the other side
From Skeptic To Believer In One Night!
As a child, I often eavesdropped on my parents’ heated arguments. Late one Saturday night, during one of these usual “ear-to-the-door” sessions, things seemed surprisingly less intense than usual. Instead of the customary shouting, I heard what sounded more like a lighthearted debate.
I could clearly hear my mother daring my father to “go with her” that Sunday night.
It wasn’t until years later that I learned the true nature of the dare. My mother had managed to persuade my father to accompany her to a spiritualist service in a London church.
To this day I am not sure how she managed to persuade him to go, but it turned out to be a life-changing experience for my father. I imagine it was also a great relief for my mother, who finally had a partner who shared her faith and passion.
Raised a Catholic and later a devout spiritualist, my mother often endured the ridicule of my father, who made fun of her faith in God and her beliefs about heaven and the afterlife.
But her dare marked the beginning of a significant change for him. While my father had never embraced organized religion or spirituality, he was about to have a profound spiritual awakening.
So, off they went. As “luck” would have it, Joseph Benjamin, a well-known spiritualist medium at the time, was one of the guest speakers at the church that weekend. My father later admitted that as he bundled up in his winter coat and scarf, he secretly hoped that he could make a quick getaway after the service and perhaps stop for a beer or two at his favorite local pub! Continue reading →
Psychomanteum Gazing To Communicate With Spirit
There are many approaches to communicating with spirit, all of which ultimately lead to the same result. Among the many mystical tools used to connect with the spirit realm, the psychomanteum stands out as an intriguing method.
A psychomanteum, also known as a mirror gazing chamber, is a small, enclosed space used to facilitate communication with the spirit realm, equipped with a mirror angled to reflect only darkness.
The process involves gazing into the dark mirror to facilitate deep concentration, sensory deprivation, and an altered state of consciousness.
This practice, known as scrying, has its roots in ancient Greek traditions, where similar methods were used for divination, prophecy, and communication with the afterlife. Scrying involves gazing into a reflective surface to see psychic visions or gain insights into the future while in a trance-like state.
Nostradamus, the famous French mystic, used a scrying bowl filled with water in his divination practice. He would place the brass bowl on a tripod and gaze into the water to perceive psychic impressions for his prophecies.
In traditional scrying, practitioners use crystal balls, bowls of water, or even polished stones, but the mirror in a psychomanteum provides a uniquely immersive experience. As the participant looks into the reflective surface, the mirror acts as a mental portal between realms.
Lessons Learned From Evidential Mediumship
I recently completed a year-long course in evidential mediumship, and I have been reflecting on the most impactful lessons and insights from this transformative journey.
The experience deepened my understanding of the medium’s role in bringing comfort and healing to those experiencing intense grief. It was a powerful reminder of how a well-done channeled reading can uplift, comfort, and inspire clients by affirming that life and love continue beyond the veil.
Evidential mediumship is a spiritual practice in which a spiritual medium channels specific, verifiable information to prove the continued existence of a loved one after physical death.
The practice of evidential mediumship as we know it today has its roots in the spiritualist movement of the 19th century, which sought to bridge the gap between the living and the spirit world through structured communication.
But its origins go back to ancient times, as cultures around the world have always sought to connect with the spirit realm through spiritual intermediaries.
From shamans and soothayer to the seers and oracle of ancient civilizations, humanity has always reached beyond the physical realm for guidance, wisdom, and comfort. Evidential mediumship continues this timeless tradition, refined through modern practices to meet contemporary needs.
Evidential mediumship is also known as psychic mediumship or mental mediumship, which emphasizes the fact that the process involves the medium perceiving information as mental impressions in order to convey messages from spirit.
Why You Should Be Dream Journaling
When my grandfather was alive, we had many deep conversations about spirituality and the afterlife. During a few of those conversations, he also promised me that if there was a way for him to contact me from the other side after he passed away, he would do so.
True to his word, he kept his promise. Our connection has remained strong ever since, and he continues to guide me from the other side.
