spirit communication
How To Interpret Your Dreams
Dreaming is the mind’s way of working through our everyday life experiences. Our dreams can tell us a lot about deeper self and what goes on in our subconscious mind. Dreams can reveal things we did not realize were weighing our mind or burdening our spirit. There’s a lot of value in paying attention to our dreams, and really diving into what they may be telling us.
Our dreams are however not only about processing daily life. It is also a powerful metaphysical conduit for communicating with our high self and spirit.
But which is which? When is a dream just a daily psychological ‘filing’ procedure, and when is it a profound psychic or spiritual phenomenon? Is there a way to tell? And how does one go about interpreting a particularly unsual dream when you sense it may be more than just an everyday recap?
Sensing that dream is more than just a dream is an intuitive hunch or gut feeling that one can develop through practice. It starts by simply by paying attention and becoming more aware.
The first tell-tale sign is a dream that is very profound, dramatic, or vivid. It is often also a dream you remember in every detail. What did the dream look and feel like? Did the dream seem any different from your usual dreams? Is there anything particular that stands out for you?
Psychic or spiritual dreams usually just feel very ‘different.’ This feeling of ‘difference’ is unique for everyone, so it’s best to trust your own intuition here. Once you start paying more careful attention, you’ll soon get a sense for what your ‘regular’ dreams feel like, compared to your ‘other’ dreams.
Pay Attention To Your Angel Numbers!
Are you repeatedly seeing the same numbers on the clock, license plates, store signs, and other places? It’s more common than you may think. It is known as ‘angel numbers’ and it simply means God, Source, Spirit, the Divine is communicating with you!
The magic and symbolism of numbers and numerology date back to the beginning of recorded human history and can be found in various ancient texts. Numbers are a spiritually significant, and also a powerful divination tool.
In grade school, we practiced arithmetic and memorized multiplication tables. For me it was fascinating to see the consistency in certain number equations where certain rules apply that made math easier. Well, the same principles can be applied to decode the meaning of your angel numbers!
What’s most important about interpreting angel number sequences when you first begin to see them is to identify what those numbers mean to you personally. When you repeatedly see certain number sequences, ask yourself what is going on in your life at that moment in time.
What were you just thinking about or focusing on? Have you been struggling with a particular issue that you must find a solution for? Are you feeling anxious or upset about a circumstance that does not seem resolvable at this time? Are you worried about your job, a relationship, or family member? Are you in need of comfort or healing? Do you want to manifest something new and important in your life?
The Intuitive Benefits Of Meditation
Meditation led me to a major spiritual awakening and increased psychic awareness. Meditation allows us to become more spiritually aware, enlightened, and more open to the spirit realm.
When I first started meditating, I would often become distracted or even fall asleep. It used to frustrate me, because I feared I might ever be able to achieve a proper state of meditation. But I persevered and kept trying for a few minutes every night. Eventually, I found that I could get into a meditative state more easily, without losing focus or drifting off. So, be patient and give yourself time in the beginning to get used this different state of consciousness.
Once you become more skilled and meditate frequently, you will soon notice that you are becoming much more intuitive. You will feel more tuned in to other people and your surroundings, and may begin to pick up on more energetic information.
A powerful way to increase your psychic awareness using a meditative state is focus on any point of light or object and then ‘zone out’ as if you are daydreaming. I like to practice by focusing on a silver picture frame in my bedroom. A crystal or candle flame are also good options.
Once you have become good at entering the meditative state by focusing on something, try to do it when you are out and about. You may begin to notice that people and objects look somewhat ‘hazy,’ as if they have a glare around them. This is actually the aura or energy field of the object or person.
With frequent mindful meditation your metaphysical awareness will become more heightened over time. In a state of daily meditative awareness, it feels as if God, Source, Spirit, the Universe begins to speak to you in secret.
Overcoming Addiction To Work For Spirit
A recent talk I gave about my addiction recovery journey and my calling to work for spirit, became a wonderful full circle moment for me. It was very empowering to look back, reflect on my experiences and see how far I have ultimately come.
It also brought up early memories of moments in the past when the writing had already been clearly on the wall, so to speak. In retrospect, is it was very clear early on that overcoming addiction was going to be one of my major life lessons and a significant part of my spiritual path in this lifetime
I remember, for example, I had my astrological natal chart done by a gifted astrologer, who later became a mentor to me. I also had my first experiences of past life regression with him.
After carefully analyzing my chart, he told me that my calling was to do spiritual work and be a guide and healer. He then added that I would first have to rise above the challenges of addiction before I could fully immerse myself into working with spirit. How right he was!
