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Learning To Interpret Your Dreams

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!While the exact nature and purpose of dreaming remains shrouded in mystery, science at least tells us that it is a universal experience. We all dream, most likely every night. Many people don’t remember their dreams and therefore incorrectly assume that they rarely or never dream.

Research on dreams and dreaming has shown that an estimated 95 to 99% of people experience dreams. Dreaming is most common during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, when brain activity is heightened and our eyes move about every 90 minutes throughout the night.

On average, a person may have several dreams per night, although they may not always remember them when they wake up. The frequency of dreaming can be influenced by several factors, including age, stress levels, and sleep quality.

There are many theories as to why we dream. Most believe that dreams help us consolidate memories, process emotions, solve problems, or even prepare us for tasks. However, the most important reason we dream is often downplayed or even ignored, which is that our dreams are inherently spiritual and serve a higher purpose.

The fact that our dreams are messages from the spirit realm and a higher power is unfortunately one of the most forgotten truths of ancient wisdom deeply rooted in many religious and spiritual traditions. Dreams have piqued human curiosity for thousands of years. Ancient civilizations, from the Egyptians to the Greeks, revered dreams as portals to the divine, messages from the gods, or glimpses of the future.

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Practices For Developing Your Psychic Awareness

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Are you curious about increasing your intuitive awareness or developing your innate psychic abilities? Great! But how do you get started? It can seem like a daunting task, but it’s actually easier than you might think. But it does take some dedication.

Like any other talent, psychic ability can be practiced and improved with dedication and commitment. While some of us may have a stronger natural inclination toward psychic perception, everyone has the ability to improve their intuitive abilities through conscious effort, dedication, and practice.

Just as musicians hone their craft through consistent practice and athletes hone their skills through training, developing psychic talents requires a similarly disciplined approach. Regular practice will not only sharpen your existing skills, but can also unlock hidden potential you never knew you possessed.

By engaging in psychic development exercises, complemented by appropriate spiritual practices, anyone can sharpen their intuition and psychic awareness and become more attuned to subtle energies and impressions. However, it’s important to approach this journey with an open mind and a willingness to explore the depths of your consciousness.

Cultivating psychic abilities also requires patience and self-discovery. As you embark on this path, you may discover unique strengths and intuitive abilities that are waiting to be developed. With perseverance and a positive attitude, you can embark on a transformative journey to expand your psychic awareness and harness your innate potential.

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Never Dabble With The Dark Side

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!My awakening began to unfold around the age of 21, marked by a vivid dream in which a white dolphin embodied the spirit of my boyfriend’s recently deceased brother, who had been a very good friend of mine.

The dream was not only a confirmation of my abilities as a psychic medium to receive messages from the other side. The white dolphin (speaking in the familiar, comforting voice of my friend) was also conveying insights from the spirit realm for my guidance and protection on my path as an awakening young psychic.

My friend taking the form of a dolphin in the dream made sense as he was a marine biologist at the time of his death and was doing important research on dolphins at the time.

But spirit is never that basic! The true meaning and symbolism of this unusual dream only became clear to me later in my psychic development journey when I began to investigate the symbolism in visitation dreams.

Although I was not aware of it at the time, a white dolphin traditionally symbolizes spiritual purity and a connection to higher realms. In fact, dolphins are considered spiritual guides and messengers in many cultures, offering protection and guidance to those in need.

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Honoring Your Soul Contract

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comEach of us came into our current life for a reason that is relevant to our soul evolution. Regardless of how, where and when we arrived, we all came into this physical existence with a planned mission known as our soul contract, or pre-birth soul plan.

Before entering this life, our souls deliberately choose certain experiences and lessons to learn and contributions to make for the purpose of our own spiritual evolution. It’s essentially our cosmic to-do list!

We come for a variety of reasons: some to learn, some to teach, some to grow, some to heal. Some come to observe, others to participate. Some come to navigate a profound dark night of the soul. Some even come to influence the masses or change the world forever.

