guardian angel
The Archangels: Divine Messengers, Emissaries And Healers
Throughout history and across spiritual traditions, archangels have been known as divine messengers and powerful emissaries of the divine. They are among the highest orders of celestial beings who guide and assist humanity in profound ways.
An archangel is a high-ranking angel, often described as a celestial being with special authority and a significant role in the higher realms.
The term “archangel” comes from the Greek words archi (meaning chief or head) and angelos (meaning messenger). They are considered leaders among the angels and act as intermediaries between the divine and humanity. They offer protection, guidance, and the execution of divine will.
While many religious traditions, including Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, acknowledge their existence, archangels transcend any one faith.
Many wisdom traditions and mythologies have parallels to archangels – celestial or divine beings who act as messengers, protectors, or mediators between the divine and humanity. Examples include the Amesha Spentas in Zoroastrianism, the Devas in Hinduism, the Bodhisattvas in Hinduism, and the Kami in Shinto.
Although different traditions vary in the number and identities of archangels, some are universally recognized and revered.
A distinguishing feature of archangels is their names, which typically end in “-el,” which means “of God” or “in God” in Hebrew. This signifies their deep connection to the divine will and their role as conduits between the higher realms and the earthly plane.
Asking The Angels For Everyday Guidance
Since a very profound experience of angelic visitation at the age of nine, I have regularly called upon the angels for guidance and protection in my daily life.
I do this for a reason. I have learned over the years that it is necessary to take the initiative to ask for and invoke their help, because they will never interfere with our free will in how we choose to steer our personal path in life, unless they have to intercede in life-threatening situations.
Angels respect our autonomy and only intervene in our daily lives when called upon or in times of great need, when their intervention is in alignment with our soul’s higher purpose.
Angels most often come to us in our dream state, but sometimes also in visions and apparitions, to offer support, protection, and guidance. In recent months, however, I have found myself practicing an additional means of interacting with the angels.
As a young girl, I did not tell anyone about my angel experience for several years. The first time I mentioned my angel vision was on a walk with my father when I was a teenager. I felt more comfortable sharing my experience with him after he told me about an event that had changed him in an instant from a skeptical atheist to a spiritual believer (read more in a previous blog)
My father’s response was simply, “Why didn’t you talk about this before?”
He was very receptive when I opened up about what had happened that night when the ceiling in my bedroom seemed to dissolve… and there they were, a group of beautiful angels telepathically telling me, “We will always be with you.”
Why Your Spirit Helpers Choose To Work With You
I have learned through spirit communication that everyone on earth is guided by someone in the spirit world, even though they may not be aware of it. In fact, most people go through life receiving spirit’s protection and support every day without ever being aware of it.
These spirit helpers, ranging from our ancestors and loved ones on the other side, to shamanic totems and nature spirits, spirit guides and guardians, ascended masters and angels, all serve as beacons of light, love and wisdom and provide vital support for our personal and spiritual growth.
But their involvement in our lives is far from random or accidental. These beings are connected or drawn to us for reasons beyond our earthly existence, to help us fulfill our soul’s mission and contribute to the greater good of universal spiritual evolution.
Our spirit helpers connect with us here on the earth plane to guide, teach, protect and support us. Their roles transcend the individual, as they also serve a higher purpose — to assist with the collective evolution of all souls, the expansion of the universe, and to be in service to the divine.
Understanding why these spirit beings choose to work with us offers profound insights into the nature of our spiritual journey, the interconnectedness of souls, and how our actions, thoughts and intentions ripple out to affect the whole.
The Angels Who Come And Go In Our Lives
As a psychic practitioner, I have had many profound experiences with angels. In the early days of my career, I was very curious and sometimes confused about the different types of angels and why they come and go in our lives over time.
During a meditation years ago, I asked spirit about this and the angels responded. I received a lot of information – a sudden flood of insight! I had apparently asked a complex question and the angels responded with different insights from many angles and perspectives, raising my awareness of the intricacies of the angelic realm even more.
At first I struggled to hear what each angel was communicating. It was like being in a crowded room where everyone was talking at the same time, making it difficult to focus and decipher which conversation to follow. Eventually I realized that I wouldn’t be able to make sense of it all at once.
