spirit communication
Pay Attention To Your Psychic Intuitions
My psychic abilities were evident from a young age. For example, I remember ‘knowing’ beforehand that I was going to have a new teacher’s at school when I was just five years old, while nobody had said a word about it to me.
I often knew days in advance when certain children’s TV program would be broadcast before I could read schedules in newspapers or magazines. I also knew in advance when next I was next going to see my favorite cousin again, even though he lived on the other side of the country and his family had no immediate plans of visiting.
When I was a teenager, I remember causing a commotion with a local hairstylist. I had told her that she would meet a Scottish guy who was a widower and that he would ask her out on a date. A few weeks later, much to her amazement, she did.
We all have some level of psychic awareness. Our intuition is a communication channel through which God, Source, Spirit, the Divine guides us in the right direction along our earthly journey.
Have you ever ignored a hunch or a gut feeling, but that little voice inside just wouldn’t go away? I bet you regretted it later. It is never a good idea to disregardstrong gut feelings and nagging intuitions. It is usually spirit alerting you to something that requires your attention or immediate action. I learned this in a profound way some 42 years ago, when I prevented a child in a buggy from being blown in front of an oncoming vehicle.
About 12 years ago, my brother sadly suffered a stroke, which he thankfully recovered from. The evening it happened, I remember sensing that he may be in some kind of distress or danger. I did not know for sure exactly what it was, but I felt he was not doing well.
The Intuitive Benefits Of Meditation
Meditation led me to a major spiritual awakening and increased psychic awareness. Meditation allows us to become more spiritually aware, enlightened, and more open to the spirit realm.
When I first started meditating, I would often become distracted or even fall asleep. It used to frustrate me, because I feared I might ever be able to achieve a proper state of meditation. But I persevered and kept trying for a few minutes every night. Eventually, I found that I could get into a meditative state more easily, without losing focus or drifting off. So, be patient and give yourself time in the beginning to get used this different state of consciousness.
Once you become more skilled and meditate frequently, you will soon notice that you are becoming much more intuitive. You will feel more tuned in to other people and your surroundings, and may begin to pick up on more energetic information.
A powerful way to increase your psychic awareness using a meditative state is focus on any point of light or object and then ‘zone out’ as if you are daydreaming. I like to practice by focusing on a silver picture frame in my bedroom. A crystal or candle flame are also good options.
Once you have become good at entering the meditative state by focusing on something, try to do it when you are out and about. You may begin to notice that people and objects look somewhat ‘hazy,’ as if they have a glare around them. This is actually the aura or energy field of the object or person.
With frequent mindful meditation your metaphysical awareness will become more heightened over time. In a state of daily meditative awareness, it feels as if God, Source, Spirit, the Universe begins to speak to you in secret.