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Always Keep An Open Mind In Psychic Readings

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!In high school, I predicted that a friend of mine would lose something valuable and then have a car accident shortly thereafter.

I also warned him that the loss of something valuable would be an omen: a sign from the universe for him to be more careful and responsible.

He looked at me like I was crazy.

A few months later he lost his wallet because he had been careless. He later told me it reminded him of what I had said and it shook him up enough to start being more careful in his daily life. He even stopped his bad habit of never using his seat belt when driving.

Good thing he did. A few months later, he drove his car off a cliff! The police officer told him that he would have been killed if he had not been wearing his seat belt.

He brought up the story at our ten-year high school reunion and praised me as the person who saved his life. Of course, I did not mention the eye-rolling and “you’re crazy” look he gave me at the time. Besides, saying “I told you so” is not very dignified.

Not much has changed since high school. As a professional psychic, I still have to tell my clients things that makes them doubt our connection or my ability, and sometimes even my sanity! You learn to suck it up and deal with the raised eyebrows and side-eyes.

I understand how it feels for them, because I have had to keep an open mind as a psychic client, too. Many years ago, a medium told me that I would also work as a psychic one day. I thought this was really strange because I had been in the performing arts most of my life, and in my mind there was no way she could be right. But here I am today. Even psychics don’t always know where life is taking them.

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Some Will Only Know Joy In The Afterlife

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Shortly after my father’s death in 2005, I began sitting in a monthly mediumship circle with three friends. At our third gathering, my father began the first of many communications from the other side.

This experience was made even more special by the fact that one of the sitters was my father’s hospice nurse.

How fortunate I was during those last six months of my father’s life to not only have the wonderful support of this earth angel, but also to feel so connected to her through our interest in things of a psychic and spiritualist nature.

What a bonus then to have her as an additional link to him in our psychic circle.

At one point, however, my father stopped communicating during our sessions for a period of about three months. When his presence finally returned, I asked him where he had been, and he replied, “Learning about joy!”

This was very surprising to me because my father never really knew or showed much joy when he was in this world. Or maybe he never allowed himself to experience joy. The only times he seemed really happy or joyful was when he had what he called “several sherbets under his belt,” meaning he’d be pretty intoxicated!

I felt both sad and happy. Sad because he had never known joy as I knew it – just rolling around on the floor playing with my pets, sharing a joke with a friend, or being elated when a client came back to say that their life had taken a turn for the better. But I was happy that he was finally allowing himself to learn about and experience some joy.

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Guiding Earthbound Souls To The Light

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Early one morning I received a message from one of my clients saying that her close friend had been shot and killed before dawn that day. She wanted to know if I could try to communicate with her friend.

I suspected that it was far too early for spirit contact of any kind, but I promised to see what I could do.

Later in the day I tried to make the connection as promised. I immediately sensed that I was dealing with a soul who was stuck in this world, not quite sure where she was or what had happened after such a sudden death.

I informed my client that we needed to help her friend find her way to the other side, to the light. I asked her to assist me remotely in guiding her friend as it would help to have someone familiar present.

Her friend was still earthbound and our guidance and prayers would help her, even if she chose to stay close to her loved ones for the time being and make her presence known until they could find some peace with her sad and sudden passing.

I began our session with a calm, focused meditation, visualizing a warm, radiant light that would guide her friend. As we sent our thoughts and prayers, I felt a subtle shift in the energy around us. It was as if the room had brightened, filled with a calm, comforting presence.

My client shared some of her fondest memories of her friend, speaking with love and gratitude. This act seemed to create a powerful bridge of light, a connection that her friend’s spirit could use to find her way.

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Psychic Messages In Mediumship Readings

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!A few years ago, I received what I initially thought was an evidential message from a deceased relative during a spiritualist service. It came from a well-respected medium who often gives psychic readings on stage and to groups.

But I eventually realized that the reading she gave me was actually a psychic reading of a living person’s thoughts about me, not a spirit message from the afterlife.

During the demonstration, the medium looked at me and said that she was sensing my female relative, but that it was not my mother. She described her age, appearance, and singing ability.

