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Respect Is A Blessed Spiritual Practice

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comNothing disturbs the existence of the person who is spiritually conscious and respectful. For the believer her faith is the rock that nothing shakes. The worst storms can come, yet she’s still there, firm in her belief.

A faithless, disrespectful life without higher consciousness is perilous at best, and rife with fears, and many tears. The days tend to get darker, and the future more and more uncertain. There is little to offer hope, and life seems meaningless and transient.

But faith makes life full, smooth, and blessed. Surrendering our fears and worries to God, Source, Spirit, the Divine is liberating and transcendental.

Of course, a fulfilled, spiritually aware life is not without challenges, problems, responsibilities, and effort. Idleness and laziness will delay our soul evolution. Spiritual growth and enlightenment require effort, dedication, passion, and commitment.

For all worthwhile achievements, victories, and successes in life, we must have faith, courage, and respect; be ethical in all our choices and actions; and clearly decide what we want to achieve.

Everything that unfolds in our life begins with our own attitude and our level of respect. Those who do not respect themselves, others, and nature, cannot demand any respect in turn. Respect must guide us every day in everything we think, say, and do. It is the most important moral value and duty of every soul in human form.

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The Wisdom Of The Cuckoo

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comOver the past year, I have become fascinated with birds, particularly thrushes. They are small to medium-sized ground birds that feed mostly on insects and fruit. My interest began with the American robin, but soon branched out to other thrushes worldwide, such as the fieldfare, the Eurasian blackbird, and olive thrush of Southern Africa.

One peculiar species I accidentally stumbled upon is the well-known, and also notorious cuckoo. Apart from being famous as the key feature in  ornate wooden clocks from Germany, the cuckoo is also infamous for being a ‘parasitic’ bird that lays its eggs in other birds’ nests.

Yes, the cuckoo does not raise its own young. Instead, it takes advantage of other bird parents by laying in their nests. Once the egg hatches, the cuckoo chick attempts to push the other bird species’ eggs out of their nest, thus monopolizing the surrogate parents’ energy. The cuckoo chick typically also grows much bigger than the natural offspring of its adopted parents.

Watching some videos of cuckoos online, I became aware of many negative comments on YouTube about these amazing birds. Many folks apparently choose to regard the cuckoo as a devious villain of the natural world. However, I don’t see it that way at all.

Being a co-parent myself, who had to depend on my ex-husband to provide much of the care for my two children when they were younger, due to my personal health challenges after a near-death experience (NDE), I feel empathy for the cuckoo’s eccentricity and the unusual value it brings to the animal kingdom.

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Are You Stuck In Victim Mode?

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe all have had at least one very bad experience in our lives: a twist of fate, a major setback, an intense trauma, a tragic loss. In these moments of extreme adversity, we are usually victims of circumstances beyond our control.

But these challenging life events typically serve a higher purpose. Everything happens for a reason. It is therefore vital that we gather whatever hard-earned wisdom, personal growth or self-empowerment we possibly can from such experiences. If we do not, our suffering would have been in vain.

We can only accomplish this if we get up, dust ourselves off, find resilience within, and courageously begin to move forward.

Sadly, some people tend to become stuck in victim mode long after these experiences. This obviously does not promote their personal growth and well-being, nor does it improve or change their life for better. On the contrary, as long as we remain trapped in a victim mentalitythe negative life experience will have served no purpose and the hardship we suffered will have been in vain.

All the challenges, lessons and trials in our life are invitations and opportunities for us to grow and expand. This is true transformation. Easy lives are meaningless lives.

Now, we are sometimes allowed to complain and say ‘life sucks,’ because from at times we also get caught up in the learning and transformation processes of other people. However, we are also allowed to consciously reject that. We are not required to take on the lessons of others.

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May Our Souls Continue To Rejoice

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe have indeed so much to be grateful for today. May the joys and rememberances of this post-pandemic holiday season keep our hearts alive with hope, faith and gratitude throughout the coming year.

May our souls continue to rejoice with the miracles of joy, hope, faith and love of the Christmas of the Christians; Yule of the Pagans; Candle-mas of the Celts; Hanukkah of the Hebrews; Eid ul-Fitr of Islam; Pan-African festival of Kwanzaa; and Hindu celebration of Diwali.

