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Pay Attention To Your Dreams

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI believe that all dreams have some level of meaning and value in our lives. Dreaming is not only the way the subconscious deals with our time-space, physical reality, but they often also have psychic or spiritual significance. I am a strong advocate of paying attention to our dreams, rather than just relegating them to the sidelines of our human experience.

Even our so-called ‘pizza dreams’ can hold significant meaning in our life. Pizza dreams are highly realistic and very bizarre dreams that we often believe actually happened when we wake up, despite them being outrageously improbable. They are called pizza dreams, because of the urban myth that we tend to have these disturbing dreams after eating too much pizza before we go to bed.

In working with dreams, the best thing you can do is to keep a record. Always keep a dream journal on your nightstand, or near your bed, along with a small, soft light and a pen. Whenever you awaken from a dream, write it down as many details as you can remember. This may initially only be a few key moments from the dream, but if you make this a habit you will eventually begin to remember more and more details from your dreams. Write everything down, no matter how weird or peculiar it may seem.

There are a few key things to remember when you begin the process of interpreting dreams. Firstly, intuitive dreams use symbolic language. There are a few general archetypes within dreams that are common symbols connected to the collective unconscious, but many symbols within dreams are usually individualized symbols. Continue reading

Processing Deep Emotions In Your Dreams

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comDisturbing, chaotic dreams or nightmares involving terror, violence or intense frustration can be extremely disturbing for the dreamer. When these dreams come around, it is not unusual to find yourself suddenly waking in the middle of the night, sitting bolt upright, shaken, and in a pool of perspiration. Some of my clients’ dreams are so hectic, they even ask me if they are possessed, or being punished!

Dream interpretation psychic readings may reveal that such a nightmare reflects a traumatic occurrence from the client’s past, which they fear may occur again. Constant fear of history repeating itself may be invading their thoughts. When we are emotionally and mentally in a place of darkness, our every thought tends to become distorted by fear.

My clients usually hope to find some enlightenment as to what their hectic dreams can possibly mean, and I do my best to interpret their nightmares the best way I know how. It can be most helpful when a psychic exposes the root cause of a frantic dream.

But I also do recall a dream expert, who gave a talk at a psychic fayre once, saying, “The very best person to interpret any type of dream is the dreamer themselves.” What a psychic can do is give their insight, but their interpretation should resonate with the client. Continue reading

Your Intuition Is Always Right

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe are often told to follow our instincts, or trust our ‘gut.’ But what does it really mean?

From a psychic perspective, intuition is the sixth sense, the way we are able to perceive things beyond the scope of our five senses. Some people call it the ‘little voice’ within. We all have it, and unless we use it on a regular basis, it may not be as sharp as we need it to be.

If we fail to listen to our intuition, we may find ourselves making poor decisions, which often lead to confusion, misunderstanding, and strife. Then, when it is too late, we often wonder why we didn’t go with our intuition!

It is often said that the first instinct is usually right. That ‘little voice’ we are hearing is actually the voice of the Universe and the Divine speaking directly to us. Whether or not you follow a particular spiritual tradition or religion, cultures around the world have always had an understanding of this phenomenon. It is also the concept behind prayers and mantras being answered directly. When we speak directly to the Divine, it speaks back to us. Its intent is always benevolent, so, even if the answer is no, or isn’t what we’d hoped for, it is in our best interest to take it to heart. Continue reading

Monitoring The Blame Game

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe are in a time where the human activity of assigning blame is more public and becoming a common habit for the individual, as well as the collective. Have you noticed? Hands up if you participate in the Blame Game!

This is no judgment. What, no hand up? Is that because you don’t or is it a half-hearted admittance to participating, depending on the situation?

Whichever category above you chose to place yourself in, remember the propensity for assigning blame is natural. We may blame our boss for the unnecessary challenges at work. And we may blame the government for our household budget not making ends meet, due to too much tax. There are instances where there is a valid and specific rationale for blame. We are allowed to define why something did not go to plan, or as expected. Continue reading

The Key Elements To Infinite Possibilities

click here for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWhat is it that your life is full of? What have you attracted, what do you wish to change? A trip into the mind is imperative to review our past experiences and emotions, because mindset is paramount for true success. Success in career. Success in relationships. Success in finances. Success in mind.

There are countless success stories of individuals who had fewer opportunities early in life. Some came from poverty, some from a broken home. They often provide clear evidence that through the mindset of knowing that our accomplishments rest in our choices, all possibilities can exist. For centuries sacred teachings have known these principles. We in the West have not embraced them until recently. Continue reading

Manifesting A Better Life

Click photo to get a free reading at PsychicAccess.comMany questions I am asked in psychic readings have to do with why someone’s life has not changed to what they want it to be.  Some people feel they have religiously applied the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, or they closely followed the guidelines of the book The Secret by Rhonda Byrnes, or one of the many other popular methods for manifesting through the Law of Attraction, but nothing has changed.

And when I ask these people what they have changed in their inner being or subconscious mind to allow the new to come in, often I receive the response, “Oh, I have already done all that!” However, had the person ‘done all that’ they would be manifesting their intentions. But they are not.

Some steps on the way to manifesting a better life may seem redundant – especially the detail work, the forgiveness and releasing, and the simply believing that it can come… and not specifically in the way that the person has set out in their mind. Continue reading

Psychic Protection 101

Click photo for a free psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIt is recommended to begin all spiritual activities, meditations, intuitive development exercises, as well as energy or healing work, with a basic psychic protection routine. A well-designed grounding, centering and shielding meditation or visualization exercise will create a solid safeguard and meditative energy foundation for any kind of spiritual practice session.

Centering is the process of anchoring and centralizing your inner, non-physical being within your physical body, while grounding (or earthing) refers to strengthening or reaffirming your connection with physical reality, the secular world and planet Earth.

Centering and grounding is therefore aimed at stabilizing yourself energetically, by firmly setting a mindful, harmonious balance between your body and soul, between the spiritual and the secular, between the physical and the metaphysical. Being grounded and centered is to feel safe and securely anchored in the physical world, while opening up to increased energy flow, and metaphysical or spiritual input. Continue reading

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