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Wishing You A Joyful Solstice!

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!To our cherished clients, we wish you a happy and meaningful Solstice today.

May this day bring you joy, clarity and inspiration. Whether you are celebrating the triumph of light in the north or contemplating the shadow in the south today, know that you are part of a great, beautiful cycle of renewal and rebirth. Embrace the energies of the Solstice, let it inspire you, and may you find joy and wisdom in this moment.

Today Mother Earth reaches one of the most profound moments in her annual celestial dance: the summer and winter solstices. This day marks a pivotal point in the year, a day imbued with deep spiritual and esoteric symbolism that resonates across cultures and traditions.

Whether you find yourself basking in the abundant light of the summer solstice or reflecting in the serene darkness of the winter solstice, this time offers an opportunity for profound personal transformation and renewal.

In the Northern Hemisphere, today marks the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. The sun reaches its zenith, showering the earth with its most powerful rays. This day has been celebrated for millennia as a time of joy, abundance, and the triumphant power of light. It is a reminder of the life-giving power of the sun, which nourishes the growth of crops and sustains all living things.

is often seen as a celebration of life itself. It is a time to honor the light within us and to recognize the light in others. Spiritually, this day encourages us to embrace our inner radiance and to let it shine forth into the world. The heightened energy of the solstice can help us connect more deeply with our purpose and passions, inspiring us to manifest our dreams and goals.

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The Mystical Properties Of Ancient Amber

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Crystals, gemstones, and incense have been widely used in spiritual, esoteric, and healing practices throughout the ages and continue to be popular today.

But there is another type of natural material that does not enjoy the same level of widespread recognition and popularity, despite its unique metaphysical properties and significance in various cultures and mystical traditions.

Resins are less well known and used by modern practitioners. I find that many people are unfamiliar with the various types of resins available and their metaphysical properties.

Compared to crystals, gemstones, and incense, which have gained widespread popularity in recent years, especially through social media and the Internet, resins have received less attention and exposure.

As a result, people may be less likely to encounter resins in their exploration of metaphysical tools and practices.

I also find that people who are at least somewhat familiar with resins tend to associate them with their use as incense. Resins such as frankincense, myrrh, copal, and others are often burned as incense to purify spaces, objects, and individuals. The smoke cleanses negative energies, purifies the aura, and creates a sacred atmosphere for rituals and ceremonies. Continue reading

Working With Archangel Gabriel

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Working with Archangel Gabriel is a transformative and enlightening experience.

Whether you are interested in spirituality, metaphysics, energy healing, psychic reading, or manifesting, incorporating the wisdom and loving guidance of Archangel Gabriel into your daily routine can bring much clarity, inspiration, and blessings into your life.

By establishing a heartfelt connection with this powerful archangel, you can receive support in expressing your truth, finding your life’s purpose, and tapping into your innate talents and abilities.

When you work with Archangel Gabriel, you open yourself to a source of divine guidance and support. It allows us to tap into his energies of communication and creativity.

Whether we are seeking guidance in personal matters or artistic inspiration, connecting with Gabriel can bring a sense of clarity and purpose to our endeavors.

If you are facing challenges, seeking clarity, or simply need a listening ear, Archangel Gabriel is there to guide you on the path that aligns with your highest good. His presence is also calming and uplifting, guiding us toward positive outcomes and new beginnings.

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The Spiritual And Therapeutic Energies Of Blue

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comIn metaphysics, colors are associated with a specific energy signature or vibrational frequency that affects our aura as well as the energy fields in our surroundings. The energy signature of blue carries certain vibrational qualities that have both spiritual and therapeutic significance.

In spiritual and religious contexts, this color is often associated with the divine and sacred, representing a connection to the heavens and the spiritual realm. The color blue also holds a significant place in various mythologies around the world.

From its celestial associations in Greek mythology, to its divine symbolism in Norse mythology, to its mystical significance in Celtic mythology, blue represents the vastness of the cosmos, the power of divine forces, and the enduring nature of wisdom and knowledge.

