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Is Your Texting Pushing Him Away?

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!A new client recently contacted me about a promising romantic relationship. The first thing that became clear as I began to read for her was that she had a long history of dating men who seemed like potential long-term partners, but then suddenly disappeared or broke up with her after only a few months.

It quickly also became clear to me that texting was a significant factor in her dating problems. Misunderstandings due to texting have damaged the romantic, family, and friendship relationships of many people I have worked with as a psychic professional. This client was no exception.

As I read the energy around her situation, I sensed that she had a tendency to push men away by unnecessarily panicking when she did not feel completely in control. Guys can sense panic and controlling tendencies and for most men this is usually a big turnoff.

This kind of negative energy is also stressful and doesn’t improve the outcome of an uncertain situation. Excessive obsession, panic, and worry will not bring someone closer to you; in fact, it can push a potential long-term relationship away forever.

I then had to tell her that while I did see the potential for a long-term relationship in their connection, I didn’t currently see a long-term future for them if she continued with all the texting she was doing. I told her to take a step back, breathe, stop worrying so much, and definitely not try to resolve things through texting any more.

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Empower Your Day With A 5-Minute Morning Routine

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Navigating modern life can be daunting these days, especially when juggling a business or career, family responsibilities, social commitments and personal and spiritual self-care (if there is any time left for such a ‘luxury’).

Some days can feel like an endless climb, a never-ending hamster wheel. But I have learned that even the smallest adjustments in your lifestyle can invoke the most profound changes.

A spiritual self-care strategy that has worked wonders for me is my simple five-minute morning routine. It has transformed not only my personal life but also my psychic practice in ways I never imagined.

As a passionate artist and psychic professional, I often found myself feeling a little overwhelmed and scattered. Many of my mornings used to be chaotic and my energy was often all over the place, typically setting a stressful tone for the rest of my day.

I was desperate for a change. I needed a way to stay centered, focused and productive without adding more time demands and complexity to my already busy schedule.

Then it hit me: why not try a quick morning routine designed to centre and ground me, cleanse and shield my energy, and set positive intentions for the day ahead?

The morning is a particularly powerful time to practice such a routine, I thought. How we start our day obviously sets the tone for the hours that follow. A positive, focused start, empowered by a mindful soul connection to Spirit and the Divine, can only set the stage for an empowering and fulfilling day, while a chaotic, disconnected start only leads to stress, inefficiency and negativity. So, I decided to give it a go and have not looked back since.

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Working Your Way Up The Emotional Scale

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Is it not amazing how many different emotions we can experience? No one even knows for sure how many different human emotions there are!

Over the years, psychologists and neuroscientists have proposed various models for categorizing and understanding human emotions. The highest total number of distinct emotions identified by a single model is found in the research of Alan S. Cowen and Dacher Keltner, who identified 27 distinct emotions. Their model is one of the most comprehensive in terms of categorizing a wide range of human emotional experiences.

A concept closely related to the wide range of emotions we can experience is that of an emotional scale, also known as an emotional spectrum or hierarchy. This idea involves categorizing and ranking emotions based on various criteria such as their intensity, positivity or negativity, and how they relate to each other.

There are several emotional scales that are used to help us better understand and navigate our emotions. There is Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions, Russell’s Circumplex Model of Affect, David Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness and Abraham-Hicks’ Emotional Guidance Scale.

Emotional scales and models serve a variety of purposes, including therapeutic contexts, self-help, academic research, emotional intelligence training, spiritual growth and guidance, manifestation practices, and other esoteric and practical applications. They help people identify, categorize, and work with their emotions for improved emotional well-being and self-awareness.

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The Spiritual Importance Of Living Your Passion

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!It is a sad fact that so many people in today’s modern world are dissatisfied with their lot.

However, many of us allow this to happen quite easily because we have responsibilities, bills to pay, and so on. We tend to just go along with what life gives us and resist the change that would lead to a more passionate life.

In fact, sometimes we never even stop to think about what our passion might be, and sadly, we live less fulfilling lives as a result. Fortunately, this does not have to be the case.

