dream interpretation
A Premonition Dream Could Save Your Life!
While meditating one afternoon and deep in the alpha state, I heard a clairaudient voice say to me: “You need to get to work because someone needs the message you were given last night.”
I wasn’t feeling very social that day and definitely not in the mood to work, but the voice was crystal clear and very insistent.
I mentally asked the voice to show or tell me how and what this message could be? Almost immediately I saw my dream journal in my mind’s eye.
So I stopped the meditation session and went to get my dream journal from my nightstand. I always keep it handy, along with a clip-on night light, so I can record my dreams at any time.
Over the years, I’ve trained myself to recall significant dreams and write down as much as I can remember.
Keeping a dream journal has become incredibly valuable to me personally and in my psychic work. Dreams act as a bridge between the material world and the spirit realm, offering profound insights and guidance.
One of the greatest benefits of dream journaling is the ability to track ‘warning dreams,’ also known as premonition or precognitive dreams. These dreams are forebodings of future events, alerting us to potential dangers, challenges, or negative events that we may soon encounter in waking life.
Why You Should Be Dream Journaling
When my grandfather was alive, we had many deep conversations about spirituality and the afterlife. During a few of those conversations, he also promised me that if there was a way for him to contact me from the other side after he passed away, he would do so.
True to his word, he kept his promise. Our connection has remained strong ever since, and he continues to guide me from the other side.
It’s been well over two decades since his death, but I still have visitation dreams and mediumistic experiences in which he communicates with me. I feel incredibly blessed for these encounters, and they have confirmed much of what I’ve always believed about the afterlife and the spirit realm.
Grandpa was one of the few people with whom I could openly discuss my psychic abilities, mediumship, and paranormal experiences growing up. He was incredibly open-minded and spiritually aware for a man of his generation and background.
Not only was he a firm believer in the existence of the soul beyond this life, but he was curious about all things mystical and supernatural. I vividly remember him telling me about an out-of-body experience he had, describing how he had seen his own body from above as he “floated”.
One of the most valuable lessons my grandfather taught me was the spiritual significance of our dreams. He grew up at a time when dreams were losing their mystical significance in society as scientists began to increasingly view the dream state purely through a psychological, biological, and neurological lens.