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Is Your Texting Pushing Him Away?

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!A new client recently contacted me about a promising romantic relationship. The first thing that became clear as I began to read for her was that she had a long history of dating men who seemed like potential long-term partners, but then suddenly disappeared or broke up with her after only a few months.

It quickly also became clear to me that texting was a significant factor in her dating problems. Misunderstandings due to texting have damaged the romantic, family, and friendship relationships of many people I have worked with as a psychic professional. This client was no exception.

As I read the energy around her situation, I sensed that she had a tendency to push men away by unnecessarily panicking when she did not feel completely in control. Guys can sense panic and controlling tendencies and for most men this is usually a big turnoff.

This kind of negative energy is also stressful and doesn’t improve the outcome of an uncertain situation. Excessive obsession, panic, and worry will not bring someone closer to you; in fact, it can push a potential long-term relationship away forever.

I then had to tell her that while I did see the potential for a long-term relationship in their connection, I didn’t currently see a long-term future for them if she continued with all the texting she was doing. I told her to take a step back, breathe, stop worrying so much, and definitely not try to resolve things through texting any more.

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Unleash The Power Of Your Intention

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!

When I first started working professionally in the spiritual field, I used to get pretty uptight about whether or not I was spending enough time preparing myself properly before consulting with clients, both for psychic readings and energy healing sessions. That was until I visited a well-known elderly spiritualist who lived in the countryside outside of Johannesburg, South Africa, for a reading.

“You work with spirit, just like I do,” I remember him saying. “But I sense that you worry that your preparation is weak and not good enough.”

He was right, I was often stressed about having enough time to prepare with my guides before the sessions began. I always want to give my best to my clients and feared that I would disappoint them if I was not properly prepared and perfectly “tuned in.” Was I doing it right? Did I spend enough time on it? Was I leaving out an important step? Should I just do it once a day before I start or before every single session?

Ironically, while my sincere intention with all this worrying was to give my clients the best readings and healings possible, I was actually not always giving my best, because I was so stressed and worried about being well-prepared!

“All you have to do is set your intention clearly every day before you start,” the wise old gentleman said. It was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. Of course! Keeping it simple is often the best approach to most things in life, so why should it not work in spiritual endeavors also?

This was how I learned that the most important ingredient for successful preparation in any spiritual practice or metaphysical activity is intention.  Today, I like to think of intention as the vital spark that lights the flame. It is a powerful tool in all metaphysical practices. Oddly enough, intention is often the key aspect of our spiritual practices that is most often overlooked.

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Just Let The Universe Work Its Magic

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!As spirit beings in human form, we tend to be subject to our willful ego. Many of us can be particularly stubborn when there is something (or someone) that we desperately want, causing us to lazily focus on that thing or person and nothing else.

Even when Spirit gently nudges us in another direction and the Universe patiently whispers, “No, that is not what is meant for you,” we stubbornly cling to our obsessions.

God, Source, Spirit, the Divine wants only the best for us and the Universe will never deny us those things that serve our highest good. In the readings, the messages from our guides, angels and ancestors always come from a place of love and never from a place of withholding, exclusion, punishment, revenge, fear or neglect. Spirit wants us to live our best lives, to experience lots of love, and to grow both personally and spiritually.

Psychic advisors like myself are sometimes “the messengers who get shot.” We sometimes read for people who get very upset with us when the guidance we receive from Spirit is not what they had hoped to hear. Continue reading

An Empath’s Intervention Can Save A Life

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!This morning after I finished meditating, instead of logging on to work as usual, I felt intuitively guided to visit a local coffee shop that I had visited a few days before.

While I was there I had noticed a girl working there who seemed extremely sad. Her aura clearly showed me this. I also intuitively saw that she had probably been crying before she came in that day.

While waiting for my order, I tuned into her energy field to see what information I could get to help her, even indirectly. Normally I would not do this in public, but this poor girl really tugged at my heartstrings for some reason.

I immediately had more intuitive flashes about her and her boyfriend. I saw him being very mean, controlling and abusive to her, and also cheating on her with numerous women.

I also realised that she was living with him instead of him. I had a strong feeling that if she stayed there with him, things would get really bad in the long run – to the point where she might even have to go to a refuge for victims of domestic violence.

But as we did not know each other, I did not feel it was my place to interfere by giving her unsolicited advice. Nor did I want to embarrass her or myself! So I just prayed for her in silence and sent her some healing energy, but kept my premonitions and insights to myself.

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The Wisdom Of Being Open To Psychic Guidance

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of being open to the truth and the willingness to receive guidance in a psychic reading. I have also seen the opposite, and its sometimes devastating consequences.

Every reading offers the potential for profound insight and growth, but sometimes people struggle to face the truth in the answers and guidance they receive.

One particular reading stands out in my memory as a poignant example.

Several years ago, a client came to me for a reading about a very challenging romantic relationship. With a troubled look and a sense of urgency, she asked her question:

“Will my relationship with my partner get better?”

As I tapped into the energies surrounding her situation, the answers that emerged were quite disturbing and definitely not what she had expected. The runes spoke of lies, deception, and deep-seated issues that did not bode well for her or the relationship. However, when I shared this message with her, she was not at all pleased. Instead she reacted with resentment and stubborn resistance.

“That’s not what I asked,” she insisted, her voice tinged with anxious frustration.

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The Mystical Tradition Of Reading Coffee Grounds

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Traditional Turkish coffee is unique in its preparation. Prepared without the addition of milk, cream, and other additives, it focuses on the pure, robust flavors of the coffee.

The art of brewing Turkish coffee is a meticulous process using a special coffee pot called a cezve or ibrik, which produces coffee with a strong flavor and thick, frothy texture. The grounds remain in the cup when it is served, contributing to the distinctive bitter taste that is a hallmark of this revered beverage.

In addition to its strong taste and aroma, Turkish coffee has a mystical appeal and a long history as a divination tool. The use of Turkish coffee grounds for divination, known as tasseography or kafemandeia, is a traditional practice in many cultures, including Turkish, Arabic and Greek.

In other cultures, tasseography is mostly practiced with tea leaves or wine sediments, but in Istanbul, coffee grounds became the preferred medium for this mystical art.

Steeped in history, the practice can be traced back to the Ottoman Empire, when coffee divination became popular in the 16th century in the harem of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, located in the Topkapi Palace in Istanbul, Turkey. This divination ritual was originally a way for the women of the harem to share news, gossip, and insights. At the time, women were banned from public coffeehouses, so fortunetellers, commonly known as “falci,” were allowed into the harem to read for the sultan’s wives. The term “fal” means “omen” or “fortune.”

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Protect Yourself From Psychic Scams

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Over the past two decades of doing psychic readings, I have heard of many scams and frauds in my field.

It always saddens me when I hear about it, especially when I see firsthand the pain and devastation it causes the victims when some of them come to me for help. I have had to do a lot of clean up and damage control with clients who have unknowingly fallen victim to these types of scams.

Psychic scammers also make my work so much harder and ruin the reputation of authentic psychics everywhere. Psychic-related fraud leaves a bad taste in people’s mouths and makes the public doubt those of us who are genuine and well-intentioned.

To add insult to injury the criminal activity of these so-called “psychics” is something the media loves to report because of its sensational nature. Rarely do you see news reports of legitimate psychics helping to change, heal and even save lives.

With the rise of the internet, smart phones, social media and more recently artificial intelligence (AI), it has become much easier for scammers to defraud their victims in many new ways. Sometimes I feel that there are more fraudsters these days than at any time in my career. Or maybe they are just more visible now?

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