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The Spiritual Significance Of 444

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Spirit often communicates with us through numbers. It does this in many different ways, but a very common experience is to be “followed” by a particular number or sequence of numbers.

These repeating sequences of numbers tend to appear over and over again, in many different places. You may see these sequences on clocks and timers, license plates, receipts, addresses, calendars, and social media views, likes, or post times, to name a few.

But what does it mean when you see it? Basically, it is a reminder to check in with yourself and make sure you are aligned with the results you want to manifest in your life. Pause and reflect. What are you feeling right now? What are you thinking? Is it in alignment with what you want to create and experience in your life? What adjustments do you need to make to be more in alignment with the results you want to manifest?

In addition, the specific numbers you see also have a specific message. Each number carries a unique influence and gives you clues as to what aspects are important for you to pay attention to. In this blog post, I want to offer some insight into the number 4, or repeated, 44, 444, 4444, and so on.

The number four represents an important milestone in our spiritual, personal and practical development. It indicates that we have reached a point where our foundation is solid, where we have created a sense of stability in certain situations or circumstances in our lives. From this position of stability we foster a comforting sense of security from which we can grow and develop in new ways.

But fours also warn us not to become stagnant and rigid, for a feeling of complete security and safety can sometimes create a fear of change.

Sometimes we have to step out of our comfort zones. We have to break the rules. And we have to discover the sensuality of fear. We need to face it, challenge it, dance with it ~ Kyra Davis

The energy of four is one of powerful duality: security vs. stagnation. We must balance these two very carefully. If you see the number 4 recurring in your life, it is important to count your blessings and be grateful for the security you currently enjoy, while making sure it does not create a comfort zone or an unwillingness to grow or change. Be sure to remain open to new opportunities and experiences! The solid foundation you enjoy now should nurture your sense of adventure, not stifle it.

If you see the number four repeatedly, it may be time to celebrate your successes. Fours indicate that you have reached a powerful point from which your life can expand in new and exciting ways. Be sure to remain open and flexible when this number appears, and give thanks for the structure and stability you have already created for yourself. Give thanks for the security you enjoy, but also make sure you remain open to new experiences, new people and new insights. Don’t let the security you currently feel become an open prison. Instead, allow it to foster a sense of adventure and excitement for what comes next!

Four energy further represents the results of hard work, practicality, and the importance of staying grounded. it also calls us to honor the need for rest and recuperation. It indicates that you have reached an important milestone in your life and should take a moment to ensure that you are balanced and rested for what comes next. You may also need to make sure that you are not so focused on what you have already manifested for yourself that you miss new opportunities that may be coming your way.

Fours also represent a reassurance that we are on the right path. It means that you have been practical and mindful and are now being rewarded with a state of protection and safety. While it’s important not to allow this to lead to stagnation, you also want to maintain this practical attitude in order to continue to enjoy the benefits it brings. Balance new opportunities and experiences with moderation and the wisdom you have honed. In this sense, the appearance of the number four is like a pat on the back. It indicates that we are doing a good job in our lives, and the stability we enjoy is the reward for the perspective we have cultivated.

It feels good to be in a community. Community, above all, is bigger than individuals–we are something much more than individuals when we are part of a community. And this is how things ought to be ~ Tony Blackshaw

Another aspect of the four energy often has to do with our relationships. It indicates that our relationships are an important foundation in our lives. When the number four comes up for you, look at the state of not only your close relationships, but also your connection to the community.

Where do you find companionship, community, and fellowship? Is it with family, friends, co-workers, fellow creatives, or perhaps a spiritual or religious group? Ultimately, these relationships help us feel more secure and stable in life.

Check in with how you are relating to the people in your life and see if you need to make any adjustments. Evaluate whether these relationships are supportive or detrimental to your growth and well-being, and consider making any necessary changes. Are your relationships helping you to grow and flourish? If so, celebrate and continue to nurture them and cultivate gratitude for the many blessings they bring.

Do your relationships hold you back in any way? If so, reflect on the dynamics at play and identify specific patterns or behaviors that are causing problems. Open, honest communication with the people involved can often help address underlying issues and set healthier boundaries to distance yourself from negative influences. Prioritize relationships that uplift and encourage you, and focus on building connections that align with your personal goals and values.

If a sense of community and belonging is lacking in your life, the fours encourage you to reach out, connect with others, and build more meaningful relationships. Taking proactive steps to cultivate a positive support network can help you overcome obstacles and live a more fulfilling life.

About The Author: Seraphim

Sarah is a natural Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Empath whose practice has been built largely by word-of-mouth. As a child her abilities came to the fore through precognitive dreams and messages she received. Her connection with Spirit was never more personal than the visit she received from her mother who passed, in which she conveyed the moving message that she loved her. Not long after her death she discovered her mom's Tarot deck, which launched Sarah on her journey and life-calling to explore a vast array of her gifts, one of them Eye-Gazing, a psychic tool she developed herself! Sarah continues to receive steady guidance and messages directly from Spirit Guides and Angels, and has maintained a steady and successful private practice in Canada, since 1995. Very active in her spiritual community, she's often called upon to lead local events, including group meditations. The practice of meditation, she confides, has changed her life in profound ways. Sarah has developed The Sacred Art of Creation, leading empowered women's circles that facilitate self-healing, manifestation and alignment with one's higher self. If you'd like a reading with a compassionate reader who can both hear and convey direct messages from Spirit Guides and Angels, you can find Sarah at

One Response to The Spiritual Significance Of 444

  • Thank you Sarah-
    This (your msg came at the most amazing time — especially addressing the #4! And about community, all of it! Thank you So much for sharing your insights. 💙💙💙🕊️
    Cute Story – I named my daughter Coral Lee Amber (2 yrs before she was born actually. Always wanted a girl.). In 3rd or 4th grade – can’t remember – they studied Ocean Ecology. The kids at school started calling her Coral Reef. She told me she wanted to be a Sarah. ☺️

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