She also mentioned that this lady lived in a terraced house in the north of England and that we were similar in our ability to get things done, keep a tune, and stay active.

I was puzzled by this information because I felt certain that this had to be my maternal aunt, my mother’s only sibling, whom she was describing. My mom’s sister fit the age and appearance perfectly, she lived in a terraced house, and she used to sing at weddings and other events! I had no other female relatives who fit that description. So, it had to be her!

But there was just one problem: my maternal aunt was still very much alive and living her best life up there in Northern England! I then realized the medium had psychically picked up my aunt’s thoughts about me at that time. Yes, it is not commonly known that it is in fact possible for mediums to pick up psychic information about or from living people during a mediumship reading or spirit channeling.

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How Long Until Their Soul Makes Contact?

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I have been asked how long it typically takes for a soul who has recently crossed over to reconnect with us from the other side. This is a particular concern for those souls who leave violently or through sudden illness, often at a young age.

I’ve found that this timeline varies from soul to soul, depending on their original soul plan, life journey, and the circumstances of their passing. It also depends, in my experience, on the belief system of the person before they returned to spirit, especially if they had no spiritual beliefs whatsoever. If they didn’t believe in anything beyond this life, there is often a much longer period of ‘debriefing’ and ‘orientation’ to their new surroundings once they arrive at the proverbial ‘pearly gates’.

Sometimes people come to me for a reading hoping to connect with a loved one who has recently died, and they are disappointed when they don’t get clear, affirming messages from the person they were hoping to connect with. Fortunately, they are often relieved when another family member or friend who has been deceased for a longer period of time comes through for them, often with a comforting message about their recently deceased loved one.

Most psychics recommend waiting a period of time after the death of a loved one before attempting to communicate with their spirit through a reading. This recommendation varies from practitioner to practitioner. Many mediums suggest waiting at least three to six months after the death of a loved one. This period allows for the initial grieving process and gives both the spirit of the deceased time to adjust to the afterlife and the living time to process their grief.

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Comforting Spirit Whispers From Heaven

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Connecting with our loved ones in heaven is a deeply personal and spiritual experience that brings comfort and healing to many believers. Whether through dreams, signs, mediumship readings, or quiet moments of reflection, knowing that our departed loved ones are still with us in some way provides profound comfort, peace, and hope.

Signs, dreams, messages, and other forms of contact from the afterlife are essential to grieving, healing, and accepting the loss of loved ones for several psychological, emotional, and spiritual reasons.

Encounters with the deceased occur in all states of consciousness: while dreaming, while awake, in altered states of consciousness, in various circumstances, and before, during, and after death. According to a 1977 study, a significant portion of the bereaved, estimated at 40% to 50%, experience such phenomena. These experiences help maintain an ongoing sense of connection with the deceased, which can be comforting and provide a sense of a continuing relationship even after death.

Dreams, signs and mediumship can all bring a sense of peace, love, and reassurance to the bereaved, easing the emotional pain associated with loss. Receiving messages from a loved one can also provide a sense of closure or resolve unresolved feelings and unfinished business, which is essential for moving forward.

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The Calling Cards Of Spirit Whispers

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!When I was a teenager, my father said in a very serious tone, “I want to talk to you about something important.

My immediate thought was, I hope this is not going to be a cringe-worthy talk about the birds and the bees. Please let it not be!

But fortunately it was not about the facts of life. Instead, it was an enlightening conversation about spiritualism and the afterlife.

My father told me about his conversion from atheist to spiritualist about a decade earlier. Apparently, my mother had made a bet with him about something that he had lost. According to their agreement, if he lost, he had to accompany her to a spiritualist church to attend a service.

So they went to the Spiritualist church in London one Sunday night when Joseph Benjamin, a well-known medium at the time, was scheduled to demonstrate on the platform. Benjamin was a prominent Spiritualist medium whose mediumship was highly regarded in those days.

Although my father sat all they way in the back during the service, that didn’t stop Benjamin from locating my father in the assembled crowd and delivering a profound message from my late paternal grandfather.

The message stunned my father, especially when Benjamin told him how disappointed my grandfather was that the tools he’d left him were neglected and “rusting away in the shed. And so it was that my father became an avid believer.

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