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born psychic

The Power Of Knowledge In Psychic Development

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!People often ask me what it’s like to be psychic — how I developed my abilities and how it all works. They’re curious about what goes on behind the scenes.

One of the most common questions I get is whether psychics are born with their abilities or if they develop it over time.

From my experience, and from speaking with others in the field, I’d say most psychics are born with their gifts. These abilities are often present in childhood, even if they aren’t fully recognized at the time. However, some people awaken their psychic awareness later in life — often after a profound experience or a period of deep spiritual exploration that helps them access their latent gifts.

In most cases, those who develop their abilities later in life have always had a level of psychic awareness but didn’t recognize it because they weren’t paying attention. Society tends to dismiss psychic phenomena, causing many to suppress or ignore their intuitive senses until something triggers their awakening.

Not everyone with psychic potential chooses to develop it. Some find it overwhelming or even frightening. It can be unsettling to see visions, hear voices, or know and sense things that others don’t. Without proper guidance, these experiences can be confusing and intimidating.

Some people also fear standing out or being judged — skepticism around psychic phenomena can make it difficult for people to openly embrace their abilities. It takes courage to acknowledge one’s gifts and use them in ways that benefit both yourself and others.

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What You Should Know About Psychic Ability

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPsychic ability is a complex phenomenon and can vary greatly from person to person.

Most psychics are born with their gifts, but these abilities often become stronger and more refined over time. This gradual development helps to ensure that psychics aren’t overwhelmed by the energy and information they receive.

Sometimes these gifts may also take a break or become less active for a while, only to come back when needed.

Psychic gifts come in many forms, just like the people who have them. No two psychics are exactly alike, and their abilities manifest in different ways. Some psychics may have visions or images of future events – this is called clairvoyance.

Others may be clairsentient, which means they can feel the emotions and energies of people, places, or objects. Some psychics are mediums who communicate with the spirit realm, connecting with deceased loved ones or other spirit beings.

No matter what type of ability a psychic has, these gifts are considered a blessing. But with these gifts also come a responsibility to use them wisely. Many psychics feel a strong desire to help others by offering guidance, insight and healing through their abilities.

However, it is important to remember that psychics don’t know everything. Their insights are often limited to what is revealed to them by spirit and the divine. Mostly a psychic will only receive the information most needed and appropriate for a specific person or situation at that moment in time. Continue reading

From Ancient Mystics To Modern Psychics

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Psychics and mediums have been around since the dawn of human civilization: from the shamans in indigenous cultures, to the oracles of ancient Greece and Rome, the seers and druids of Celtic societies, the sages of ancient China, and the prophets of ancient Middle Eastern cultures.

Some famous examples include Pythia, the Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece; the Celtic soothsayer Myrddin Wyllt, also known as Merlin in later Arthurian legends; the Chinese wu (shaman) Jing Fang; Black Elk, the renowned Native American holy man of the Oglala Lakota Sioux people; Isaiah, the renowned prophet of the ancient Near East; and Agastya, the revered Hindu sage and seer.

Throughout human history, in different cultures and societies, there have always been individuals with mystical abilities who held important roles within their communities and served as intermediaries between the physical world and spiritual realms.

They served as conduits of divine wisdom, predicting future events, providing insight into hidden truths, and offering guidance on various matters. They often acted as special advisors to tribal leaders, rulers, and kings, and typically played an important role in the moral and spiritual direction of their people.

The term “psychic” comes from the Greek word psychikos, meaning “of the soul, spirit, or mind.” In Greek mythology, Psyche was the goddess of the soul. Her name literally means “soul” or “breath.” Over time, the term came to encompass aspects of the mind beyond the ordinary.

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How To Increase Your Psychic Awareness

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!People often tell me that they wish they had psychic abilities. The truth is, we all do! Like any other talent, it just takes practice to develop your individual psychic potential.

You can develop your psychic awareness in the same way that you can practice playing a musical instrument or a sport. Of course, some people are more gifted musically or athletically, but that does not prevent anyone from acquiring a certain level of skill.

People with exceptional psychic potential tend to exhibit divergent thinking, or the ability to generate multiple solutions or perspectives to a problem. They tend to think outside the box, make unconventional connections and approach challenges with creativity, flexibility and originality.

