social media
Why More People Are Turning To Phone Psychic Readings
Social media platforms, text messaging and chatbots have transformed the way we communicate and access information, but it has also left many feeling isolated and disconnected. While technology has made our lives more convenient, it has also created a world where real human connection is often lacking.
At Psychic Access we find that this growing void is leading more and more people to seek out phone psychic readings.
The world’s increasing reliance on digital communication has ironically led to a resurgence in the demand for live, one-to-one psychic readings over the phone in the post-landline era.
While artificial intelligence and automated responses have their place, they cannot replicate the warmth, empathy and intuitive insight of a gifted psychic.
Many people are frustrated by the impersonal nature of modern communication and long for a conversation that is both meaningful and transformative.
With our team of expert psychics and mediums, people experience the reassurance, guidance and insight that only real human interaction can provide, in the comfort and convenience of their office or home.
At Psychic Access we understand this need. Since our inception two decades ago in February 2005, we have been committed to providing live, personal psychic readings by phone 24/7 to clients around the world. Our mission is to provide a truly personal experience – one that is confidential, insightful and deeply rewarding.
As technology continues to evolve, we remain steadfast in our belief that nothing can replace the comfort and clarity that comes from speaking to a real, compassionate psychic.
How To Counteract Toxic Technology
The other day I was sitting at a traffic light waiting for the light to turn green, when I noticed something odd. Everyone around me was bowing their heads. For a split second, I thought I was witnessing some kind of miracle. Were they all having a quiet moment of prayer together?
But, of course, no one was praying. They were all glued to their cell phones!
At first I laughed at myself for jumping to such a naive spiritual conclusion. But then it hit me: this tiny snapshot of life says so much about the world we live in today.
We’ve all heard the wild rumors over the years about microchips being implanted in people’s hands, arms, or foreheads. Conspiracy theories and fear-mongering about futuristic technology have kept these ideas on the fringes of our culture and in the back of our minds for decades.
There was a time not so long ago when it still sounded like something out of a science fiction movie, right? But look at us today. We’ve been chipping our pets since the late ’80s. So, is the leap to humans really that far-fetched? Probably not.
And let’s not forget the biblical prophecy of the “mark of the beast” mentioned in the Book of Revelation. What if this predicted dystopia is unfolding right under our noses – but in a much less dramatic way?
Who needs implanted microchips when we are all clutching our smartphones 24/7? That beastly microchip doesn’t need to be under our skin; maybe it’s already permanently in our hands! And it has our full, undivided attention all day long.
Shield Your Dreams From The Naysayers
I’m in the midst of a major shift in my life – a bold leap forward that promises transformative and exciting changes for me and my family.
It is taking a lot of my time and requires a lot of work and personal sacrifice, as there are many moving parts that need to align to make it all happen. However, I know it will work and I trust in spirit’s guidance and divine timing. I’ve successfully navigated similar situations before in my life, so I’m confident it can be done.
As is often the case in these situations, I find myself surrounded by people who are projecting their fears and limitations onto me and my goals. Based on conversations with friends and clients who are supportive and encouraging, this seems to be a common pattern. What is clear to me is that these are people who have chosen to live very different lives from mine.
For example, I have a relative who has always lived in fear and has repeatedly tried to discourage me from every endeavor I’ve ever pursued — almost all of which have been successful. The few that have not worked out for the best I consider valuable life lessons.
I started my first business when I was 26 years old. This family member scoffed at me, saying it was too risky and that I was wasting my time and money. Well, that business ended up paying more than just my bills for over a decade, while many of my peers spent the best years of their lives in soul-destroying dead-end jobs. It allowed me, for example, to buy two houses and several new cars, and best of all, I loved what I was doing!
Breaking Through The Walls Of Disconnection
Have you felt like you have been talking to brick walls in your relationships lately? If so, rest assured that you are not alone! This issue has been coming up more and more in my readings. Many of my clients complain that they feel like they are not being heard or that they are simply not getting through to people.
Many factors contribute to this feeling. With so many of us addicted to our phones and social media, it’s become very easy to be physically present but mentally elsewhere. This often makes any attempt to have a meaningful conversation feel like it’s taking place in an echo chamber.
We are surrounded by so many distractions these days — constant notifications, endless scrolling, and click-bait videos that often prioritize drama and misinformation over truth and depth. These distractions pull our attention away from what really matters: meaningful connection, both with others and with ourselves.