It’s been well over two decades since his death, but I still have visitation dreams and mediumistic experiences in which he communicates with me. I feel incredibly blessed for these encounters, and they have confirmed much of what I’ve always believed about the afterlife and the spirit realm.
Grandpa was one of the few people with whom I could openly discuss my psychic abilities, mediumship, and paranormal experiences growing up. He was incredibly open-minded and spiritually aware for a man of his generation and background.
Not only was he a firm believer in the existence of the soul beyond this life, but he was curious about all things mystical and supernatural. I vividly remember him telling me about an out-of-body experience he had, describing how he had seen his own body from above as he “floated”.
One of the most valuable lessons my grandfather taught me was the spiritual significance of our dreams. He grew up at a time when dreams were losing their mystical significance in society as scientists began to increasingly view the dream state purely through a psychological, biological, and neurological lens.
The Ouija Board Is More Than Just A Game
A psychic client recently asked me for my opinion on the Ouija board after she discovered that her teenage son had been playing the “game” at a friend’s house.
To be honest, I have a hard time just writing about this subject, which already tells you my true thoughts and feelings on the matter.
The Ouija board may seem like an innocent board game or even a fun psychic tool for spiritual exploration. However, there are significant reasons to approach this so-called “game” with great caution, if at all.
In my work as a spiritual counselor, I have had to help a few clients over the years who have dabbled with the Ouija board and other forms of dubious spirit communication, such as necromancy. While engaging with the spirit realm offers great potential for spiritual healing, growth, and connection, it is not a practice to be taken lightly.
Developing your intuition and spiritual connection is a beautiful, uplifting process. It allows you to become more aware of the unseen and to communicate with your deceased loved ones, ancestors, spirit guides and angels. But this communication and interaction must be approached with respect, reverence and pure intention.
Well-intentioned practices of divination, psychic reading and mediumship are very different from opening yourself up like a sponge, without boundaries and protections, to any and all spiritual entities and energies.
Spirit Signs From The Other Side
As a psychic medium, I am often asked certain questions about the afterlife and the spirit world.
Is there life after this life? Where do souls go when they die? How do we know if our deceased loved ones are near? How can you tell if they are okay on the other side?
The first thing I usually explain is the nature of soul energy, the nature of consciousness and the afterlife.
Everything is energy. We are pure energy, and energy cannot be destroyed; it only changes form. Therefore, death as we know it does not exist.
Our soul energy is the essence of who we are, a form of pure, indestructible energy that transcends the physical body.
When we no longer need our physical body, our energy simply takes on a new form. Some people call this heaven or the afterlife, but it’s basically energy in a different state at a higher level of consciousness.
Our consciousness does not end with physical death, but transcends it, while our soul retains awareness, memory, and connection to other souls. The soul’s journey does not end; it evolves and remains connected to all that it has touched in this life.
Is there a “hell” or “purgatory” or a place of “eternal damnation”? In my experience, no spirit has ever told me that they are now in a “bad” place, or that they are suffering or being punished in any way.
Some Will Only Know Joy In The Afterlife
Shortly after my father’s death in 2005, I began sitting in a monthly mediumship circle with three friends. At our third gathering, my father began the first of many communications from the other side.
This experience was made even more special by the fact that one of the sitters was my father’s hospice nurse.
How fortunate I was during those last six months of my father’s life to not only have the wonderful support of this earth angel, but also to feel so connected to her through our interest in things of a psychic and spiritualist nature.
What a bonus then to have her as an additional link to him in our psychic circle.
At one point, however, my father stopped communicating during our sessions for a period of about three months. When his presence finally returned, I asked him where he had been, and he replied, “Learning about joy!”
This was very surprising to me because my father never really knew or showed much joy when he was in this world. Or maybe he never allowed himself to experience joy. The only times he seemed really happy or joyful was when he had what he called “several sherbets under his belt,” meaning he’d be pretty intoxicated!
I felt both sad and happy. Sad because he had never known joy as I knew it – just rolling around on the floor playing with my pets, sharing a joke with a friend, or being elated when a client came back to say that their life had taken a turn for the better. But I was happy that he was finally allowing himself to learn about and experience some joy.
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