People are also more likely to have exceptional psychic potential if they are emotionally sensitive, have high levels of empathy and transpersonal awareness.

But overall, giftedness or psychic talent is a multifaceted inner potential influenced by a combination of factors including genetic predisposition, natural aptitude, personality, environmental factors, motivation, developmental opportunities and one’s unique soul plan and purpose.

While some people demonstrate exceptional abilities from an early age, psychic awareness is a dynamic and evolving quality that can be cultivated, nurtured and expressed in different ways throughout life.

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The True Value Of The Psychic Pathfinder

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPsychics, mediums, channelers, and prophets have been around as wayshowers or pathfinders since the beginning of time, offering insight, guidance, and predictions to those seeking divine answers to their most pressing questions.

The earliest historical records of people with psychic abilities can be traced back to ancient Egypt, Greece, and China.

One of the most famous psychics of all time was the Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece. She was a priestess at the Sanctuary of Apollo in Delphi and was known for her ability to channel prophecies. She would enter a trance-like state and utter divine messages and predictions. These prophecies were often sought by kings, generals, and wealthy community leaders seeking guidance or insight.

In ancient Egypt, pharaohs consulted psychic oracles and mediums for advice on matters of state and personal affairs. They also employed soothsayers who practiced various rituals and divination techniques to access divine wisdom and foresight.

In ancient China, divination and psychic practices were deeply embedded in the culture. Oracle bones, inscribed with symbols and used for divination, have been unearthed at ancient sites. Soothsayers, known as fangshi, offered their services to those seeking guidance and insight.

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Reawaken Your Psychic Ability

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMany of us are born with the ability to perceive the unseen, sense the future and communicate with spirit. Childhood conditioning and trauma, religious and cultural influences in how we were raised, and various circumstances and life experiences can suppress our psychic gifts, often because we were told it is silly, inapproriate, or even ‘evil.’

If you can relate to this, then you need to know that your psychic talent is never lost or destroyed. You can reconnect with your natural gifts by engaging in various spiritual and metaphysical practices that will reawaken and develop your psychic abilities.

I started this process myself years ago by experimenting with various forms of meditation. Meditation teaches one to achieve altered states of consciousness, to become more aware of perceptions and energies that we otherwise do not notice in our normal waking state.

I also started keeping a ‘psychic journal.’ I wrote down my dreams every morning, as well as any unusual thoughts and feelings I had about a person or situation. Using these notes as reference, I would later check the relevanc and accuracy of my perceptions and premonitions.

Studying various divination methods also helped me a lot. For example, Astrology helped me to better understand the ancient metaphysical concept of “as above, so below,” and how it affects our daily lives. Astrology references universal consciousness and divine design, and the direct affect it has on us. It gave me greater insight into why people born under certain zodiac signs behave the way they do, and how each planet affects us, especially when it retrogrades, or moves into a new sign. It also explains why people get more emotional when the Moon is full, or why communication breaks down when Mercury is in retrograde.

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Pay Attention To Your Psychic Intuitions

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comMy psychic abilities were evident from a young age. For example, I remember ‘knowing’ beforehand that I was going to have a new teacher’s at school when I was just five years old, while nobody had said a word about it to me.

I often knew days in advance when certain children’s TV program would be broadcast before I could read schedules in newspapers or magazines.  I also knew in advance when next I was next going to see my favorite cousin again, even though he lived on the other side of the country and his family had no immediate plans of visiting.

When I was a teenager, I remember causing a commotion with a local hairstylist. I had told her that she would meet a Scottish guy who was a widower and that he would ask her out on a date. A few weeks later, much to her amazement, she did.

We all have some level of psychic awareness. Our intuition is a communication channel through which God, Source, Spirit, the Divine guides us in the right direction along our earthly journey.

Have you ever ignored a hunch or a gut feeling, but that little voice inside just wouldn’t go away? I bet you regretted it later. It is never a good idea to disregardstrong gut feelings and nagging intuitions. It is usually spirit alerting you to something that requires your attention or immediate action. I learned this in a profound way some 42 years ago, when I prevented a child in a buggy from being blown in front of an oncoming vehicle.

About 12 years ago, my brother sadly suffered a stroke, which he thankfully recovered from. The evening it happened, I remember sensing that he may be in some kind of distress or danger. I did not know for sure exactly what it was, but I felt he was not doing well.

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