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The Psychic Technique Of Remote Viewing

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Recently, Brazilian psychic Chaline Grazik made waves when she predicted a plane crash during an Instagram live broadcast on August 8, 2024. Grazik urged her followers to start praying after she had a vision of a falling plane with many people on board. Sadly, the very next day, a tragic plane crash near São Paulo claimed the lives of 62 people.

Psychic visionaries, or “seers,” have always piqued people’s curiosity. Known as clairvoyance, “psychic vision,” or “third eye seeing,” people with this psychic ability are able to see visual information about objects, people, places, or events in their mind’s eye without relying on the normal senses. It is a fascinating phenomenon that has woven its way through history and has had a significant influence on religion, metaphysics, spiritualism, and scientific research.

There are documented examples of psychic visions dating as far back as ancient times. One of the most famous is the Pythia or Oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece. She was known for her prophetic visions, including one given to King Croesus of Lydia in the 6th century BC. In a trance-induced vision, she foresaw him fatally cross a river. She then cryptically warned him, “If you cross the river, a great empire will be destroyed.” Croesus took this as a sign that he would triumph over Persia, but the prophetic vision ultimately meant the downfall of his own empire.

The Bible also has its share of references to psychic visions. For example, the prophet Isaiah described a vision of angelic beings surrounding God’s throne (Isaiah 6), while Peter had a vision of a sheet of animals descending from heaven (Acts 10), among many others.

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How to Recognize The Presence Of Angels

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Angels are always around us, offering protection, guidance and support. Some of us can sense their presence and, in rare cases, even see them.

Although I’ve never seen an angel myself, I have had several profound experiences of their presence.

One day, while doing my usual phone reading, I felt the unmistakable presence of an angel. I knew intuitively that she was there on behalf of the person I was reading for.

The experience filled me with awe and emotion. I was moved to tears because it felt like such a sacred gift, both to the person receiving the message and to me. I shared the experience with my client and passed on the message the angel had brought.

Moments like these touch my heart deeply. The intensity of the emotions and the powerful energy I feel in my work as a psychic can be overwhelming. To be honest, it’s not uncommon for me to cry during a reading.

Being so attuned to the spiritual realm brings with it strong feelings of love and connection, and sometimes it’s hard to contain these emotions. People don’t always fully understand how emotional this work can be, but for those of us who do it, it’s just part of the job.

After the reading I noticed a change. Angels began to appear more often, their presence was stronger, and their messages were clearer. While I had always known they were helping me, to feel their presence so directly was a profound gift. I wanted my clients to understand how special these moments were, that these divine beings were sending them something truly extraordinary.

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The Missed Opportunities Of Prophetic Predictions

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comPsychics and mediums are mostly known only for giving personalized predictions and spiritual advice tailored to individual clients. People often come to us for help with personal issues such as relationships, career choices, and other life concerns.

But there’s a bigger picture that doesn’t get as much attention: the role of some highly gifted psychics in making large-scale predictions that address collective challenges or foresee major events that affect everyone. These larger prophecies, such as warnings of natural disasters, economic crises, or global conflicts, are often unrecognized, overlooked, and even ridiculed.

Large-scale prophecies can have a big impact on the greater good if they were to be taken more seriously. If documented and acted upon, they can help society prepare for significant events and improve overall well-being.

In our modern world, the value of prophetic insights from today’s psychics and mediums is more relevant than ever. While prophecy may seem outdated compared to modern science and technology, these predictions can help us navigate the uncertainties and complexities of the future.

At their core, prophetic predictions are warning messages from the spirit realm, universal consciousness, the divine. They’re not random or whimsical; they’re meant to guide humanity by giving us glimpses into possible future scenarios. These visions are also not meant to interfere with our free will, but to alert us to possible outcomes so that we can take proactive steps to prevent or mitigate any negative effects.

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A Step-by-Step Guide To Crystal Gazing

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Crystal gazing is a psychic practice rooted in ancient traditions. This form of divination, known as “scrying,” isn’t just about predicting what’s to come; it’s a profound tool for gaining insight into your life and understanding deeper truths about yourself.

With patience and practice, anyone can harness the power of a crystal ball to explore the depths of their subconscious and gain valuable perspectives.

Crystal gazing, or scrying, has deep roots in ancient traditions and has been practiced in various cultures throughout history. The use of reflective surfaces for divination can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians and Greeks, who used polished stones and water to gain insight.

