual forces.
When Spirit Calls Your Name
There’s something undeniably enchanting about the stillness of night, when the world shuts down, distractions fade, and our spiritual awareness sharpens.
In these moments of silence, I sometimes feel a spiritual presence calling my name. It’s not a voice I hear with my physical ears, but rather a telepathic resonance in my heart and mind that awakens me from the state between wakefulness and sleep.
When this happens, I pay close attention because I know an important message is coming.
Many of my clients say they have similar experiences. They describe being in bed, about to fall asleep, when suddenly they hear their name or feel that someone is right next to them. Some immediately feel a deep sense of peace, while others are startled, unsure of what they have just experienced.
If you have ever heard your name called in the silence of the night, know that it is no accident and certainly not your imagination. These whispers from the unseen realms always come with purpose. They are gentle yet powerful reminders that you are not alone on your life journey. Your spirit team is calling for your attention, nudging you to listen, to reflect, and to receive the wisdom they wish to impart.
It is normal to feel fear when we do not understand what is happening. But for those who hear these calls, I offer this assurance: these moments are sacred. They are benevolent invitations to truly listen, to open your heart and mind, and to receive guidance from your team of spirit helpers.
When Spirit Reveals The Sugar-Free Truth
When you consult a reputable psychic medium, you are receiving channeled messages from angels, spirit guides, ancestors, or loved ones in spirit. Your team of spiritual helpers has a simple goal: to offer you the guidance, insight, protection, and support you need most at that moment in your life.
Psychic mediums are merely the messengers — spiritual conduits who relay information from the unseen realms to you. It’s important to remember this when you receive a reading, because we do not control the messages that come through.
Your guides, angels and soul family who work with you decide what information to share and when to share it. Sometimes what they reveal is exactly what you wanted to hear. Other times it’s not what you were expecting at all.
Often the messages you receive from the spirit realm bring clarity to your questions and resonate deeply with your current experience. But sometimes their meaning is not immediately apparent. It’s only later, with a fresh perspective or as new events unfold, that the pieces click into place.
Your guides and guardians always act in your best interests. Their ultimate goal is to help you grow, evolve and move forward. They don’t want you to get stuck in situations or mindsets that no longer serve your highest good.
But growth and spiritual evolution are rarely smooth rides. Personal development often involves challenges, discomfort, and moments of hard truth. Consulting a psychic or medium is not just a curiosity or a fun activity — it is a spiritual act of courage, healing and growth. It’s an invitation to connect with hidden truths, future possibilities, and higher states of consciousness.
Why Your Spirit Helpers Choose To Work With You
I have learned through spirit communication that everyone on earth is guided by someone in the spirit world, even though they may not be aware of it. In fact, most people go through life receiving spirit’s protection and support every day without ever being aware of it.
These spirit helpers, ranging from our ancestors and loved ones on the other side, to shamanic totems and nature spirits, spirit guides and guardians, ascended masters and angels, all serve as beacons of light, love and wisdom and provide vital support for our personal and spiritual growth.
But their involvement in our lives is far from random or accidental. These beings are connected or drawn to us for reasons beyond our earthly existence, to help us fulfill our soul’s mission and contribute to the greater good of universal spiritual evolution.
Our spirit helpers connect with us here on the earth plane to guide, teach, protect and support us. Their roles transcend the individual, as they also serve a higher purpose — to assist with the collective evolution of all souls, the expansion of the universe, and to be in service to the divine.
Understanding why these spirit beings choose to work with us offers profound insights into the nature of our spiritual journey, the interconnectedness of souls, and how our actions, thoughts and intentions ripple out to affect the whole.
The Spiritual Significance Of 666
The number 666 is undoubtedly the most controversial and misinterpreted number in spirituality.
Mostly shrouded in superstition and fear due to its portrayal in popular culture, based on its famous reference as the “number of the beast” in the Bible’s Book of Revelation, this enigmatic number actually carries a depth of spiritual significance and symbolism that goes far beyond its ominous reputation.
By delving into the true symbolism of this number sequence, we can uncover the profound messages and transformative potential it holds. Far from being a mere harbinger of evil and doom, 666 challenges us to integrate spiritual awareness and higher consciousness into our everyday lives, illuminating a path toward harmony, wisdom and enlightenment.
In numerology, for example, the number 6 is associated with balance, harmony and personal responsibility. It known as the “mother” of all numbers and symbolizes domesticity, love of home and family, and a nurturing, caring energy. Its energy promotes compassion and selflessness for the benefit of others.
The sequence 666 is a reminder to balance the material and spiritual aspects of life, encouraging self-reflection and aligning one’s actions with one’s higher self.
In Tarot, the number 6 is represented by the card The Lovers. This card symbolizes love, harmony, and the choices one must make to achieve balance in relationships. It emphasizes unity within oneself and with others, and the need for deeper introspection and harmonization of opposing forces.
Astral Encounters With The People You Love
When I do love and relationship readings, I can usually get a clear sense if someone my client feels deeply connected to has also been thinking about them. However, this “thinking” doesn’t always happen during waking hours! Sometimes their love interest “dials in” to connect with them in the dream state through astral communication.
When we sleep, our physical body and mind are at rest, allowing our soul to connect with the spirit realm. During the dream state, our soul temporarily leaves our physical body and travels to the astral plane.
The astral plane is a metaphysical dimension or plane of existence that transcends physical reality, where souls, spirit entities, and the divine can interact in a heightened state of consciousness. Here we can also meet and communicate with other souls, both living and deceased.
Dreaming allows us to transcend physical limitations to access spiritual guidance, clarity, comfort, healing, and even prophetic glimpses of the future. But our dreams not only allow us to connect with spirit, they also have immense power to create and deepen everyday connections with other people who are still alive. This includes friends, family, colleagues, and especially romantic partners.
While many people have had at least one vivid dream involving a deceased loved one, spirit being, or divine presence, very few realize that the astral plane is also a meeting place for love and romance. If daily life somehow prevents us from connecting with that special someone, our soul can still meet with them in the astral realm, while we sleep. Continue reading →
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