In the old days, before the reformers came, the Old Oak King conquered the Holly King every year around this time. Mother Earth would then sleep under a white blanket of snow, the quiet ice of still waters, everything waiting for the Summer Solstice, when the Holly King would win the battle in turn.

We face the same battles of duality in our own lives. At times we are happily progressing along our own path, expanding, learning, growing spiritually, when suddenly an impasse comes along that requires us to become still, to be patientto wait, to rest, to contemplate, to accept. We are seldom thankful, as we would prefer to continue rushing towards our goals, our dreams, our desires. We grumble, we complain, we resist, we fight the wait, and then we wonder why we are waiting so long.

Sometimes we are meant to just take the time to rest, draw strength, find ourselves. The true lesson and miracle of this season is the wait, the peace, the rest, until we once again see our dreams more clearly.

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Spirit Will Guide You Through Life’s Murkiest Fog

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comThis time of year, I am usually way too busy to spend much time relaxing on my porch, but today, I just felt it was high time for some ‘me time.’ Yes, psychics and mediums tend to be great at giving guidance to others about the necessity for taking some ‘me time,’ but not so good about following our own advice.

It is always so calm and peaceful to just rock away in my favorite chair on the porch, feeling the energy of the ocean. It is a wonderful time for me to meditate and connect with my spirit guides and loved ones in spirit.

Looking out over the ocean, I observed some ‘sea smoke’ over the water. Sea smoke, also known as ‘frost smoke’ or ‘steam fog,’ is a type of fog that arises when extremely cold air moves over warmer water.

The sea smoke can become so dense that it is impossible for sailors to clearly see all the boats and yachts on their moorings. This is when one hears the tugboat’s foghorn guiding the big tankers safely to their destination. Although it is a strange, eerie sound, it is also reassuring to know the boats can find their way through the sea smoke.

As I came out of meditation, I noticed the sea smoke had finally started to lift. I could now see the red tugboats and the sun was peeking through the clouds. It looked like a slice of heaven to me.

Then the thought came to me how symbolic this beautiful sight was of life’s challenges and how we can overcome adversity more easily with the support and guidance of spirit.

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There Is Nothing To Worry About!

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe seem to live in troubled times. In my part of the world, we have recently experienced the passing of our beloved queen, the resignation of two prime ministers, and the continuing effects of a global economic recession. So much to worry about, right?

True, but only from a limited human viewpoint. From the spiritual perspective, we need not worry about what tomorrow may bring, because we can trust in God, Source, Spirit, the Divine to support and guide us, and to positively orchestrate things on our behalf.

As a Christian, I have faith in the Almighty having my back every step of the way. In the New Testament of The Bible, Jesus Christ makes it very clear why we should not worry about what lies ahead. In Matthew 6 he says:

“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin…Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

As a professional psychic, many clients consult me because they are fearful or anxious about what will or will not happen in their future. Worrying about the future is of course understandable, yet there are both spiritual and practical reasons why it is best not to do so:

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A New Life On Another Planet

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comScientists and thought leaders have been investigating the possibility of humans being able to live on another planet for many years now. Mars specifically is considered a viable option for future human settlement as there is water on the planet, although it is currently mostly present in the form ice, as well as in small quantities of vapor in the atmosphere. Whether another planet’s environment can become a liveable world for humans however remains to be seen.

But what if this interplanetary relocation does become possible someday soon? I have been contemplating such a drastic change of location for myself and it brought up many interesting questions and personal insights.

Firstly, why would I want to leave this known world that I have become so familiar with? Of course, one cannot dispute the fact there is lot of turmoil on planet Earth, including extreme weather, wildfires, floods, droughts, and even the possibility of food shortages, which does not seem to forebode good things for our long-term future. However, we also have much to be grateful for. The ongoing challenges and setbacks we face on the planet are also balanced with much abundance, prosperity, and well-being. Humans have always found new ways to survive and come up with viable solutions to help us sustain a successful, liveable environment.

So, if we eventually have the option to permanently relocate, after being shown without any doubt that a new home in a faraway dimension would certainly be in our best interest, what will induce us to take such a big step? Perhaps we may be convinced by the hope that we could start over in total peace and harmony, having already learned and understood that doing things in certain ways would not be for the greater good and in the best interest of all.

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