Whatever the nature of your soul contract, you can be absolutely certain that there is a divine purpose to it all. Never forget that your soul mission is your own doing. We owe our existence and our journey to no one. It is ours alone to experience and ours alone to complete.

One of the most empowering things we can do in this lifetime is to uncover the nature of our soul contract to ensure our ultimate success. We must reflect on our true purpose and the meaningful connections and experiences we encounter.

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Spirit Guides Us In Our Dreams

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSpirit guides us in our dreams. Whatever your usual spiritual practice may be, it is never truly complete without the inclusion of your dreams. I often advise my clients to pay more attention to their dreams, as they can contain messages and guidance from our angels, guides and departed loved.

The most important dreams are usually the ones that are most vivid, unusual, and at times also upsetting. When we get a dream that really throws us, it is wise to contemplate them carefully to interpret its meaning.

The best thing to do is keep a record of all your dreams. Write it down in a dream journal you keep next to your bed, or download a dream app to record your notes.

It is important to try and remember as much of your dreams the moment you wake up, before you get up, to ensure your dream is still fresh in your mind. It is further recommended that you try to keep your body in the same position when you wake up to boost your dream memory.

Our dream memories fade quickly after waking and typically disappear from our conscious awareness within a minute or two.

Our dreams often do not make much sense at first as dreaming occurs in the subconscious mind and is therefore usually somewhat abstract and even bizarre. Keeping records enables you to refer back to previous dreams, which often begins to reveal the meaning of your personal dream symbols and recurring themes.

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It Is Never ‘Just A Dream’

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPeople often say, “It was just a dream, it does not mean anything.” But in my experience our dreams always mean something, and sometimes it is profound.

Dreams serve important mental, emotional, and spiritual functions in our life journey. Our dreams help us to process and learn from our daily experiences, store memories and important information, master new skills, and manage our emotions. Dreams are also key to our inner guidance, spiritual expansion, karmic evolution, and soul growth. And some dreams are the key to healing trauma.

The first nine years of my life my family lived in a small town, until we moved to a much bigger and more bustling city. Soon after we settled in our new location, I began having the same dream repeatedly.

The content of the dream never wavered. I was back in our hometown, and I was standing frighteningly close to the edge of a large, deep lake. Then suddenly I was running away from a threatening bear chasing me. The intensity of this nightmare never changed, and I consistently woke up terrified.

Around the time I turned 14, it suddenly stopped, and I never experienced the dream again.

Years later, I researched the dream’s possible meaning. I then learned that water often represents emotion, while frequently dreaming about being chased is a sign of feeling stressed, anxious, worried, or fearful. In my dream, I was running away from the negative emotion, or trying to avoid it.

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Spirit’s Calling Cards Are Everywhere

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comBoth experienced and novice psychics will tell you the spirit realm is in constant contact with the physical world. Although spirit may not communicate in the way we do, their messages are constantly here for us to see, hear and feel – if we know how and where to look for it.

The spirit realm exists beyond our time and space, but spirit is still able to interact with us. Hollywood movies would have us believe they can make objects float through the air, but it’s much more subtle than that.

Interference with electronic devices, such as clocks or laptops, is common when spirit is present. Take note if your computer seems stuck on a particular page or a clock stops at a certain time. Your spirit guardian may be sending an important message.

Static physical objects like family pictures may also change in the presence of a departed loved one. You may notice a photograph becoming blurrier or curling up on one side. Sometimes the frame is shifted or moved.

Take a walk outside every day. Are you seeing birds or butterflies? Both are messengers of spirits, so pay close attention to what you see, including their colors and patterns, and look up the meaning later. If you’re lucky a butterfly may land on you. Up in the skies, cloud formations, rainbows, and falling stars are all associated with spiritual messages.

Psychic or intuitive experiences is another way spirits speak to us. Have you ever felt like you ‘hear your name’ being spoken or called, or ‘feel the touch’ of a hand on your shoulder, while you are alone in a room? This is a sure sign a spirit presence is nearby.

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