Blue is also traditionally associated with spiritual healing and purification and is considered a protective color. It is believed to have a calming and cleansing effect on the mind and spirit. It is also said to ward off negative energies and provide a shield against spiritual harm.

Beyond its spiritual symbolism, blue is considered an important color in color therapy for its various therapeutic effects that promote physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

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Full Moon Release Ritual

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comTomorrow’s Gemini Full Moon will be the last full moon before the winter solstice. Traditionally also known as the Beaver Moon, Frost Moon, or Mourning Moon, this full moon is a perfect time for introspection, spiritual contemplation and inner transformation.

The November Full Moon invites us to gather our resources, release what no longer serves us, and embrace the transformative power of the changing seasons.

As we prepare for winter within and without, we can cultivate the resilience and wisdom necessary to meet the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. The ideal way to do this is through a full moon ritual.

Full moon release rituals have been practiced for centuries in various cultures and spiritual traditions. The goal of these rituals is to create space for growth, transformation, and new beginnings. The phases of the moon are traditionally associated with cycles of growth, decline, and renewal, making the full moon a particularly powerful time to release negative energies, unwanted patterns, and emotions that no longer serve us.

The ancient Egyptians worshipped the moon goddess Isis, who symbolized fertility, magic, and transformation. They believed that the full moon had the power to cleanse and purify.

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Two White Butterflies From Spirit

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe receive many signs from spirit, sometimes without realizing it. Most often these signs are from our loved ones beyond the veil to reassure, guide and comfort us. Sometimes they are from our guides or angels.

I frequently do readings for clients who suspect they have had such an experience, but they still seek confirmation that it was real when they are not sure if it may just have been their imagination.

Sometimes a client will also ask for my interpretation of a repetitive sign they have been noticing. They seek information about who it might have been, or they wish to know if spirit is trying to warn them, or teach them something.

Signs can take many forms. It usually presents in a way that will appeal to you personally, based on your personality, lifestyle, and spiritual beliefs. It might be a bird repetitively showing up to tap on your window, or frequently seeing butterflies or dragonflies. Another common sign is repeatedly seeing the same numbers, words, or names.

Last weekend, I asked for a sign of confirmation from spirit. With all the energy shifts currently happening in my life, it’s reassuring to know I have the support of my guides, angels, and loved ones on the other side.

I asked for a sign early Sunday morning, before I set out to walk my dogs. I did not have to wait very long! Minutes into the walk, two beautiful, white butterflies appeared, as if from nowhere, and remained within arm’s reach. They were doing a cheerful dance in line with my heart center for the remainder of the walk, and they only left once I had reached the gate to my home.

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Frog’s Wisdom To Adapt To Change

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comI must admit, when I initially discovered that my spirit animal is the frog, my ego took somewhat of a dive! The frog is such a small, insignificant creature that is mostly overlooked, and certainly not the most attractive of species.

In had secretly hoped my totem animal might be a majestic, powerful animal that commands attention and is admired, even adored. But here was the tiny frog, my spirit guide.

However, once I uncovered some of the spiritual symbolism of this amazing little being, I soon grew to embrace its guiding presence in my life. Frog has in fact been teaching me much about myself, my path, and my place in the world.

The magnificent little frog’s most prominent attribute is its ability to adapt and transform. Frogs are all about change and new beginnings. They are also associated with purification, rebirth, and welcoming luck and abundance into your life. Frog is therefore the ideal power animal for anyone going through major changes in their life.

In my case, it was the opposite. Over the years, I had gradually developed a worldview that was somewhat stringent, restrained, and resistant to change. My inability to communicate with grace and clarity further complicated this outlook by causing me to become frustrated, and sometimes even angry and resentful.

The fact that I chose to perceive life in a self-limiting way was not apparent to me, until frog showed up. But with frog’s inspiration the realization started to sink in that it was not that the world was not kind, patient and accommodating towards me, but instead that I was creating resistance and that my needs and expectations were not always clearly expressed to others.

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