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How To Deal With Spirit Presence In Your Home

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Spirit energies are around us all the time in all shapes and forms. Many people have experienced, or at least know someone who has, a spirit presence or paranormal activity in their home.

These encounters can range from subtle to intense, and the nature of the experience often varies greatly depending on the person’s beliefs, fears, and openness to the supernatural.

For some, the presence of a spirit is a source of terror, while for others it is a comfort, like being in the presence of an old friend. Then there are those who scoff and laugh at the very idea that a ghost could exist.

These varied responses highlight an important question: why do people have such different experiences with spirits?

In my experience, it depends on two main factors: a person’s beliefs and attitudes about spirituality and the supernatural, and the nature of the spirit presence itself, whether it is benevolent or malevolent.

My grandmother came to me within three days of her death to tell me she was okay. She gave me a sense of peace and I didn’t see her again. Years later, my mother also came to me to tell me that she was okay and that all was well where she was. It was also a one-time visit.

But with my stepson, who committed suicide, and my father, it was different. He started showing up at his former house (he had left a wife and two beautiful boys) on a regular basis. He would turn on the lights or the faucet. In the middle of the night she would hear our grandchildren talking and giggling in one of their rooms. They were only two and three years old when he died. She went to investigate, thinking they were up to no good, but only one of them was in the room. When she asked who he was talking to, her boy said, “Daddy was here.”

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The Role Of Angels And Guides In Your Life

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThe various roles of angels and spirit guides in our life journey is a subject that is not discussed as often as it deserves to be.

While many people are familiar with the idea of spirit guides, the role and importance of angels in our lives is often overlooked. These celestial beings have a long history of interacting with humanity, and understanding their presence can provide profound comfort and guidance in our lives.

Angels are spiritual beings who play an important role in our lives, but they function differently than guides. Unlike guides, angels have never walked the earth as humans. They are divine beings of unconditional love, compassion and wisdom. Angels are associated with protection and guidance, and many people feel their presence in times of need or crisis.

Spirit guides are spiritual beings who help and support us throughout our lives. Unlike angels, guides have lived on earth as humans before transitioning to the spirit realm. They have experienced the complexity of human emotions, life challenges, and physical experiences, which makes them uniquely equipped to help us navigate our own lives with compassion, love, and non-judgment.

Guides can be your deceased loved ones and ancestors, or they can simply be previously incarnated souls that you have never met. Guides choose to help us because of the spiritual connection they feel with us, and they can offer wisdom from their own experiences.

It is important to understand that these beings are no longer ego-focused; they exist purely as soul energy, unencumbered by the limitations and biases that may have influenced them during their earthly lives. This means that their guidance is often pure, rooted in unconditional love and a deep understanding of your soul’s journey.

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Trust Your Gut First, Your Heart Second

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comHow do you know that what you are doing is for your highest good? How do you know if what you want out of life is based on your own desires, or if it has been placed there to be achieved by the Universe?

Everyone has a higher purpose in this lifetime and yet many never seek it out or achieve it because the ego starts to become more prominent in their lives instead of their higher self.

When you were born, a deep-seeded life calling was placed within you. As children, we were able to tap into it, always knowing that we wanted to be a fireman, a policeman, a doctor, an astronaut, an artist, a lawyer, a dancer, a scientist, or a princess. Some of us just wanted to help others, even at a very young age. We would be kind, caring, and giving to other people, whether they were children, adults, or seniors.

Unfortunately, this energy has been buried over time by the society and culture we live in – whether it be teachers, parents or mentors.

Has anyone ever laughed at you when you told them what you wanted to do or be? Did someone say, “Go back and think about that, because that will never happen”? Each of us has a different story as to why we do or do not achieve our passion and purpose in life.

Today is the day to decide, “I will achieve my dreams as long as they come from spirit and are for my highest good.

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Angels And Miracles On The Battlefield

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I remember my grandfather telling my mother about the atrocities of World War I. He was a young soldier at the time, fighting for his country in the trenches of France. My favorite part was the fascinating stories he told about the Angel of Mons.

The story of the “Angel of Mons” comes from the Battle of Mons, which took place on August 23 and 24, 1914. During the battle, British soldiers reported seeing angelic figures or supernatural beings who gave them divine protection against the German forces.

Although some called the Angel of Mons a myth, the general public chose to believe that spiritual intervention had thwarted a German breakthrough. After all, miracles can happen anywhere, right? These events were later popularized by Arthur Machen’s fictional story The Bowmen.