I know that I myself have fallen into this category of people in the past, until I found where my true passion lies, which is helping other people through psychic readings and spiritual support. As a result, I have never been happier and you, dear reader, can do the same. It just depends on where your particular passion lies.

So, ask yourself, what do you really want to do with your life? Would you be more passionate about starting your own business than doing the job you have now, or are you particularly passionate about living your life in a certain way? If so, Spirit says it does not matter what other people think. What matters is what resonates with you and what makes you feel empowered and fulfilled as a human being.

Once you have determined where your passion lies (this is your focus), you need to develop a strong belief that you can fulfill this passion in your life and this mindset will be your driving force towards your goals. Many people stop at this critical point because they are understandably afraid of change. This is understandable, Spirit says, for it can be compared to stepping into the unknown.

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Always Keep Your Eye On The Prize

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!Have you ever watched a professional athlete train for a race or tournament? The loyalty and dedication to achieving their ultimate goal can be awe-inspiring!

Serious athletes often rise at the crack of dawn, train for hours on end, follow a strict diet, and often miss family gatherings and social events. Nothing will stand in the way of the true competitor winning the gold their heart desires.

What drives an athlete to this extent? Is it all worth it, and what does it mean to us ordinary people?

The truth is that this level of dedication is not only possible for a few chosen or talented individuals. This kind of perseverance is something we are all capable of if we choose!

Our world has the potential to become a much better place if more of us embraced the dedication and commitment that athletes demonstrate in their pursuits. When we invest in our own development, we are so much better equipped to make meaningful contributions to society and support the well-being of others.

Elite athletes have little room for frivolity or laziness. They train seriously and stay focused, even in times of injury, disaster, or chaos. This unwavering commitment to their craft teaches us the importance of consistency and dedication in all aspects of life.

By adopting a similar mindset in our daily endeavors, we can cultivate the same kind of discipline and resilience. When faced with challenges or disruptions, staying focused on our goals allows us to overcome obstacles with determination and purpose, ultimately leading us to success.

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Embrace Life’s Turbulence With The Right Attitude

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!With the many ups and downs we face in life, it is sometimes possible to feel euphoric one moment and utterly devastated the next. Yes, life is challenging at times. But Spirit says that our attitude makes all the difference.

Life’s emotional roller coaster is an inevitable part of the human experience. However, by choosing the right attitude, we can transform this journey into an opportunity for growth, learning, and profound spiritual awakening. If we choose the right attitude, it can soften the emotional roller coaster ride of life.

Our soul purpose requires that there be times of great happiness and deep sorrow, for it is through successes and hardships that we learn how to evolve spiritually.

But when we choose to trust the process and embrace our journey with the right attitude, it becomes much easier to deal with the stressful issues and demands of everyday life.

Our attitude toward life’s ups and downs plays a pivotal role in shaping our experiences. By adopting the right attitude, we can greatly reduce the emotional turbulence that accompanies life’s challenges. It’s like putting a cushion in the seat of a roller coaster – it doesn’t eliminate the dips and drops, but it does make the ride more bearable!

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Make Money The Root Of All Good!

FREE psychic reading at, Click Here NOW!!!The desire for financial security and increased wealth often conflicts with some people’s deeply held spiritual beliefs, causing them much inner conflict and guilt. Sayings like “money can’t buy happiness,” “money is the root of all evil,” and “you can’t take it with you” don’t help either.

But what if we flipped the script? What if the path to money and wealth is also the path to peace and deeper fulfillment in our lives?

There is also the saying: “Money is a good servant, but a bad master.” What if money in the hands of kind, compassionate and conscious people is exactly what the world needs?

What if we stopped thinking of money as evil and started thinking of it simply as a tool for your spiritual growth and fulfillment? What if we began to see money as something good and benevolent that can be used for the greater good?

As spiritual beings, we chose to incarnate into this very time-space reality, fully understanding the rules of this dimension. One of the rules we understood was the need for physical survival and material security in this world.

Many generations of ancestors who incarnated before us fought hard to survive here in physical form, inventing new and clever ways to make the struggle to keep body and soul together a little easier for us. In the process, they co-created the Earth reality as we know it today – a co-created reality that revolves around a monetary economic system, for better and worse.

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