A Premonition Dream Could Save Your Life!
While meditating one afternoon and deep in the alpha state, I heard a clairaudient voice say to me: “You need to get to work because someone needs the message you were given last night.”
I wasn’t feeling very social that day and definitely not in the mood to work, but the voice was crystal clear and very insistent.
I mentally asked the voice to show or tell me how and what this message could be? Almost immediately I saw my dream journal in my mind’s eye.
So I stopped the meditation session and went to get my dream journal from my nightstand. I always keep it handy, along with a clip-on night light, so I can record my dreams at any time.
Over the years, I’ve trained myself to recall significant dreams and write down as much as I can remember.
Keeping a dream journal has become incredibly valuable to me personally and in my psychic work. Dreams act as a bridge between the material world and the spirit realm, offering profound insights and guidance.
One of the greatest benefits of dream journaling is the ability to track ‘warning dreams,’ also known as premonition or precognitive dreams. These dreams are forebodings of future events, alerting us to potential dangers, challenges, or negative events that we may soon encounter in waking life.
The Difference Between ‘Psychic’ And ‘Intuitive’
The terms “psychic” and “intuitive” are often used interchangeably, but there is a fundamental difference between the two. Understanding this distinction can enhance one’s spiritual practice, deepen your self-awareness, and clarify the role these abilities play in navigating energy, conscious living and spiritual awareness.
The term “psychic” refers to the ability to access information through a special non-physical or spiritual system of perception, more often called the psychic senses or the clair senses. This ability allows a person with psychic ability to perceive or sense information without using the five physical senses. Psychic perception involves tuning into unseen frequencies and receiving impressions that are inaccessible to the five ordinary senses.
Psychic perception therefore involves reaching outward to access information from external sources. This can include tuning into other people’s energies, telepathy, communicating with the spirit realm, exploring the Akashic Records, or channeling from the universal consciousness.
The term “intuitive” refers to a the ability to access information within. Intuitive perception involves connecting with your higher self or soul essence, tapping into the innate wisdom, guidance and truth that resides within you. Unlike the psychic process of acquiring information, intuition is less about “getting” and more about already “having”-a natural inner knowing or awareness that arises effortlessly.