psychic development
The Power Of Knowledge In Psychic Development
People often ask me what it’s like to be psychic — how I developed my abilities and how it all works. They’re curious about what goes on behind the scenes.
One of the most common questions I get is whether psychics are born with their abilities or if they develop it over time.
From my experience, and from speaking with others in the field, I’d say most psychics are born with their gifts. These abilities are often present in childhood, even if they aren’t fully recognized at the time. However, some people awaken their psychic awareness later in life — often after a profound experience or a period of deep spiritual exploration that helps them access their latent gifts.
In most cases, those who develop their abilities later in life have always had a level of psychic awareness but didn’t recognize it because they weren’t paying attention. Society tends to dismiss psychic phenomena, causing many to suppress or ignore their intuitive senses until something triggers their awakening.
Not everyone with psychic potential chooses to develop it. Some find it overwhelming or even frightening. It can be unsettling to see visions, hear voices, or know and sense things that others don’t. Without proper guidance, these experiences can be confusing and intimidating.
Some people also fear standing out or being judged — skepticism around psychic phenomena can make it difficult for people to openly embrace their abilities. It takes courage to acknowledge one’s gifts and use them in ways that benefit both yourself and others.
The Mystical Year Of The Yin Wood Snake
As we settle into 2025, the energy of the Yin Wood Snake begins to take shape, revealing its unique rhythm and influence.
While the excitement of the Chinese Lunar New Year celebrations may have faded, the true essence of the year is beginning to unfold.
Now is the perfect time to align with the energies of the Wood Snake, harness its mystical power, and set a clear, intentional path for the months ahead.
The Year of the Wood Snake brings a harmonious fusion of intuition, mystery and steady growth.
The Snake, known for its wisdom and transformation, merges with the nurturing and grounding essence of the Wood element this year, fostering patience, adaptability, and a deep connection to our spiritual and emotional roots.
Unlike the impulsive Fire Snake or the analytical Metal Snake, the Wood Snake encourages thoughtful progress and long-term vision, making 2025 an ideal year for meaningful evolution.
In many cultures, the Snake symbolizes rebirth, wisdom and mystery. Its ability to shed its skin represents the release of outdated beliefs, limitations, and habits, clearing the way for renewal. This year invites you to embrace transformation, trust your intuition, and align with the subtle yet powerful energy of the Snake as you enter a year of profound personal and spiritual growth.
A Spiritual Calling To Serve The Animals
My psychic awakening began early, at the age of five. My first extrasensory experiences involved listening to animals and intuitively understanding their needs and concerns. Once I realized that I could communicate with the animals in this way, I began to listen more often to how I could help and support them.
One day, I was playing outside when I sensed an animal calling to me for help. When I turned around, I saw a beagle at a neighbor’s house, shaking his head violently and whimpering. I could feel its distress.
As I approached, I immediately saw the cause of his discomfort. His ears were covered with parasites to the point that he was bleeding from repeated scratching.
Intuitively I instantly knew I had find an ointment, and with the simplicity of a child’s solution, I applied petroleum jelly to his ears. To my surprise and joy, it worked! Relieved, the beagle expressed immense gratitude, and tending to his ears became my daily mission.
My parents later adopted a retired German shepherd from the military. Because of his special training and many years of service, he was highly alert to things around him. His name was Argo, and I was told that he only understood formal commands, so it would be difficult for him to adjust to living as an ordinary “civilian” with our family.
Little did the adults know that I had my own way of talking to the animals. Soon I found myself sitting with Argo for hours, secretly communicating with him. He told me many amazing stories about his adventures as a military service dog. We became inseparable.
The Mystical Purpose Of Daydreaming
In school, I was often reprimanded for daydreaming. My eyes would glaze over as I gazed into the distance, lost in a magical world of my own.
It amused the other children in the class and clearly frustrated my teachers, who mistook it for inattention or laziness, but even then I intuitively knew there was something valuable in my moments of mental wandering.
Little did I know that my frequent daydreaming opened doors not only to creativity and problem-solving, but also to spiritual connection, higher consciousness, and most importantly, manifestation.
Research has shown that daydreamers actually experience increased brain activity. Contrary to the common misconception that daydreaming equals a blank or stagnant mind, studies show that when we allow our minds to wander, we engage the problem-solving and creative areas of the brain.
Neurologically speaking, daydreaming activates the default mode network (DMN), a system in the brain that lights up when we are not focused on external tasks. The DMN connects us to deeper thoughts, memories, and emotions, often leading to sudden insights or realizations.
But what science describes as a purely neurological phenomenon is, in spirituality and metaphysics, a gateway to the higher self and beyond. When the mind wanders aimlessly, we enter an intermediate mental space — a threshold between the conscious and the subconscious. This is where creativity, intuition, psychic impressions, and spiritual connection are most accessible while awake.
How To Accomplish More With A Vision Board
In my teenage years, I found myself longing to explore and develop my psychic abilities. This inner calling was deeply connected to my desire to find my purpose in life.
Around this time, I joined an adolescent spiritual group — a vibrant community of young people from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds. Together, we sought common ground through shared experiences and explorations of our spirituality.
One of the most powerful moments in this group occurred during a camping retreat. On the last night, we gathered in a cozy room around a large table strewn with magazines, glue sticks, scissors, and art supplies. Our teacher introduced an exercise that would forever change my perspective on goal-setting and self-discovery.
The task was simple: use the materials at hand to put our hopes, dreams, and aspirations on paper. Our teacher explained that creating a vision board wasn’t just a fun activity — it was a way to clarify our goals and intentions while providing a visual tool to keep us motivated and inspired.
At first, the room buzzed with laughter and excitement as we flipped through magazines and cut out colorful images and words that spoke to us. But as the activity progressed, the mood shifted. A quiet focus settled over the room as each of us poured our hearts into our creations. By the end of the evening, our vision boards were filled with vibrant images and words that represented our youthful hopes and dreams.