Modern life is busy and demanding. People are constantly juggling many responsibilities and stresses, and often feel drained or overwhelmed. Many of us rarely have the emotional bandwidth to fully engage in meaningful conversations.
On top of that, people are less likely to have face-to-face conversations, or at least make a phone call, as most communication these days takes place via text messages and social media comments. As a result, there is a growing lack of communication skills and many misunderstandings occur because people have difficulty expressing themselves clearly or actively listening when they are actually having a conversation in person.
How To Deal With Negativity And Toxic Drama
Many people today feel overwhelmed, angry, frustrated, fearful. This is especially evident online in the social media landscape. Unfortunately, too often this leads to attacks on others, including innocent people and companies.
It can be challenging to know how best to deal with all this toxic negativity. I believe it’s best to approach this issue spiritually, from a metaphysical or energetic standpoint.
Energy, whether positive or negative, grows when we feed it. Consider a plant: in order to thrive, it needs water, sunlight, and nutrients from the earth. If neglected, it will wither. The same principle applies to our interactions with the world around us: by paying attention to something, we feed it with our energy.
This is crucial to remember when dealing with any kind of negativity, both online and in person. To thrive energetically, we must be selective about who and what we pay attention to.
Huna, an ancient Hawaiian spiritual tradition, teaches that energy flows where attention goes. Every time we choose where to direct our energy, we’re making an active choice about what we want to grow in our lives. When we respond to negativity – whether with anger, defensiveness, or frustration – we end up reinforcing the very things we want to avoid. To maintain peace and harmony, huna advises focusing on positive intentions and constructive energy.
By giving toxic energy thieves our attention, we allow their negaivity to take root in our hearts and minds. Feeding negativity or drama only strengthens it, which ultimately affects our own well-being. When we consciously choose to withdraw our energy from negative influences and redirect it to uplifting and positive areas, we create an environment where peace and growth can flourish.
Embrace Who You Are And Shine Your Light!
We all come to this planet with our own unique gifts. Just as no one on this planet has the same fingerprint as you, no one has your unique personality, talents and life purpose. Sure, some of us may look alike, but our soul essence and life purpose is completely unique from one person to the next.
And in a world that often emphasizes conformity and sameness, it’s also important to remember this spiritual truth: Your uniqueness is not a quirk; it’s your superpower!
I often feel sad when I see young people on social media copying each other or trying to be just like everyone else. Of course, they want to fit in and be accepted, and they fear being rejected by their peers. Unfortunately, this struggle is not limited to the younger generation. It seems that many adults are also caught up in the senseless hamster wheel of imitation and keeping up with the Joneses.
I once asked a girl who was imitating her friend why she wanted to be a copy of someone else. I reminded her, “You are gifted and a very talented artist. At first she was taken aback, but after a few moments I felt a spark of understanding in her. Then she looked at me and said, “Oh my God, you’re so right!” She, like so many others, needed a reminder of her inherent worth and unique individuality.
Each of us comes to this planet to share our special light in our own unique way. If more children were told from a young age how special they are and had their gifts nurtured by their parents and teachers, perhaps we would live in a much safer, happier and more compassionate world. Instead, I see so many folks yearning to fit in rather than embracing their individual paths and personal gifts.
The Essential Spiritual Practice Of Self-Love
The first person each of us is meant to love is ourselves. But somewhere along the way, many of us forget or overlook this essential form of love.
In a world that tends to reward judgment and criticism while valuing perfectionism and material success, many of us become estranged from our own worth and divine essence by falling into these societal patterns of self-judgment and negativity.
To make matters worse, what most people caught in this web of self-criticism do not realize is that unconditional self-love is the very foundation of our soul journey in this lifetime. In fact, it is the essential spiritual practice for a more joyful, deeply meaningful existence and a cornerstone of our spiritual evolution.
We often find ourselves caught up in self-doubt, judgment, and the pursuit of external validation. These patterns hinder our connection to our true essence and limit our ability to radiate divine love and compassion. Embracing unconditional self-love frees us from these limitations and allows us to step into our authentic power.
This journey begins with self-awareness and compassion. By observing our thoughts and feelings without judgment, we can identify the limiting beliefs and negative self-talk that have shaped our perception of ourselves. With gentle understanding, we can release these self-imposed chains and replace them with affirmations of self-worth and acceptance. When we practice self-compassion, we create a safe space for ourselves to heal and grow, embracing our imperfections as part of our unique journey.