The British Army, part of the British Expeditionary Force, faced overwhelming German forces and suffered heavy casualties. They were forced to retreat as part of the larger retreat to the Marne, known as the “Great Retreat”.

Some British soldiers reported seeing supernatural beings during the battle. These reports included sightings of figures resembling longbow archers, specifically the phantom archers from the Battle of Agincourt (1415), and also angelic warriors.

Some soldiers also reported seeing a figure resembling St. George, a major figure in Christian hagiography, revered for his unwavering faith, courage, and the legendary deeds attributed to him. His story has been influential in Christian mysticism and has become a symbol of chivalry and heroism.

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Receiving Angel Guidance In Your Dreams

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I was nine years old when I met three beautiful angels in a rather unlikely setting. My parents were visiting some friends one Saturday night, and when it was time for me to go to bed, they put me upstairs in the master bedroom.

The grown-ups were enjoying themselves and making a lot of noise downstairs, so I was lying on the bed, wide awake, staring up at the ceiling.

Suddenly, like a sliding door, the ceiling opened to reveal three magnificent beings against the backdrop of the night sky. They were angels.

In later years I researched books and pictures of these beautiful beings and to my amazement some artists had captured them exactly as I had seen them in my vision that night. Their message came to me telepathically, clear and comforting: “We will always be with you.

The vivid memory of that night stayed with me and shaped my understanding of the spiritual realm. As I began to work with people all over the world, I soon realised that many people are either too afraid to open up to angelic guidance, or simply do not know where to begin the communication process. If this resonates with you, know that angels do come to us in dreams and visions, offering their guidance, protection and support.

The Bible, for example, contains numerous accounts of dreams and visions involving angels, such as Jacob’s ladder (Genesis 28); Joseph’s dreams (Genesis 37); Daniel’s visions (Daniel 7); and John’s revelation (Revelation 1-22).

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A Myriad Of Angels From Heaven And Earth

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I have encountered many people over the years that I could have bet my life on being angels in the flesh. Whenever I find myself at a crossroads and ask God for guidance, these people, or should I say “angels,” invariably appear in my life.

They show up with unwavering reliability, arriving just when needed with ideas, suggestions, messages, or signs that gently guide me back to my path of highest good.

It’s as if the universe is orchestrating these moments of serendipity. A casual conversation in the grocery store aisle, a chance encounter with a stranger on a bus or plane – each of these seemingly ordinary interactions holds the potential for life-changing divine intervention. In these magical moments, answers I didn’t even know I was seeking are revealed, and suddenly clarity floods in like a new beacon of hope.

Our lives are intricately connected to the Divine Light. God works through everyone and everything around us to keep us attuned to a higher frequency. When we pay mindful attention and remain fully aware, we find ourselves in harmony with the divine flow of life.

To truly appreciate the presence of angels in our lives, we must cultivate awareness and gratitude. By slowing down and paying attention to the subtleties of our interactions, we become attuned to the guidance that is constantly flowing our way.

We never need to feel lost or confused because the guidance we seek is always present, woven into the fabric of our daily interactions. The process is simple: ask for help and it will be given; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened.

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Learning To Interpret Your Dreams

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!While the exact nature and purpose of dreaming remains shrouded in mystery, science at least tells us that it is a universal experience. We all dream, most likely every night. Many people don’t remember their dreams and therefore incorrectly assume that they rarely or never dream.

Research on dreams and dreaming has shown that an estimated 95 to 99% of people experience dreams. Dreaming is most common during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, when brain activity is heightened and our eyes move about every 90 minutes throughout the night.

On average, a person may have several dreams per night, although they may not always remember them when they wake up. The frequency of dreaming can be influenced by several factors, including age, stress levels, and sleep quality.

There are many theories as to why we dream. Most believe that dreams help us consolidate memories, process emotions, solve problems, or even prepare us for tasks. However, the most important reason we dream is often downplayed or even ignored, which is that our dreams are inherently spiritual and serve a higher purpose.

The fact that our dreams are messages from the spirit realm and a higher power is unfortunately one of the most forgotten truths of ancient wisdom deeply rooted in many religious and spiritual traditions. Dreams have piqued human curiosity for thousands of years. Ancient civilizations, from the Egyptians to the Greeks, revered dreams as portals to the divine, messages from the gods, or glimpses of the future.

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