Over the next few weeks, I spent more time in meditation, slowly piecing together what I was being shown. Through this process, I learned various core truths about how angels interact with us and the role they play in our lives.
One of my first insights was that we are accompanied throughout our lives by a dedicated team of spirit entities and celestial beings who provide us with unwavering support, guidance, and protection. Of these, our guardian angels and spirit guides take center stage, remaining steadfast companions from the moment we enter this world until we leave it.
Your Guardian Angel Is Always By Your Side
From the moment we take our first breath to the last, we are never alone. We are never lost or forgotten, even in our darkest hours.
Throughout our life’s journey, we have a guardian angel walking beside us, protecting and supporting us in ways we mostly do not notice and rarely truly understand.
Although many of us are unaware of their presence, our guardian angels are always by our side, offering protection in subtle ways.
Have you ever narrowly avoided an accident or felt an inexplicable calm in a moment of crisis? These are just a few of the ways your guardian angel intervenes to keep you safe.
Our celestial “bodyguards” are not strangers to us, but have been with us through many lifetimes and have full knowledge of our past experiences, current challenges, and future possibilities.
They know the full spectrum of our soul’s journey, from the lessons we’ve learned in previous incarnations, to the opportunities and growth in our current lifetime, to the potential that awaits us in future lives.
They understand the intricacies of our karma, the unfinished lessons we carry, and the gifts and wisdom we’ve cultivated over many lifetimes.
They communicate with us through intuition, inspiration, dreams, signs, and synchronicities, gently nudging us toward the right choices and experiences that will help us evolve spiritually. Sometimes they intervene more deeply and directly in times of intense crisis or extreme danger.
How to Recognize The Presence Of Angels
Angels are always around us, offering protection, guidance and support. Some of us can sense their presence and, in rare cases, even see them.
Although I’ve never seen an angel myself, I have had several profound experiences of their presence.
One day, while doing my usual phone reading, I felt the unmistakable presence of an angel. I knew intuitively that she was there on behalf of the person I was reading for.
The experience filled me with awe and emotion. I was moved to tears because it felt like such a sacred gift, both to the person receiving the message and to me. I shared the experience with my client and passed on the message the angel had brought.
Moments like these touch my heart deeply. The intensity of the emotions and the powerful energy I feel in my work as a psychic can be overwhelming. To be honest, it’s not uncommon for me to cry during a reading.
Being so attuned to the spiritual realm brings with it strong feelings of love and connection, and sometimes it’s hard to contain these emotions. People don’t always fully understand how emotional this work can be, but for those of us who do it, it’s just part of the job.
After the reading I noticed a change. Angels began to appear more often, their presence was stronger, and their messages were clearer. While I had always known they were helping me, to feel their presence so directly was a profound gift. I wanted my clients to understand how special these moments were, that these divine beings were sending them something truly extraordinary.
The Divine Spirit Beings Who Guide Our Life Journey
We are all here for two important spiritual reasons – to serve and to learn. Each of us has a unique calling to fulfill and lessons to learn for karmic growth and soul evolution.
The contributions we are meant to make and the lessons we are meant to learn are unique to each of us, and it’s up to us to uncover these aspects of our soul plan as we move through life.
Our guides and angels are a powerful resource in this process, yet they often go unnoticed or even unrecognized. These spirit beings work quietly behind the scenes to provide guidance, support, and protection as we navigate our life journey.
Their primary role is to guide us in fulfilling our mission to be of service, learn our karmic lessons, and to grow. If we don’t fulfill our purpose or learn our lessons, it will keep reappearing in our lives in different ways until we recognize, resolve, accept or own it.
Our guides and angels are always behind the scenes – patiently waiting for us to seek their wisdom and allow them to assist us in fulfilling our soul plan. By connecting with our spirit team, we open ourselves to personal growth and spiritual evolution.
Our spirit and angel guides are benevolent, non-physical beings who serve as intermediaries between the physical and spiritual worlds. Each of us has guides who are assigned to help us, whether we acknowledge their presence or not.
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