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Invoking The Power And Beauty Of Freya

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!The goddess Freya has a special place in my spiritual self-care routine. I often turn to her when I need extra guidance and support.

Freya is the ancient Norse goddess of love, beauty, fertility, and war. She is one of the most important deities in Norse mythology, embodying the ultimate ancient archetype for ‘girl power’ and ‘boss lady’ energy.

She is traditionally revered for her deep wisdom, boundless compassion, and fierce protection. Invoking her divine feminine power has brought much transformative and empowering energy to many aspects of my life.

In Norse folklore, Freya rides a chariot drawn by two large, powerful cats and is often depicted wearing the Brísingamen necklace, a symbol of her power and beauty.

The Brísingamen was created by four dwarves known for their exceptional craftsmanship. The necklace symbolizes beauty, desire and the power of attraction. It also represents Freyja’s connection to the earth and its fertility.

Freya is the leader of the Valkyries, the warrior maidens who choose those who may die and those who may live in battle. Freyja is said to receive half of the slain warriors in her heavenly field, Fólkvangr, while the other half go to Odin’s hall, Valhalla.

This dual role highlights her authority and revered status among the gods, bridging the realms of life and death. The Valkyries, under her guidance, serve not only as fierce selectors of the fallen but also as protectors and guides for these chosen souls, ensuring their honored place in the afterlife.

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Overcoming Your Inner Saboteur

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Have you ever wondered why people sometimes try to ruin an ideal opportunity in their life, or deliberately sabotage a promising relationship?

Even though I have done thousands of readings over the years, I cannot help but still be surprised when I work with people who are in the process of sabotaging a wonderful relationship or alienating a loving, caring partner. Reading for people of all ages and walks of life around the world has shown me that this behavior is relatively common.

Not all psychic readings are about difficult relationships, difficult or cheating partners, or boring marriages. Sometimes they are about perfectly wonderful relationships that one of the partners is doing their best to destroy!

In these relationships, the saboteur consciously or unconsciously creates a toxic scenario or behaves in a dysfunctional way that will ultimately lead to a breakup. For example, the saboteur will begin to find fault with their partner, subtly push them away, or find reasons to walk away from the commitment.

Relationship readings for self-saboteurs often begin with them saying something like: “Well, things are rosy now, but they always start out that way,” or “Knowing my luck, she’ll soon get bored with me,” or “To be honest, things are so good with him, I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop!”

It reminds me of my grandmother, who was abandoned by my grandfather when my mother and her sister were very young. She used to say, “All men are gorillas!” I later realized that my mother had adopted the same mindset.

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The True Spiritual Meaning Of The Pentagram

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Perhaps no other spiritual or religious icon is as misunderstood as the pentagram, or pentacle. The true symbolism of the pentagram, a five-pointed star often surrounded by a circle, is commonly misrepresented.

Contrary to popular misconceptions that associate it with darkness, evil, or Satanism, the pentagram has multiple meanings within various spiritual and religious traditions, most notably within Paganism and modern Wicca.

The pentagram has been a spiritual symbol of significance for millennia, long before its association with modern religious movements.

Historically, it has been used by cultures around the world, often to represent celestial bodies, principles of harmony, or mystical concepts. Its use first appeared in ancient Greece and Mesopotamia around the 1st millennium BC.

It is not widely known that there are significant historical connections between the pentagram and Christianity. Prior to the widespread use of the cross, the pentagram was a popular symbol to adorn the jewelry and amulets of early Christians, often alongside an “X” or a phoenix. This symbol was associated with the five wounds of Christ and also represented the concept of Alpha and Omega united, as the star could be drawn in one continuous movement of the pen.

In contemporary contexts, particularly within Wicca and related neo-pagan belief systems, the pentacle has positive connotations. It’s seen as a symbol of protection, spirituality, and the interconnectedness of the elements. Each point of the star represents an aspect of balance, holistic existence, conscious living, and the cyclical nature of life.

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Tarot Forecast May 2024: Judgement

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!The card for this month is Judgement, which encourages us to rid ourselves of what no longer serves us and to address karmic issues for personal and spiritual growth.

