The Fairies Will Find My Pets’ Final Resting Place
Over the years, as I have expanded my spiritual understanding and esoteric knowledge, I have come to rely on a number of spiritual entities and metaphysical beings for guidance and support on a daily basis. This assistance from the higher realms is vital not only in my professional work as a psychic reader and healer, but also in my personal life.
I have learned that calling upon different spiritual beings for different things provides me with more holistic and powerful guidance, protection and support in different areas of my work and life. Different types of spiritual beings serve a unique purpose according to their inherent qualities and roles.
For example, I turn to my ancestors and guardian angel for personal safety and comfort, feeling their presence as a calming and protective force, especially during very difficult times. My ancestors also provide me with personal insight and a sense of continuity, helping me to navigate everyday challenges and connect with my cultural and family roots.
My spirit guides counsel and support me in my professional psychic and healing practice, as well as in my spiritual growth and life journey. They provide me with insight and wisdom to make informed life choices and decisions. At times, I call upon one of the archangels, such as Michael or Raphael, for more specific needs, such as protection from physical harm or for physical healing, to draw upon their specialized energies.
The ascended masters and the divine I call upon for deeper spiritual enlightenment, higher consciousness, and to cultivate specific spiritual virtues such as compassion, humility, gratitude, forgiveness, patience, generosity, integrity, and courage.
The Mystical Practice Of Psychic Surgery
The phenomenon of psychic surgery has always fascinated me. Although I have never personally witnessed such a procedure first hand, I did see footage of a psychic surgeon in action many years ago.
Despite the poor quality of the movie, it seemed to me to be very real and certainly not a parlor trick, as many skeptics might suggest. The footage left a lasting impression and piqued my curiosity about a practice that operates on the edge of the mystical and the medical.
The film I saw was recorded by a friend who is very enthusiastic about psychic surgery. He had filmed the footage during a trip to the Philippines, where he observed the procedure firsthand.
He explained that psychic surgery is essentially the manipulation of energy and vibration. The practitioner is able to penetrate the patient’s skin with his bare hands using “polarity,” which is the balancing or manipulation of opposing energy forces.
In many spiritual and alternative healing practices, polarity is a term used to describe the dynamic interaction between different types of energy, often referred to as positive and negative energy, or yin and yang.
The idea is that everything in the universe, including the human body, operates on a balance of these opposing energies. When this balance is disturbed, disease or physical ailments can result.
In psychic surgery, practitioners use polarity to perform seemingly miraculous procedures with their bare hands. The idea is that by tapping into and manipulating these energies, they can create a state in which the physical body becomes malleable, allowing them to penetrate the skin without causing pain or bleeding. The procedure is performed without invasive surgery or the use of anesthesia.
Energy Imprint, Energy Cord, Or Entity Attachment?
In my work, I often encounter people who are experiencing phenomena that are negatively affecting their energy field, causing them to suffer a loss of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and well-being.
Usually these problems are simply due to their own negative thinking, or external negative energy imprints or residues that their aura has picked up from toxic people or environments. In many cases, it can be due to the energy cord of a dysfunctional or unhealthy romantic relationship or other types of energy cords with family, friends, or co-workers that are contaminating or draining their personal energy and vitality.
In some cases, however, these negative energy influences have a far more sinister origin that the “carrier” or victim is rarely aware of, while it is destroying their well-being and wreaking havoc in their lives.
The problem is that many people do not understand the difference between negative energy imprints, energy cords, and evil entity or spirit attachments. In my experience, the confusion is mainly due to the fact that the effects these three categories of negative energy phenomena have on people are often similar, leading to misinterpretation of the source or cause of these influences and disturbances.
Signs Of A Pleiadian Starseed Encounter
There is a unique group of highly evolved, spiritual beings present on planet Earth who come from the Pleiades, a cluster of stars also known as the Seven Sisters, located approximately 444 light-years from Earth in the constellation of Taurus.
They are known in esoteric circles as the Pleiadians or Starseeds, and I have had the privilege of meeting some of these special individuals in person over the years as a lightworker and channeler. What I have learned from them has been both enlightening and thought provoking.
The Pleiadian Starseeds are extraterrestrial souls who have incarnated on Earth to fulfill specific missions related to bringing about spiritual awakening, sharing knowledge and wisdom to aid in the evolution of humanity, and helping to raise the collective consciousness.
The Pleiadians come from a more technologically and spiritually advanced society and are motivated by a desire to assist humanity in our evolution and to offer guidance on our path to higher consciousness and global spiritual awakening. They are here to assist in the transition to a new era for Earth, one that embraces higher spiritual values, peace and harmony.