Spirit Messages Through Signs And Synchronicities
Many people go through life without ever realizing that their spirit guides, ancestors, and deceased loved ones are communicating with them on a regular basis. Spirit is constantly reaching out to us from the other side, but it requires the recipient to be spiritually aware and attentive in their daily life.
The most powerful and easiest way to receive messages and guidance from spirit is to get a psychic or mediumship reading from a reputable psychic or medium.
The next best way to receive messages from spirit is through our dreams, especially visitation dreams in which we interact or have conversations with loved ones. We are most open to spirit communication when we are in the dream state.
Of course, some people are naturally more open to receiving messages from spirit, but anyone can increase their psychic awareness and become more attuned to spirit communication.
The first important step is to adopt a daily spiritual practice that raises your vibration and increases your awareness, such as meditation, prayer, divination, journaling, dreamwork, breathwork, chanting, ceremonies, or rituals.
The next step is to become more aware of signs and synchronicities in daily life. Signs from the spirit realm can include visual apparitions; smells (perfume, cigarette smoke); animals, insects, and other natural phenomena (birds, butterflies, ladybugs, rainbows); objects (coins, feathers); repeating numbers, words or thoughts; specific songs or music; or electrical activity (dimming lights, turning appliances on and off).
While they may feel small and easy to dismiss at first, signs from the Other Side often increase in frequency and size when they are focused on and acknowledged ~ Rebecca Rosen
One of my personal favorite signs is when I am out and about and hear a certain song that I associate with a particular loved one.
Synchronicities are meaningful events and occurrences that have no causal connection or logical explanation. These events may appear to be ‘coincidences,’ but upon closer examination, it becomes clear that they happened for a reason.
For example, one day you are suddenly thinking of an old friend you haven’t seen in years, and later that day you run into her at a mall you rarely visit.
Paying attention to signs and synchronicities can sometimes be life-changing, even life-saving. Not all messages from spirit are comforting, uplifting, or constructive. Sometimes it serves as a caution, or even an ominous warning. One often hears stories of people who regret not having paid more attention to the omens and “red flags,” and ignoring their gut feelings, sometimes with disastrous consequences.
Our angels, guides and loved ones want to keep us safe and on track. But when we are not paying attention, or living a spiritually unconscious life, we tend to get lost in life and find ourselves in situations we should not be in.
We’re guided on a daily basis by our spirit team, which includes ancestors; animal, plant, and elemental spirits; angels; and other guiding forces ~ Marci Moberg
Spirit wants to guide us in fulfilling the life plan and soul contract that we made before we came to earth. They are here with us to make sure that we complete our path to the best of our ability.
If we do not complete our life’s mission successfully, we will have to keep coming back until we do. It is important to believe in ourselves and to trust spirit to make sure everything happens the way it is supposed to. This is why it is important that we pay attention to our messages from spirit.
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