I did not understand his prediction at the time. I was still sober at the time and my social use of alcohol was something I considered to be my ‘guilty little pleasure.’ In time, I even started calling it the ‘devil on my shoulder,’ but in no way did I feel I had a problem with alcohol, much less consider myself an addict.
I would often read tarot cards for myself in those days and, sure enough, no matter how many times I shuffled the deck and no matter how many different decks of Tarot I consulted, the Devil card would consistently appear. The true significance of this would become more evident as time went on.
The Key To Unlocking Powerful Psychic Readings
When a psychic or medium reads for someone, a great deal of information can come through from the spirit realm, depending on the client’s particular needs and circumstances. However, the opposite can also happen.
People often do not know that the amount, depth, and accuracy of information in a reading does not only depend on the psychic’s talent, skill, or ability, but also on the client’s free will and openness to the process.
As a phone psychic, I will often begin to experience an influx of basic information even before the client’s voice comes on the line. As soon as the phone starts ringing, the psychic process of connecting with the client’s energy begins, but this information is generally very limited. There is usually a lot more information the psychic can potentially read, but only if the client specifically asks for it.
Why is this? Are psychics not supposed to instantly know absolutely everything about you? Well, no. We can only know as much as spirit, and you, will allow us to know. Psychics ‘hear, see, feel and know’ information that is beyond the everyday spectrum of perception, but we cannot interfere with your free will, or pry into people’s lives without their permission. We need a mandate from you to address a particular aspect of your life.
To get the most out of a psychic reading it is therefore vital to have a clear goal or specific direction you wish to go before you decide to call a psychic. In fact, to get the most value out of a reading, it is best to begin the session with well-formulated questions or themes you would like to discuss. This will ensure that your most important concerns are addressed and answered. Because what is important to you right now in your personal life, may not be so important to spirit in the greater scheme of your broader life journey and spiritual path.
When Will Your Loved Ones In Spirit Make Contact?
I recently attended my nearest spiritualism centre here in Spain. They don’t have formal Spiritualist churches here, but other venues are used for spiritualist services in various locations across the country. The services I attend are held at a large bakery owned by fellow expats who have passion for spiritualism and enjoy bringing believers together to connect with their loved ones on the Other Side.
At this particular service, a gifted medium from England took the platform. Her energy was serene and caring, and the loving energy among the large gathering was tangible.
Healing was first offered to those in need by a group of spiritual healers prior to the session. Distant healing was also sent to people and pets that could not attend. Their names were read from a list for the congregation to send healing energy. One could feel the unlimited abundance of love energy in the room!
The last time I felt such an intense energy vibration was at the end of a week-long course I attended at the Arthur Findlay College of Spiritualism and Psychic Sciences decades ago. All the inspired students and their mentors were gathered in the large hall for a farewell meditation. A large basket of flowers had been placed in the middle of the auditorium, and I literally saw it levitate a few of inches off the floor that night. The energy from the crowd and spirit’s presence in the room was that loving and powerful!
My father passed almost 17 years ago, but through the years I have had very little spirit communication from my father. Although we were quite close most of my life, and I had nursed him through his final months of terminal illness, he had become bitter and exceptionally domineering towards the end of his life.
Communicating With Your Pets In The Spirit Realm
It is known among my friends and clients that have had certain very challenging life experiences, including former struggles with addiction and sobriety. But I can honestly say, the most painful was a traumatic event just a few years ago, when on a walk along a familiar path two of my dogs chased a hare and were never seen again.
My husband and I did everything in our power to locate them and used every possible way to get the message out that they had gone missing. We even offered a substantial reward for whoever could help us find them. We put up posters in a 50-mile radius and walked day in and day out talking to everyone who cared to listen. My husband even purchased an electric mountain bike to get to areas we might not otherwise have been able to access.
The kindness we found in our community was overwhelming and there were endless phone calls and concerned friends and neighbors doing searches because they wanted to help. Nobody seemed to care much about the potential reward; everyone just wanted to help. Out of all of the leads we received, there were only two scam calls from individuals who were only after the reward, but I was quickly able to suss them out on the phone.
Our dogs’ names were Amber and Brutus. Two days after their disappearance, and still having hope of them coming home, I felt Amber communicate with me. “This was meant to happen,” she said. The telepathic message was vivid but didn’t help in terms of knowing if they were still alive.
Last week, I asked for a sign from the dogs. Looking at their pet booklets, there would be a good chance that, even if Amber had survived, she may have passed in the meantime due to old age.
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