The practice gained prominence during the Middle Ages, particularly in Europe, where crystal balls became symbolic tools for seers and alchemists. This psychic art is closely associated with the occult and often linked to the mystical traditions of astrology and prophecy. By the 19th century, scrying had become a popular psychic practice, inspired by the rise of spiritualism and the exploration of psychic abilities.

Among the notable figures in the history of scrying are several renowned psychics and diviners. One of the most famous was Nostradamus, the 16th-century French astrologer and physician known for his prophetic visions, accessed through various divinatory methods, including scrying using a bowl of water.

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Receiving Angel Guidance In Your Dreams

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I was nine years old when I met three beautiful angels in a rather unlikely setting. My parents were visiting some friends one Saturday night, and when it was time for me to go to bed, they put me upstairs in the master bedroom.

The grown-ups were enjoying themselves and making a lot of noise downstairs, so I was lying on the bed, wide awake, staring up at the ceiling.

Suddenly, like a sliding door, the ceiling opened to reveal three magnificent beings against the backdrop of the night sky. They were angels.

In later years I researched books and pictures of these beautiful beings and to my amazement some artists had captured them exactly as I had seen them in my vision that night. Their message came to me telepathically, clear and comforting: “We will always be with you.

The vivid memory of that night stayed with me and shaped my understanding of the spiritual realm. As I began to work with people all over the world, I soon realised that many people are either too afraid to open up to angelic guidance, or simply do not know where to begin the communication process. If this resonates with you, know that angels do come to us in dreams and visions, offering their guidance, protection and support.

The Bible, for example, contains numerous accounts of dreams and visions involving angels, such as Jacob’s ladder (Genesis 28); Joseph’s dreams (Genesis 37); Daniel’s visions (Daniel 7); and John’s revelation (Revelation 1-22).

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Seeing The Future In Precognitive Dreams

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Many people will tell you that they’ve had a precognitive dream at some point in their lives. In short, this is a dream that somehow revealed or predicted a future event or circumstance. Literature, myth, and history are filled with stories of such dreams, from ancient times to the sinking of the Titanic.

The concept of precognitive dreams has fascinated mankind for centuries. In ancient cultures, dreams were seen as messages from the gods or the universe, guiding individuals through their waking lives.

The Bible, for example, contains numerous accounts of prophetic dreams, such as Joseph’s dreams that foretold his rise to power in Egypt. These stories underscore the long-held belief that dreams can provide glimpses into the future.

But how much truth is there in the idea of dreaming the future? Is it really a thing?

Throughout history, people have reported dreams that seemed to predict future events. These precognitive dreams, as they’re called, have included personal tragedies, world-shaping conflicts, and even scientific breakthroughs.

Carl Jung, a prominent Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, was interested in the phenomenon of precognition in dreams. He believed that dreams could sometimes contain elements of future events or insights that were not consciously available to the dreamer. Jung coined the term “synchronicity” to describe meaningful coincidences that defy conventional explanations of cause and effect, suggesting a deeper connection between the psyche and external events.

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I Am Soaring Free

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!When I do readings for clients to help guide them through the struggles or confusion they face in their lives, I understand what they are going through. I can relate on a deeply personal level, because I have been there myself, and I have experienced more than most.

Back in 2004, I had reached a devastating point in my life where my confidence, happiness, courage and self-worth were essentially non-existent. Fortunately, I was able to overcome those challenges with the guidance of spirit, and I now know from hard-earned experience that we can overcome much adversity.

As part of this journey of growth and healing, one of my guides gave me my spiritual name: Soaring Free.

Everyone has at least three guides in their lives. There are other guides and guardians that come and go in our lives, but the primary three stay with us throughout our lives to support and guide us.

It was my main guide who gave me my spirit name in a dream. I was to be known as “Soaring Free.” When I asked what this meant, I was shown that my life was to change direction significantly and that I was to live it as if I were soaring free like an eagle every day. I received several profound messages to awaken me at that time. It brought me to a higher level of understanding (and much confusion at first) than ever before.

What was the meaning of all this, I wondered? Why did I need a new name? Were these guides coming into my life real or just my imagination? Was I losing my mind? Was I really hearing and seeing these things, or was it just my own subconscious playing tricks on me? I had many questions at the time, and so began my journey of awakening and transformation.

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