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The Soulful Practice Of Kirtan Chanting

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!An ancient spiritual practice less known in the West has transformed my spiritual routine in recent years. It is known as kirtan a beautiful form of devotional chanting that originated in ancient India.

The term “kirtan” comes from Sanskrit and means “narrating, reciting, telling, describing” of an idea or story, particularly in a religious context. This enchanting practice weaves together music, meditation, chanting, and a deep sense of spiritual expression.

Kirtan is a central practice in the Bhakti Yoga tradition, which emphasizes love and devotion to a personal deity. It involves the repetitive chanting of mantras and divine names, traditionally in Sanskrit, accompanied by musical instruments such as the harmonium, tabla, and cymbals.

Traditionally, kirtans focus on chanting the names of deities like Krishna, Rama, or Sita. The kirtan leader sings a line and the congregation responds, creating a rhythmic and melodic interplay that is both meditative and invigorating.

While Kirtan remains rooted in its spiritual origins, it has gained global popularity beyond India and the Bhakti tradition. As the practice of yoga has boomed worldwide, kirtan too has seen an immense rise in popularity. It’s a testament to the universal appeal and transformative power of this captivating practice.

Kirtan events and gatherings are known for being welcoming and inclusive, focusing on the shared experience of chanting rather than strict religious adherence. Unlike the typical musical experience in spiritual settings, kirtan invites everyone to participate in a soulful, call-and-response chanting that creates a profound connection to the divine and brings people closer together.

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Raise Your Vibration With Humor, Fun And Laughter!

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!I recently completed the first of two months of practice in a year-long advanced psychic development course that I am currently taking. The practical tests were quite challenging, even for an experienced psychic, but overall I am happy to say that it went quite well.

One of the tests required us to do a psychic reading for a stranger via video call, with the goal of perceiving details about the person at different stages of their life. In other words, we had to sense significant details about them when they were children, teenagers, in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and so on.

Before my test reading, I prepared by mentally focusing on the lady I was to read for and I did this while walking my dogs. I have found over the years that this daily time outdoors with my beloved pets is great time to receive psychic information.

It also helped that we were sent a photo of our randomly assigned subjects in advance, so I could also visualize her in my mind’s eye, which makes the process easier.

So, by the time I called her on FaceTime for the reading, I had already written down a lot of information about her younger years before the session began. For example, I had seen that she had a fairly happy childhood and even had a vision of her blowing on daisies to make a wish.

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Reclaim Your Personal Power With ‘Sat Nam’

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comAs a Kundalini Yoga teacher, I had the unique privilege of studying with Yogi Bhajan, the yoga master who introduced Kundalini Yoga to the Western world. Before he passed away in 2004, Yogi Bhajan gave me my spiritual name, Satya Kaur, which essentially means “princess” or “lioness” who embodies or strives to live by the principle of truth. It symbolizes a spiritual identity or path that focuses on integrity, authenticity, and the pursuit of spiritual truth.

Our soul identity is the key to our life journey and spiritual growth. For this reason, at the end of each Kundalini Yoga class, the teacher says “Sat Nam” to the students. The class then repeats these words back to the teacher. Because of the name Yogi Bhajan gave me, this mantra will always have a special place in my heart.

The phrase is a Gurmukhi term that translates to “Truth is my name” or “True identity.” It is used as a yoga mantra to center the mind, connect with one’s true self, and remind us of our true essence and reality beyond the physical and mental constructs of the external world.

Saying “Sat Nam” to others is similar to the greeting “Namaste,” which means “The divine in me bows to the divine in you,” or “The spirit in me salutes the spirit in you.” For me, sacred affirmations like “Sat Nam” and “Namaste” have even more power and meaning now in the dawning Age of Aquarius.

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The Mystical Phenomenon Of Levitation

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!After seeing with my own eyes my yoga teacher levitate many years ago, I am convinced that levitation is not only possible, but that anyone can achieve it through a dedicated spiritual practice.

I used to attend weekly yoga classes led by a wonderful teacher who was 76 years “young” at the time. She was vibrant and lithe enough to make us younger ones look awkward by comparison.

One evening she invited her advanced students to watch a levitation demonstration. I must admit that I was a little skeptical and did not really know what to expect, but I am always open to new spiritual experiences.

She gave a talk before the demonstration, but I don’t remember much of what she told us. What I do remember very vividly is the incredible moment when she actually floated from her horizontal position on the floor. In a trance-like state, she rose gently and was suspended about a foot (30 centimeters) in the air.

Years later, I had another unusual levitation experience. After a wonderful week-long workshop at the Arthur Findlay College of Spiritualism and Psychic Sciences in Essex, England, a large group of teachers and students from the various classes gathered for a group meditation. The powerful energy in the room that evening was indescribable.

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The Forgotten Art Of Self-Healing

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSelf-healing is a holistic approach to wellness that too often takes a back seat in our modern existence.

The mind-body has an incredible restorative and self-healing capacity that is often overlooked. Harnessing these inner forces can lead to a profound transformation of one’s life.

Self-healing is not just about recovering from physical ailments; it encompasses mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

It is the process of harnessing our body’s innate ability to recover from physical ailments and mental health challenges without relying solely on external intervention.

It’s about nurturing your body’s natural ability to rejuvenate, repair and thrive.

To achieve self-healing, it’s critical to recognize the mind-body connection. Our thoughts and emotions have a profound effect on our physical well-being. Negative thoughts and feelings such as stress, worry, anxiety, fear and resentment can all manifest as physical symptoms. Self-healing addresses these underlying emotional and mental issues to begin the healing process.

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Spiritual Techniques For Emotional Closure

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comSpirit has taught me, from a very young age, that gaining closure with a person (where necessary of course) is imperative so that we can move on with our lives in a positive way.

After all, we cannot possibly embrace our future wholeheartedly without having effectively dealt with our past. There are three types of closure:

1. Natural closure that comes with the passage of time.

2. Direct closure that we may have with the person or persons involved and where love is concerned.

3. Third party closure when we meet someone else.

All well and good, you may be thinking, but it takes time to get that natural closure. Maybe your ex (or whoever) won’t give you direct closure and you don’t want to have to wait until you meet someone else in order to get it! But you do need a degree of closure now.

Well, spirit recognizes this and offers the two following solutions which may be of benefit to all those who need to gain closure on someone and find forgiveness, and start afresh in the shortest possible time:

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How To Be More Present In Your Life

Click Here NOW for a FREE psychic reading at PsychicAccess.comWe often hear the advice that ‘being present’ is an important spiritual practice to master on our journey through life. Being present with ourselves and in the moment. I like to think of it as being with yourself wherever you go and whatever you do. This is certainly true, but what exactly does it mean? And with all the busyness of life and keeping up with our daily responsibilities, how do you become more present in your life?

Firstly, cultivating ‘presence’ requires time management and effective planning. It is important to organise the responsibilities of our lives in a manageable way. Otherwise, we find ourselves in a constant state of worry and stress, having to manage daily demands ‘on the fly’. And this is a sure way to lose our presence.

Planning ahead may seem like the opposite of being ‘in the moment’, but it is actually essential. When we are busy making plans for the coming week, thinking about what we need to prepare for and making decisions about how to organise our time and spend our energy, we don’t think much about the ‘present moment.’ But this is something we need to do in order to then be more present in our daily lives. It is key to cultivating presence.

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