We may especially find ourselves facing the consequences of past actions or decisions this month.

Judgement emphasises the importance of accountability and responsibility, urging us to learn from our experiences and strive for karmic balance. By taking responsibility for our choices, we can break free from negative patterns and create a better future.

This will therefore be a month of reckoning and evaluation. Judgement invites us to reflect on our actions, choices and life path, and challenges us to take responsibility and face any unresolved issues with honesty and courage.

It will be a time of resolution and redemption, allowing us to find closure and make amends for past conflicts or mistakes.

By facing our challenges with integrity and compassion, we can experience inner peace and acceptance, paving the way for healing and growth. It also offers an opportunity for profound transformation and awakening, giving us a fresh start and the chance to embrace new beginnings with optimism and enthusiasm.

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Lenormand Cards Illuminate The Everyday

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!A few years ago, I met a fellow psychic online who recommended that I add Lenormand cards to my divination repertoire. It is a decision I will always cherish, as learning these cards has certainly benefited both my spiritual and professional journey.

Like Tarot, it is a card-based divination system rich in symbolism, but it is simpler than Tarot, with fewer cards in the deck, and easier to learn. Lenormand has only thirty-six cards instead of the bulkier 78-card Tarot deck.

This system of cartomancy is named after Marie Anne Lenormand (1772-1843), a famous French fortune teller of the Napoleonic era who was known for her work with influential figures of her time, although she did not create the cards herself. Lenormand cards became popular in the 19th century and have seen a resurgence of interest in recent years.

I use two types of Lenormand decks in my readings. One is the Petite deck and the other is the Dondorf Lenormand.

The design of the Petite Lenormand deck is simpler and more direct than that of the Dondorf Lenormand, focusing on clear, easily recognizable symbols without extensive ornamentation. This simplicity is intended to facilitate the interpretation of the cards, as the symbols and their combinations are the primary means of divination. The cards are also smaller than typical tarot cards and are modeled directly after the types of decks that Ms. Lenormand herself might have used or recognized.

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Tarot Forecast April 2024: Queen Of Wands

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!This month the Queen of Wands, a figure of authority and natural leadership, brings confidence, determination, and the ability to charm and inspire those around us. She is the Queen of Fire, symbolizing creativity, vitality and passion.

In the coming month we should be attuned to our ambitions as they may be strengthened. We may feel inspired to set new goals and make firmer decisions. There will be new motivational energies in our careers or businesses that will make it easier to keep our work goals and projects on track. This same energy will push us to get things done and take us to the next step.

The energy of the Queen of Wands calls us to tap into our inner self with instinct and confidence. As we face challenges in our professional or personal lives, our greatest asset this month is our self-awareness and ability to lead with confidence. Her energy will allow us to take control of situations that require a bold approach.

The Queen advises us to maintain our ideas and visions, especially in environments where our charisma can help others toward a common goal. Remember, to share is to care, so don’t hold back your gifts.

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Magical Moments Of Synchronicity

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Sometimes it seems as if the stars are simply aligned for us when incredible “coincidences” or “lucky breaks” occur in our lives. In these moments, we experience profound serendipity, or a magical confluence of events that are clearly not random and are much more meaningful or significant than mere chance. This phenomenon is known as synchronicity.

Synchronicities are meaningful or significant coincidences that occur in our lives with no apparent causal relationship or logical explanation. Such events transcend the ordinary laws of cause and effect and point to a deeper, underlying framework or interconnectedness within the Universe.

Synchronicity is a mystical phenomenon that encourages us to pay attention to the events and symbols that occur in our lives and to consider them as potentially significant signs, messages or revelations. Synchronistic events usually have a deep personal, spiritual, or symbolic meaning for the person experiencing them and they are usually a sign or message from Spirit or the Universe, guiding us toward a particular path, decision, realization or outcome.

By recognizing and interpreting synchronicities, we find deeper insight, clarity and inspiration. Synchronic events can provide guidance, confirm our intuition, or signal our alignment with our life path or purpose. Synchronicity is often an affirmation from the Universe that you are either on the right path or that you need to redirect your focus or direction according to a greater cosmic plan or personal growth journey.

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