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Spirit Signs From The Other Side

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!As a psychic medium, I am often asked certain questions about the afterlife and the spirit world.

Is there life after this life? Where do souls go when they die? How do we know if our deceased loved ones are near? How can you tell if they are okay on the other side?

The first thing I usually explain is the nature of soul energy, the nature of consciousness and the afterlife.

Everything is energy. We are pure energy, and energy cannot be destroyed; it only changes form. Therefore, death as we know it does not exist.

Our soul energy is the essence of who we are, a form of pure, indestructible energy that transcends the physical body.

When we no longer need our physical body, our energy simply takes on a new form. Some people call this heaven or the afterlife, but it’s basically energy in a different state at a higher level of consciousness.

Our consciousness does not end with physical death, but transcends it, while our soul retains awareness, memory, and connection to other souls. The soul’s journey does not end; it evolves and remains connected to all that it has touched in this life.

Is there a “hell” or “purgatory” or a place of “eternal damnation”? In my experience, no spirit has ever told me that they are now in a “bad” place, or that they are suffering or being punished in any way.

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Being Present In Your Power

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!In my field of work, one becomes acutely aware of the importance of being present in one’s power on a daily basis. Our personal vibration acts as a “passport” to profound spiritual experiences, helping us to access different levels of awareness, psychic perception and self-empowerment.

Our personal vibration is essentially the energy we radiate and attract in return. It shapes our experiences and interactions with the world around us.

A higher vibration is associated with positive feelings, clarity, and a sense of connection to something greater, as well as manifesting abundance, well-being and prosperity. Conversely, a lower vibration can manifest as negativity, confusion,  and a sense of disconnection, dysfunction, lack and scarcity.

Raising our vibration involves practices that promote emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. These practices can include meditation, prayer, visualization, affirmation and other forms of energy work and spiritual self-care.

Over the years, I have explored various techniques to help me be more present in my power. While the specific method is a personal choice, any meditation or mindfulness technique can benefit our well-being and help us find peace in the midst of chaos.

After experimenting with different methods, I have settled on one particular practice that has been working very well for me lately. It is an effortless meditative approach that helps me connect with both my inner world and the realm of spirit.

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A Myriad Of Angels From Heaven And Earth

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I have encountered many people over the years that I could have bet my life on being angels in the flesh. Whenever I find myself at a crossroads and ask God for guidance, these people, or should I say “angels,” invariably appear in my life.

They show up with unwavering reliability, arriving just when needed with ideas, suggestions, messages, or signs that gently guide me back to my path of highest good.

It’s as if the universe is orchestrating these moments of serendipity. A casual conversation in the grocery store aisle, a chance encounter with a stranger on a bus or plane – each of these seemingly ordinary interactions holds the potential for life-changing divine intervention. In these magical moments, answers I didn’t even know I was seeking are revealed, and suddenly clarity floods in like a new beacon of hope.

Our lives are intricately connected to the Divine Light. God works through everyone and everything around us to keep us attuned to a higher frequency. When we pay mindful attention and remain fully aware, we find ourselves in harmony with the divine flow of life.

To truly appreciate the presence of angels in our lives, we must cultivate awareness and gratitude. By slowing down and paying attention to the subtleties of our interactions, we become attuned to the guidance that is constantly flowing our way.

We never need to feel lost or confused because the guidance we seek is always present, woven into the fabric of our daily interactions. The process is simple: ask for help and it will be given; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened.

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Learning To Interpret Your Dreams

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!While the exact nature and purpose of dreaming remains shrouded in mystery, science at least tells us that it is a universal experience. We all dream, most likely every night. Many people don’t remember their dreams and therefore incorrectly assume that they rarely or never dream.

Research on dreams and dreaming has shown that an estimated 95 to 99% of people experience dreams. Dreaming is most common during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, when brain activity is heightened and our eyes move about every 90 minutes throughout the night.

On average, a person may have several dreams per night, although they may not always remember them when they wake up. The frequency of dreaming can be influenced by several factors, including age, stress levels, and sleep quality.

There are many theories as to why we dream. Most believe that dreams help us consolidate memories, process emotions, solve problems, or even prepare us for tasks. However, the most important reason we dream is often downplayed or even ignored, which is that our dreams are inherently spiritual and serve a higher purpose.

The fact that our dreams are messages from the spirit realm and a higher power is unfortunately one of the most forgotten truths of ancient wisdom deeply rooted in many religious and spiritual traditions. Dreams have piqued human curiosity for thousands of years. Ancient civilizations, from the Egyptians to the Greeks, revered dreams as portals to the divine, messages from the gods, or glimpses of the future.

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Spiritual Technology Is No Longer Science Fiction

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Many years ago I began receiving messages from Spirit predicting advances in technology that would allow us to reach higher states of consciousness and expand our spiritual awareness.

At that time there was nothing on the market that matched what I was seeing, so some of these psychic impressions did not make complete sense to me, but since then several new technologies have become available to help us explore and understand consciousness and our spiritual nature.

For example, there are now several commercially available devices designed to support meditation practices by providing feedback, guidance, and enhancing the meditative experience. These devices promote relaxation, mindfulness, and deeper states of meditation.

Biofeedback devices can now help users understand and control their physiological responses during meditation, promoting relaxation and mindfulness.

Today, there are also numerous smartphone apps designed specifically to guide meditation sessions, provide mindfulness exercises, and track progress. These apps often include features such as guided meditation sessions, timers, ambient sounds, and progress tracking.

It is like having a personal yogi in the palm of your hand! Even better, that yogi gives you instant feedback on your progress by measuring your results. The apps often have incremental steps on your journey to awakening. So not only can you feel the immediate results, but you can also advance and maintain higher meditative achievements.

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Raise Your Vibration With Humor, Fun And Laughter!

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I recently completed the first of two months of practice in a year-long advanced psychic development course that I am currently taking. The practical tests were quite challenging, even for an experienced psychic, but overall I am happy to say that it went quite well.

One of the tests required us to do a psychic reading for a stranger via video call, with the goal of perceiving details about the person at different stages of their life. In other words, we had to sense significant details about them when they were children, teenagers, in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and so on.

Before my test reading, I prepared by mentally focusing on the lady I was to read for and I did this while walking my dogs. I have found over the years that this daily time outdoors with my beloved pets is great time to receive psychic information.

It also helped that we were sent a photo of our randomly assigned subjects in advance, so I could also visualize her in my mind’s eye, which makes the process easier.

So, by the time I called her on FaceTime for the reading, I had already written down a lot of information about her younger years before the session began. For example, I had seen that she had a fairly happy childhood and even had a vision of her blowing on daisies to make a wish.

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The Art Of Aura Reading Made Easy

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!All living beings have not only a physical body but also a metaphysical body. This energetic body is most commonly known as our aura or light body and emanates from and surrounds our physical body.

The aura is a subtle energy field made up of luminous colored layers of energy that radiate from a few inches to a few feet around us.

It is known by various names in different spiritual and esoteric traditions, such as psychic atmosphere, biofield, odic force or etheric body.

Our aura reflects our health, emotions and mental state. Its energetic colors change according to our mood or well-being. Some traditions describe the auric layers with specific meanings, while others focus more on the different colors and their interpretations.

The aura is made up of subtle energy, also known as prana, chi or qi, or life force energy. This energy flows through the body through channels or pathways that correspond to the energy meridian system in Traditional Chinese Medicine and the chakra system in Hindu, Buddhist and Yogic traditions.

The aura has several layers or fields of energy, each with its own qualities and significance. These layers include the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of a person. However, different traditions interpret the number and composition of these layers differently.

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